All Chapters of The lycan king's hated mate: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
110 Chapters
Dark Lord
I slowly lifted my tired body and made my way to my chambers.Brianna was outside the room, guarding the door as well as two other soldiers.I did not see the need of keeping them around, afterall Avery had managed to go past them and take my mate away." You can leave." I dismissed her.One look at her redshot eyes and the eyebags, I could tell she stayed up all night.The guilt on her face was unmistakable. I could tell she was blaming herself for letting Maya down." Don't beat yourself up for what happened to her, it's not your fault." I reminded her.If anybody was to bear the brunt for whatever happened to Maya and our pup, that had to be me.Brianna nodded before walking away. Despite my words, I could see the sadness in her lonely figure.To Brianna, Maya was not just her mistress, she was a Sister.My mate never cared to acknowledge the Kingdom's ways of addressing servants. They simply interacted like friends.Seeing Maya in that State must have been a blow to her.I took a
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Shadow warriors
" What?" Samantha exploded the moment I explained to them about Albanus claims." That is just absurd! I mean like, why would she do that to our people?" She added and honestly, I was just as baffled and clueless as her.I had actually been thinking about the same thing ever since Albanus broke the news to me." I am sure the Strongholm family has a hand in this matter. " Leo added, echoing my thoughts." Your highness, I think the question should be what they are planning and why this kingdom? The reason for her actions is quite oblivious. That lady will stop at nothing to make pay and experience the pain she experienced over the years."Naver's words made sense.At this point, I think we should be thinking about what the Dark Lord would want from us to have Avery collude with him.I can't believe Avery was willing to sell her soul to the devil just to get her Revenge on us." Our doomsday is approaching. Without the Silver Wolf, the land will soon be littered with dead bodies. Darkn
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far-fetched idea
" No!" I objected to the Idea immediately making all heads turn to me.The look Samantha and Leo gave me made my heart race.No way! They can't be agreeing to such a ridiculous idea.With or without a master, the monster would still be a shadow warrior and that's enough to pose a threat to my Kingdom.What if this is the monster's plan all along? Slither it's way to us and destroy us from within?With my mate so weak, she can't bear another attack." This is ridiculous! Are you all forgetting how this monster was created? His soul is corrupted by darkness so why would it help us against the person who created it?" I voiced my concerns." He doesn't have a name, Avery refused to give the boy a name until she managed to get you to marry her." Albanus said and I glared at him.I can't believe the nerve of the man! Was he trying to say that everything was all my fault?Maybe it was." How long have you known tbe existence of it?" I asked, trying to sound as cool as possible." I am not i
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We are going for a hunt
" The South whale pack was attacked and countless members were drained of their lives." Kaiser Black, the Alpha of South whale pack reported.It's been two days since Albanus informed us about the Dark Lord colluding with Avery to conquer the world.Devin speculated that whoever this Dark Lord was had the Idea of ruling over the land and to achieve that, he did not seem to mind claiming lives of people." My pack has lost a number of warriors and ordinary members too. We have not been able to find their bodies but I have a feeling they are no more." Alpha Logan Davidson echoed." Your highness, what do you think could be the cause of this?" Alpha Kyle questioned, a knowing glint shimmered on his face.After witnessing first hand what the dark lord could do, I knew that the man had already figured out what was happening."The Dark Lord." A witch covered in a clock teleported and stood in the middle of the meeting room.My eyes narrowed at her and from Maya's description of the Witch wh
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where is Gideon?
Maya POVI kept walking and walking but I did not seem to get myself anywhere. Every step I took,I stumbled but rose again.When I opened my eyes, I saw nothing but pure darkness yet I could feel the pull towards the other side of darkness.My eyes yearned for some light but the darkness glaring at me mocked me endlessly.Every step I took, I could feel something dragging me behind.My legs kept getting heavier and every step I took was such a hassle.At times, I felt like giving up but a sweet and gentle voice would call up on me, reminding me that I needed to walk till the end.But it was getting hard. I felt like a fish held in place by many vines, restricting my movements.Subconsciously,I would hear a husky voice begging me to wake up but I was not asleep.I was restrained and I needed someone or something to free me so that I could swim back to that gentle voice." Maya, please wake up!" Just like everytime I hear his voice begging me, today it's no different.I want to shout to
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a deal?
