All Chapters of Masked curse: Forbidden Love: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
92 Chapters
Chapter 71
The black Mercedes Benz drove into a large compound and made a stop in the car park. Catherine shook badly and refused to raise her head even though she felt the car stop. Raven lightly tapped her back, sending a shock of electricity all over her body. “We're home,” he muttered while patting her back. The Scorpion Soldier at the back seat opened his door almost immediately and walked to the other side to open the door. “Raise your head!“ Raven said with a brush of anger and dragged her hair so she was looking straight at him. Catherine's eyes were red and full of tears, and she was shivering like a chick abandoned in the harsh cold of winter. She looked frightened like Raven's face in front of hers was the devil in human form. “Don't be scared. You'd probably get out of this alive. Only if you cooperate, though.“ Catherine just stared without answering and Raven got out of the car. He dragged her out with a half smile and banged the door behind them. The driver and sold
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Chapter 72
Mr Miller kept panting outside his Banana Penthouse. He had a big cigar in his mouth and a stern expression on his face as he had a lot of things on his mind. Some of the Mamba soldiers had attempted to calm him but he chased them off with a single glance, even Darkie. He sat on a chair near the car garage but soon stood up again almost immediately. “This better not be!“ he groaned, blowing hard at the cigar. Darkie suddenly showed up. He looked unbelievably calm, like he believed the earth was flat and nothing would happen as long as he doesn't fall of the edge. “Have you found him? Or them?“ asked Mr Miller. “There's no way we can do that, Don. The soldier assigned to watch his movements recently gave up for some unknown reasons. And we didn't find any CCTV Cameras that could've found where they ran to after they left the estate.“ “Why are you here, then?“ Mr Miller fired. “To remind me of how you warned that we should kill her then?“ Darkie nodded negatively. “We could
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Chapter 73
(Continuation of Alvin and Nora's scene) Nora felt her body go numb at the words she just heard Alvin speak. Her heart stopped its beating. Her legs were weak beneath her and at the same time refusing to give up. Time seemed to stop for minutes and the world suddenly stopped its rotation. They were both staring at each other, Nora's green eyes lacking emotion or colour. Alvin looked uncomfortable even though he was trying hard not to show it. And he had that familiar look of regret on his face—like he shouldn't have said what he said. Nora suddenly took a step back, her hands brushing the hem of her gown. Her eyes started to appear moist; and Alvin had the sudden wish to go back in time and bend their conversation to a different direction. Nora took another step, and a tear-drop slipped from her left eye. “Nora,” he calmly called, taking a single step forward. “Don't come near me!“ she yelled. “Don't even think of it.“ Alvin stopped, his expression shifting from regret to g
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Chapter 74
David Beckham was worried-sick and restless. He kept panting and walking about in his sitting room and taking a long pull at the bottle of Whiskey in his hands. His face was red and his eyes dark as a result of fear and dread. His phone was on the large leather chair behind him, and he kept looking at the screen for the possibility of a call or text. The reason for his uneasiness and restlessness was as a result of the fact that he had called Catherine and was talking to her when the line suddenly went cut. He would have thought for a moment that Catherine had purposely and angrily hung-up on him if he hadn't heard some strange noises in the background. He called her back a thousand times but the line was going straight to voicemail. And from the five-hundredth time he called her, it was switched-off. David crashed to the chair behind him, almost sitting on his phone in the process. He had hurriedly drove to North Hollywood and to the Estate with two bodyguards to check if Catheri
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Chapter 75
Raven was walking about outside the Los Angeles mansion thinking of possible ways to find Nora when his phone suddenly rang. He looked at the screen and frowned because the number was unfamiliar. He answered the phone at the last ring and put it on his ears. “Speak.“ “Your—” the person started to say but Raven cut him off. “Introduce yourself. Who are you?“ Silence on the line. “Do you want me to end the damn call?!“ asked Raven angrily. “No—no… don't! I'm your mother's good friend. She gave me your contact details sometime ago in case anything happens to her and she can't reach you personally. I'm—” “Wait! You said “if anything happens to her”. Is there a—” “Yes!“ the feminine voice was harsh and impatient. “There is a problem. Some men dressed entirely in black and looking devilish evil came to take her. A-and they were armed.“ Raven gritted his teeth. “Take her? Take her where?“ “I—I don't know. I was thinking of calling the cops but—” “Don't you f*cking call the cops!
