All Chapters of Billionaire's Crazy Girl : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
72 Chapters
May pulled away when she watched Debra's car drive off. Jared stood still, staring into her hazel eyes. May's cheeks flushed in embarrassment. She quicky covered herself by hiding her face in his chest. That made her more embarrassed but she had to do it as she wasn't expecting to see the reporters there. Jared signalled to Matt who was watching them from a short distance to take care of the reporters. Then he slowly walked with May following him, her head still hidden in his chest. Somehow, she loved his scent and didn't want to let go. When they got to Jared's car, he stood still smirking. He wasn't sure what he felt, but he sure loved seeing her cute actions. She kept touching him in places that made him weak. "You can let go now. They won't see you here." He whispered, sending shivers down her spine. She let go immediately, clearing her throat and looking away in embarrassment. She wanted to hide, but there's nowhere to hide. "Umm... Thanks. You should not have any inappropri
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It was all too sudden for May that she almost did not understand what happened. By the time she regained herself, she was very annoyed. The rage on Debra's face did not scare her at all. "How dare you?!" Debra spat at her. "Wrong question. What the fuck! How dare YOU?" May did not waste time hitting her back. Debra held her face in anger. She badly wanted to kill May as everything that happened tonight was what she never expected."You stupid wrench, how dare you hit me? Do you even have the right to hit me after what you have done to me? Everything was going so well until you showed up. Why don't you go ahead and die already?!" Debra fired in anger. May adjusted her head dramatically. She was very happy to see her sister in despair . She was very happy that her sister is now desperate. Of course this is all about money. May is the only one that knows her sister more than anyone else. This is a perfect plan to make Debra show her true colors. This is the perfect time for everyone t
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Jared patiently waited for May at the river in the park where May asked him to meet her. He stood looking around with his hands on his waist, pushing his suit back. There are less people around here so it's easier for him to wait. He waited tirelessly, occasionally smirking after each ten minutes. It took her thirty more minutes to the time she mentioned for her to arrive. He saw her walking towards her with a smoke in hand, she looked really pretty even though she's nasty. He couldn't take his eyes off her, he hasn't been able to since he met her. She stopped right in front of him, giving him a fake smile. She did come late to annoy him and she was expecting him to get mad. "You're early, I just got here." She said, throwing her cigarette away and stepping on it. "I know. I came thirty minutes ago. For someone who has a large business to look after, I really have enough patience." He replied, still calm. "Why are you so calm? Aren't you gonna go berserk on me
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"You can leave now. I am not a child." May told him, knowing he is following her because of the attack. Jared on the other hand is restless. He doesn't understand if he is also doing this just because of what they have together or if he is truly worried about her. "Stop acting so stubborn." He sneered, she stopped walking and faced him with her arms akimbo. "Let me take you home. It's dangerous for you to keep walking around until I get that guy." She scoffed, "Look, I appreciate your help and all that. But you need to stop here. I'll take care of my business and you take care of yours..." "Why should I?" He asked, like he didn't understand. "Why shouldn't you? Stay the fuck out of my business!" She snapped at him. "Well you are my business now. I'm sorry, I won't stay out of it." He replied stubbornly. May huffed. She could not believe he was being so stubborn. Is he finally showing his true colours? She'd always known people like him would be a problem to her personality
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Celine and Dave Sanders, May and Debra's parents went to visit Madam Diana in regards to what is happening between their children. They are actually going after contemplating for a long time. They have tried to actually talk to May but their efforts seems to be useless as May's mind is actually made up. They think she is rebelling by doing this to them. It seems they know her too well to realize what she is actually doing. But everything they worked hard to get would be ruined because May keeps getting in the way. They had a talk with Debra in the morning during breakfast, before she left for college. “Do you think you could beg May a little and ask her to stop? She'll listen to you, she has an average brain after all.“ Dave asked Debra who was silently eating. Debra stopped eating at the mention of 'begging' her sister. “You think May has an average brain and because of that she'll listen to me? You don't even know her more than I do.“ Debra complained. “Exactly why you need to d