Fear. Fear of the unknown can force you to make drastic decisions. If used well, fear is a formidable weapon.After hearing about my pup's whereabouts, I felt fear grip my heart and that is what drove me here, in the middle of nowhere following the scent of a betrayer.I can't say I am the best of the kings but what I know is the fact that I have always treated the packs under my leadership well.Not a day had I discriminated or taken one's side ignoring the other. So why would Logan go as far as endangering the lives of thousands of people.Then again,I knew the answer.Greed.It was all because of greed. Losing Maya to me should not have hurt or messed his mind. He never appreciated her so hearing him lay his claim on her after everything he made her go through, only one thing came to my mind.Pretentious.I can take anything, even his betrayal but the fact that he dared collude with others to take away my pup, I am not letting him go." This is creepy. I never knew I'll turn to a s
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Maya POV" Where is Gideon?" My question had everyone looking anywhere but not to my face.I knew from the look that something was wrong or whatever answer they would give me would be unpleasant.That made me panic.No! No! That can't be.Gideon can't be gone! He just can't leave me here all by myself.I could feel that he was still somewhere but the look on their faces confused me." I'm asking something and nobody wants to tell me? Where the fuck is Gideon? And my child?" I yelled, moving in a flash to get up the bed only to have Leo stop me by pinning me on the bed." Relax already. Gideon will be back. He just left to do…" Leo started only to be cut off by another all too familiar voice." He left to bring your child." Kyle announced, walking towards me with a huge smile.He walked and sat by my side and I found myself throwing himself in his arms.I don't know where my tears came from or what triggered them, I just found myself crying.The pain I had tried to suppress came out fl
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you promise?
" That's because Hunter is the name I gave him." I replied and the shocked look on Gideon had me wondering what it was I did wrong." What? How is that possible? Then that means you are already…?" Gideon seemed to have come to some realisation, a realisation that shocked him and my frown deepened." I am already what?" I questioned, wondering what Gideon was talking about." He's a shadow walker,a shadow warrior Maya!" Gideon exclaimed." So what? He might be different from all of us but he has emotions and feelings just like us." I countered When I First met Hunter, I knew something was different from all of us but that did not stop me from getting close to him and becoming his sister.To me, he was that Young brother I never had.Every Time he saw me sad, he would get angry and want to punish whoever made me cry.For the first time, he made me experience how it feels to be cared for.I remember that one time he pushed Regina to a lake and made sure to keep her submerged for minute
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I'm useless
Gideon POV" Do you realize that by naming the boy, you automatically became her master? She's your apprentice and will follow your orders." I informed my mate.Seems like Maya knows nothing about naming a shadow walker.Since they are created and not born naturally, shadow warriors are more like puppets. They pledge their loyalty to whoever names them, in their case, the one who created them.After that, they can only follow their owners or master's orders.Shadow warriors are known to be the most loyal creatures to ever exist. They can never against their owner's orders. Even if their owner tells them to take their lives, they would do it in a blink of an eye.That's just loyal they are. It's pretty cool but everything goes down the drain when their owner turns evil.Made from darkness, you don't want to imagine how evil a shadow warrior can become." What do you even mean by that? I named the poor boy then we swore sisterhood. There is nothing like Master and apprentice between the
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The ball is in your court
Maya POVEverything has been going good since Gideon brought Zara home. He is always by my side, keeping me company and taking care of our daughter.We made love several times and everytime we do, I feel like something is not right.Don't get me wrong, my mate is the best when it comes to bed matters.He makes sure I enjoy every moment of our love making.He is gentle and passionate, like two contrasting flavours in one cone.Yes, that's the best way to describe Gideon.He leaves me satiated and drained yet another look from him gets me all wet and wanting.But even with everything, I can assure you that something is terribly wrong somewhere and Gideon being him, he would never tell me.I Know that keeping everything from me isn't because he does not trust me, I know it's because he cares about me and wants to protect me, even from worries.What he fails to understand is that seeing him that way makes me even more worried." I don't know Sam, but something feels awfully wrong with you
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