All Chapters of Captive Affair: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
133 Chapters
Chapter 91
•KINLEY•I attempted to hide the fact that was feeling like a truck had hit me and dumped a tonne of grief over me.But, apparently, I was doing a terrible job at it.That night while we were visiting a local club, Billie pulled me aside."Okay, what's going on? You seem miserable. You were totally fine earlier."I handed her my phone so she could read the text from Gianni.I didn't want to speak it out and risk the tears again.She frowned at the phone before looking up to frown at me, "What? This makes no sense. He was fighting to stay with you, and now suddenly he wants to divorce you?"I shrugged, "I don't understand it either. But, I am just going to take it a day at a time now. I like to believe that everything happens for a reason.""Speak to him! What is wrong with the two of you? Communication, remember?""Billie, can we please just drop it? I'm trying to have a good time tonight, and forget that Gianni even exists.""Fine. But tomorrow you are calling him.""I'll speak to my
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Chapter 92
•KINLEY• I walked down the street in Italy, shopping bag over my shoulder, sunglasses on my face. It had taken me a long time to feel normal. It had taken me an even longer time to feel happiness after Gianni. But I was finally there. I had finally reached a point in my life where I wouldn't think about him and our failed marriage every day. I knew he had looked for me for the first few months after I left Bali, but I assumed that was because he wanted me to sign the divorce papers. Instead of being mature about it and calling him, I didn't. I hid away until I was able to pretend my life with Gianni never happened. I smiled as I watched a family with a little boy. Seeing children always brought back a bit of a painful pang. I would wonder over what could have been. I shook my head to get the thoughts out of my mind and continued with my walk. Although I kept in contact with Billie and Matius via social media, I had never told them where I was. But now, after so long I deci
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Chapter 93
•KINLEY•I remained silent about my run-in with Luca on the drive back to the cottage.After we had dinner I decided to breach the subject."Billie, have you spoken to Gianni at all?""Yeah. I spoke to him yesterday.""Well, I saw Luca here. Did you tell them I was here?""No, you asked me not to. Luca is here on holiday with his wife, you have nothing to worry about," she placed her glass of wine down, "But, I do think you need to be fair and sign the divorce papers. It's not right to do things this way."I knew she was right, but I was being a coward, I didn't want to have to speak to him."Could you get them for me?" I asked.She glanced at Matius before nodding. I could tell that a silent conversation had passed between the two in that look. I knew it had something to do with Gianni."What are the two of you not telling me?"Billie sighed heavily and I knew this was about to be something I wouldn't like."Um, there's a bit of a fight going on between Gianni and an Irish mafia fami
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Chapter 94
•GIANNI•I sat in my hotel room running my fingertip along the rim of my glass.Billie didn't tell me Kinley was here. She didn't even warn me."Did you tell her?" I looked over at Luca and shook my head, "No. You saw us when you walked in, do you really think she would have been ready to jump on top of me if she knew?"Luca sighed and sat down across from me, "You're going to have to tell her.""Are you mad? Did you see her? She's not pushing me away now. I can't take the risk of telling her only to lose her again.""And what the fuck do you think is going to happen when she finds out on her own and realizes you kept it from her?""We will just have to make sure she doesn't find out then.""This is a dangerous game you're playing, Gianni."Luca was right, but I had no other option. I spent months waiting for her to return, I wasn't about to risk having her leave and shut me out again.Luca shook his head, "The entire problem was lack of communication. Do you really want to go down t
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Chapter 95
•KINLEY• Billie returned with Matius sometime after Gianni left. And both of them began to grill me on what happened.I told them the truth, I was as clueless as they were.When I first saw Gianni at the club, I was fuelled by lust. The truth was I thankful for Luca's distraction. I needed to take things slowly with Gianni after everything that happened.The last thing I wanted to do was cause either of us any more pain.I did enough of that."So, dinner. You need us to get out of the house tonight?"I frowned at Billie, "Why would I need you to get out of the house?"She rolled her eyes, "Aren't you going to bring him back here?""What? No. We're doing this slowly, Billie. I don't want to rush into getting back with him if it isn't the right choice."Matius sighed, "Kinley, fate brought the two of you back together for a reason.""Billie isn't fate." I shot her a look."I just gave you the push that was very much needed." She shrugged as if it was no big deal at all."Yeah, yeah. But