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Chapter 76
Alvin's POV I didn't move away from the door even after Nora left—I was too weak to move even an inch. My back was on the floor as I was staring at the ceiling of the executive suite's sitting room. Every part of my body felt numb and completely useless—and I realised why soon enough. It was because I confessed my feelings to a girl when I've earlier preached and made people believe that I would forever live as a playboy who would never fall in love or think of settling down. My heartbeats hammered in my ribcage so loud that I could hear it from where I laid on the ground. My eyes felt heavy—but I couldn't shed a tear no matter how hard I tried. The stubborn and persistent part of my head was screaming at me to open the door and run after her before she succeeded in getting out of the hotel and out of the world, but I couldn't do it because of my weak state. My heart skipped beats as I thought of “what if Raven is waiting for her outside?“ and “where would she go now that Raven
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Chapter 77
(Continuation of David and Priscilla's scene) David's mouth was wide-open as he stared at the woman in front of him. Her smile remained on her face with her hands outstretched to him for a handshake. She didn't look like she knew who he was—and if she did know, she did a good job pretending like she didn't. David's gaze slowly travelled from her head to toe, and then they stopped at her hands which were outstretched to him. His eyes stayed at that spot and he swallowed his saliva in an emotion that seemed like nervousness. Some seconds later, he moved a step back like her hand contained a burning coal and he'd be doomed if he so much as touched it with his fingers. Priscilla finally dropped her hand when it became obvious that the guy was not going to take it. Her eyes darted around in awkwardness, and so did David's—just that his' held more disbelief than any other emotion. “You look surprised,” she said at last, her voice cutting in a short laugh at the end. David's fists were
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Chapter 78
(Continuation of Alvin and Raven's Scene) Alvin gasped once he heard Raven's cold words. “R-Raven?“ he stuttered in disbelief, wondering how the hell their location was found out. “Yes. It's me,” Raven said before he punched Alvin in the face. Alvin staggered back a little and the bigger guy pushed him back to Raven. “If you want to help yourself, it's better you stay quiet while we're still here and not do anything stupid. Or else, I'll be annoyed and call my soldiers to kill Nora faster.“ The hope in Alvin's heart died instantly at that moment. He had been quietly praying that they shouldn't have caught Nora, but it seemed they had. They were both probably going to be taken to the same place and slowly tortured to death after being told to say their last goodbye to each other. Alvin tried to imagine how Nora must feel wherever they have taken her, and he felt his heart ache in pain. Raven pushed him forward while he was still in his thoughts, not forgetting to warn him that he
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Chapter 79
Flashback (How it all happened) Twenty minutes ago, after Nora had left Alvin in the executive suite where they lodged, she walked out of the hotel and started to wander around in the premises. The tears in her eyes had dried, but she still felt the pain of knowing the bitter truth in her heart. She could barely walk well because of fatigue and regret. Her mind kept going back to Mr Miller's face and how he looked when he had asked about her father. Nora knew in her mind that Mr Miller knew who she was; but the fact that he hadn't sent soldiers to kill her yet was the confusing part. Could it be that he thought she couldn't pose a real threat to him? Nora didn't care, though. All she wanted at that moment was to find a quiet place to lay her head and think about all the things life had done and was still doing to her. Nora's eyes darted left and right. She wondered if Raven and the Scorpion guys would manage to find her again. No sooner had she gotten to the gate that she remembe
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Chapter 80
David got conscious immediately a cup of ice water was thrown on his face. He coughed for a minute and squinted his eyes to see where he was. David used his hands to wipe his face and looked around. His surroundings were dark, but he could make out the fact that it was built with strong wood and not bricks. The place was dreadfully cold, like you were wearing just underwear outside Russia in wintertime. He finally took the hem of his shirt and used it to wipe the dampness in his eyes. “Who the hell are you?! And where is this place? What am I doing here?“ he said to the figure he was seeing outside the room. Wait. Was it really a room? Because the place really seemed wooden and small. David tried to stretch his whole height and stand up, and that was when he realised where he was with a shocked gasp. His head had touched the roofing and he needed to bend to belly length before he could walk. He wasn't in any room or cell. He was in a damn outdoor cage! “What the f*ck is going
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