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May went straight to look for Caleb after leaving her sister. Seeing Debra suffer was enough for her to be happy the whole day, but recalling what happened to her made all those go away. Now, she has to go look for him because he is the only suspect she has in mind. She wants to strangle him so bad but hasn't gotten the chance to. She was lucky enough to find him sitting among his friends. She has been calling his phone but he refused to pick up. Caleb was seated like he was waiting for May to arrive. He was in fact waiting for May to arrive. “Look who's here. What do you want to do now? Beat us all up? Or are you going to report us to your rich boyfriend?“ One of them asked May. May nodded, “If that's what you want, who am I to say no?“They looked at each other and kept shut immediately. May pushed the other guy aside and moved closer to Caleb. She grabbed Caleb by the collar, her eyes portraying how much anger she felt. “You sun of a gun, I want you to follow me right now. Unle
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May could not keep her mouth shut as she did not understand why Jared was suddenly becoming annoying. It seems like they still have a lot to talk about. They needed to know each other's privacy and respect each other's spaces. May looked at him like she would snap his neck if he did anything more stupid than he is already doing.“I thought we already talked about this? But we are not supposed to be seen in public together. So what are you doing here at this time to be exact? Don't you have work to do? I thought you are a very busy man?“ May asked, glaring at him. Jared ignored her anger and faced Kayla with a smile, “you've got a very beautiful friend but she looks like the exact opposite of you. Hello I am…”“You are Jared Holland, you are not invincible almost the whole world knows who you are. I am Kayla, her best friend.“ Kayla cut him off, returning the smile. Jared was impressed. If this woman could tell who he was, then why couldn't May get who he was at the first glance? Does
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“I can't believe she dared tell me that!“ Jared fumed in anger when he got home, he threw his suit on the floor in his room. He pushed his jaw back, trying to control his anger. “I am doing her a favour by dating her. How can she tell me that she is no longer interested in me? No one has daref tell me something like this in a long time and no one would even reject me! So what the hell is wrong with her? Why can she make me so angry and I can't even do anything to her?“ He wondered, talking to Matt who is just staring at him. Matt has not seen anyone that would make him very angry in such a long time. May isn't someone who he would spare on a normal day but it's real. She has a spell on him that controls him and he can't even do anything to her no matter what she does. “What do you think Matt? Should I punish her?“ “I would personally recommend making her life a living hell by cutting off her education first. And then bringing a scandal into her life that will ruin her. Then we'll b
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“Are you really in love with her? You're not saying anything which probably means that I am saying the truth.“ Kent asked him. He shook his head quickly to deny the allegation, “No I am not. Why would I suddenly be in love with her, I don't think i can fall in love with that girl ever.“Kent smirked, knowing Jared does not even know what he is talking about. He has not seen Jared be this serious about a girl since school days. He used to be the one to break their hearts before someone did that to him, but that was a long time ago. He wasn't really affected much because he was not deeply in love with her. At least that's what he said. “Are you sure she's not your time. For all I know, you like stubborn and hard girls. Why do you keep bothering about who she likes of doesn't like if you really feel nothing for her?“ “I don't know why you are trying to twist the whole situation. I think I am wasting my time talking to you about thos, I knew you were going to keep living in your imagina
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May woke up the next day very late after spending the whole night on her phone because she was unable to read. She just couldn't get him out of her head. She didn't go home as she slept in Kayla's studio apartment which she plans to move into later in the day. She knows she won't last long in her parent's house if she goes back there after what she did to them. She also won't be able to carry out her planned revenge if she stays there. She looked around the room and didn't see Kayla. Maybe she is out buying something or she went to school without May because she is still upset about what happened yesterday?She stretched herself on the bed and made her way to the bathroom to have her bath. She washed her face first, staring at her perfectly smooth face in the mirror. This is one of the things Debra is jealous of. May has the perfect face while Debra has to spend a lot of money on skincare to keep her beauty. It is very tiring as Debra used to have very bad skin growing up. She smiled,
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