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Chapter 96
•KINLEY•As the night progressed, I began to notice Gianni was acting strangely.I was trying to move on from the fact that he told me he was sleeping around.I tried to get some sort of a spark back while we had dinner, but it felt rather fleeting and futile.When I went to the restroom, I noticed he pulled out his phone once he thought I wasn't there.He looked down at it with annoyance on his face before shaking his head and pocketing it.When I returned to the table I decided I would ask about what I saw, "I noticed you were checking your phone. Is everything okay?"He kept a calm expression on his face, "Everything is fine. It's the usual mafia crap. Barney can't leave me a moment of peace."I smiled, "How is Barney?"I noticed the way his jaw clenched slightly, "He is fine. He is doing better than I expected him to do. We work well together."His tone was clipped as if he didn't want to speak about Barney."I think I should get back home."I noticed the disappointment on his fac
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Chapter 97
•KINLEY•When I got into Gianni's car I could instantly tell that something was wrong.He was tense.Billie and Matius were taking their rental car over to the club."That dress looks even better on you in person.""Thank you. I thought you would like it," I glanced at him, "You look a bit tense, is everything okay?"He nodded, keeping his eyes on the road as we drove."Everything is fine. I'm busy with a delicate situation, so my mind is a little busy.""Mafia business?"He nodded again, "You could say that."I wasn't quite sure how to respond to that, so I turned away."Kinley, would you consider coming back home at a later stage?"I thought about my answer, "Maybe. If things work out between us, yes.""Good. I miss having you around.""I do miss you. I haven't stopped missing you if I'm being honest."He reached over with one of his hands, placing it on my knee. His touch still sent tingles through my body.We remained in comfortable silence for the remainder of the drive and when
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Chapter 98
•GIANNI•The room smelt of dampness and mildew, and the chipping concrete floor had matches of wetness from the leaking roof.I was used to dumps like this. But I would have rather been anywhere else.There was nothing in the room but a steel table and a chair; it dipped to the side slightly on the uneven flooring.Barney had arranged this place. He knew there was no reason to concern ourselves over style.We were here to get a job done.A messy job to say the least.One of our newer recruits who worked with our men in Italy sat on the chai, a deep crease on his brow and tiny beads of sweat beginning to mist over his face.He knew why he was here, although none of us told him.He was found to be stealing our product. The drugs were going missing. I stepped over to the table, his eyes stared up at me with worry in them.Barney and Luca stood on either side of the sealed door. They both knew I had no need or desire to involve either of them with this.Theft and betrayal enraged me. Bu
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Chapter 99
•GIANNI•"So should I find a replacement for Roberto?" Tony asked me.He sat on the opposite side of the table, Barney and Luca along the sides.I was distracted and kept checking my phone to see if Kinley had texted me.I hadn't heard from her since the previous day and it was starting to bother me."NO. Barney verified his story. No need to replace him."Tony looked at me as if I had grown a second head, "But he stole from you.""To pay for his wife's medical bills. Move along, this isn't up for discussion." I glanced back down at my phone."Would you like to reschedule?" Tony asked."No. I'm waiting for a call from my wife.""Kinley."My head snapped up, "How do you know my wife?""Purely coincidental. I met her a few months ago when she just moved to Italy. We became friends."I didn't miss the way Barney and Luca glanced at me."And you didn't think to mention that to me before?"He shrugged "I didn't realize who she was. I only placed the pieces together yesterday when she menti
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Chapter 100
•KINLEY•I sat rather awkwardly on the jet.Luca offered me a cold greeting when they had picked me up before coming to the airport, and Barney offered me a brief nod.I could tell both of them were annoyed with me, not that I could blame them after what I did to Gianni.I looked over at them while they discussed strategies. Gianni wanted to go in guns blazing and rescue his men, and Luca wanted to scope the place out before making any moves in case it was some sort of trap. And Barney wanted to negotiate.I decided to throw my input in, not that my opinion was asked for."Why don't you combine all three aspects?"Gianni turned to me, his expression looked as if he wasn't sure he had heard me, "Combine the three?"I nodded, "Yes. Scope the place out to make sure that's where they're being held, and see how many of their men you are up against. Once you have that knowledge you can go in. But, instead of just rushing in there, send Barney to the bosses to discuss negotiations, that way
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