All Chapters of Into Submission: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
42 Chapters
31. Dinner with a miss
** Anna ** Thursday rolled around so quickly. I’d spent majority of Wednesday evening and all of Thursday studying. Exhausted an understatement. I’d agreed to go to dinner with dirt bag Jon tonight. God dam it. I’d be dressing casually and in something that said ‘don’t even try’, I thought to myself. Mae and Em had an exam today so I wouldn’t see them until after my dinner tonight. Tom was away and I’d hardly spoke to him. For the first time in a while, it felt quiet. Not so chaotic. I sat feeling the silence in the air only to be interrupted by a knock at the door. “Norm!” The last person I expected to be here. “Sorry I didn’t mean to sound soSurprised I just, what can I help with?” Have no clue why Norm of all people would be here. “Good morning Miss..” he paused knowing I preferred Anna, “Anna”. He corrected. “I’ve been asked by Tom to escort you anywhere you need to go over the next few days until he gets back.” He responded answering my question. “Oh. Really there’s no n
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32. Hidden stars
My eyes stung. I had cried myself to sleep last night. I tried to fight the tears back as I replayed the whole night. The whole situation. In my head. One more day and Tom would be here. He’ll probably be mad with me too. ‘Great!’ I thought out aloud. I grabbed my phone out of my bag where I left it ring last night. It was flat and my charger was out in the lounge. I went into the bathroom and rinsed my face, and my eyes a second time before changing into some shorts and heading to the kitchen. Oh! Norm was still here. A shocked reaction as I realised he was fast asleep on the recliner. Someone must have given him a blanket. Cool! Another thing to try and explain even though I didn’t understand myself. I put my phone on charge as I began to make myself a coffee. My tummy grumbled as once again I forgot to eat last night after my disastrous dinner date. I also noticed my pill on the window sill that I’d neglected to take. I popped one in while I remembered. It really would make
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33. Sarah
I wanted to rush over to him, but he went straight to Norm and they spoke in a hush hush tone. So much for Norm not dobbing on me. “Anna.” He called expecting me to come to him. Norm and Sylvie made themselves scarce and I knew I was about to be in big. Big trouble. I walked over to him. “Anna. Shower and change. I’ll have something ready on your bed to wear.”Well hello to you too. I rolled my eyes as I walked away. I showered. For longer than I needed to as I tried to avoid my punishment. I got out and wrapped the towel around me before making my way into the room. On my bed was lingerie and a small silk robe. No other clothing items. I got dressed, looking at myself in the mirror. The lingerie was black, same as the robe. Mmm, I look sexy I thought. Tom crept in quietly and I didn’t even notice until his hands were wrapped around my waist from behind. “Admiring what I admire are we?” His tone a little more playful then before. He looked so tired. But he also wanted to pla
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34. I’m sorry to
** Tom ** I didn’t see any other way. Sarah was practically invisible. I had to coax her out. If I borrowed another sub, she’d figure out our plan. It was Anna she was interested in. Anna, who I could and would be gentle with. I couldn’t let Anna know. She had to be just as in the dark as Sarah for our plan to work. Jon kissing her, although it angered me, it created the perfect opportunity. It also proved just how interested in Anna, Sarah was. I had Norm delete the picture. I hoped she would not contact Anna again. Anna would be hurt knowing I had been with someone else without saying. I know she would. Just like I was hurt by her being with Jon despite me telling her not to let him touch her. I overestimated Anna’s strength. And I underestimated Jon. A stupid mistake. Norm had given me research on Jon. I had conducted a few business deals involving his dad. I heard he was currently in hospital. A fact I only knew Jon would use to his advantage. I hoped Anna would forgive m
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35. Drive
I didn’t need to be told twice. I started the car and drove. I wasn’t sure where she wanted me to go or where I was even driving. She didn’t say anything the entire trip. We had been driving for roughly an hour in complete silence. We got to the small carpark located near a little beach cove. I parked the car, not wanting to drive further. She didn’t object to me stopping. She unclipped her seat belt and in one swift move lifted her leg until she was sitting on my lap, facing me. She pushed into my lips with hers. I could feel her tears stain my face. I wasn’t use to having a female take lead. Only one other ever had. But I knew she was upset and if this is what she needed to do, I would oblige. She rubbed herself against me, my cock quickly coming to life at her touch, her smell. I could easily smell her arousal now, it was familiar. It was sweet.She continued kissing my lips. Searching my mouth with her tongue. She moved her hands down unclipping my pants as my cock sprung out.
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36. I was falling
Everyone stared at me as if in shock. “Is everyone okay?” I looked around at them. Sylvie shook her head and walked off while Norm did the same in the opposite direction. “Anna”. His voice soft. “Mae called this morning. She was worried. You left your phone.” He lingered, obviously unsure of how to continue.. “Jon is waiting at your house.”** Tom ** The last thing I wanted to tell her was Jon was at her house. But if I’ve learnt anything, it’s that I shouldn’t keep things from her. So I was honest. But I felt a pain like I was stupidly pushing her right back to him. I just had to trust she returned the feelings that I struggled to tell her I had in the first place. We hadn’t even had a chance to discuss the other night. The night with Jon. The night .. the night I had to go to far with her. None of it. I was scared. Scared to lose her. And that’s what made this all too hard. If I wasn’t worried about losing her. If I thought she was replaceable.. maybe none of this would have h
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38. Today was a new day
— Monday —I’d stayed at Tom’s for the rest of the weekend. He was… different. More caring. More soft. I refused to postpone starting this week in my new job. Frankly the distraction was what I needed right now. Sylvie had picked up a few dresses, all business attire. I picked out a mid length navy blue dress for my first day. It was simple, yet elegant. Tom had insisted on driving me on my first day. I didn’t want anyone to talk so we agreed to walk in separately. Him first. Once I was ready, I checked my makeup once more. I used concealer to hide the bruising. The scratches, the marks. A few bruises on my legs were easily hidden with a pair of stockings which fit nicely with my black gloss heels. I walked out and was greeted by Tom’s smile. “Ready then princess?” He asked as my cheeks blushed at his words. Once we got in the car, Tom handed me a small gift box. He didn’t have to get me anything, but insisted as it was my first day. It was a rose gold pen. As far as pens go,
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39. I’m ready
Did I just tell him I’m ready or did I just tell him I know how to let him know I’m ready. If I was being honest I don’t know which one I actually meant. But it didn’t matter anyway, Tom kissed the top of my head and whispered into my ear, “you need to recover first princess, but I like your eagerness”. He really did have a softer side. He was acting like a boyfriend more and more each day, this all just didn’t make sense. I sighed and rolled my eyes, apparently loud enough for him to notice. “Is there a problem Anna?” He queried. I’d have enough of holding back. I had a sea of emotions coursing through me and everything seemed to come crashing out. “Why be so kind and caring and loving towards me..” I paused assessing his facial expressions before continuing, “when you don’t want a relationship?” He stayed silent as usual when I brought up the feelings chatter. “Am I wrong to not think there is something more here?” I again sat, assessing his face, but this time I would wait f
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40. Only so many sorrys
** Anna ** It’s a new day, I thought to myself as I opened my eyes to the sun glistening through the sheer curtains. It was quiet and I only imagined it was still early hours of the morning as no one else was about. I skipped to the kitchen and made myself a coffee. It appeared to be a nice day so I walked out onto the balcony and sat in my usual spot enjoying the morning light, the glistening sun. The rays beaming down on my milky skin, heating me up. It was Sunday so I’d stay at home tonight before work tomorrow. And then I’d only work until Wednesday this week due to exams. A short week, I could deal with that. I could hear someone in the kitchen, I looked through the window and could see Sylvie going about her usual morning routine. She didn’t notice I was outside. I wondered if Tom was awake yet. I sighed a little as I recalled our conversation from last night.I sat a little longer enjoying the fresh air before going in and joining Sylvie. “Good morning Anna, how did you s
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41. Focus
Focus Anna! Focus, I thought to myself. I had exams coming up. I needed to study and I really needed to just clear my head. ‘I’d go for a walk first and then hopefully my mind would be less.. cluttered’, I nodded to myself. As I was leaving, Mae popped her head out of her room. “A, where are you off to. I’m just about to go for a run, I’ll come with?” Noticing I was in workout clothes, she too was obviously needing to clear her head. “Sounds good, I can wait if you’re still getting ready?” “I just need a water bottle and I’m good to go!” M answered. We strolled the streets, jogging up and down a few of the hills. It was nice. The fresh air was just what I needed. We walked past the fancy houses not far from us and admired their gardens, Mae picked a few that were over hanging the fence and admired their fragrance. Instead of heading straight home, we decided to stop at the little coffee shop on the corner not far from us. It didn’t have much in terms of food, a few slices and
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