All Chapters of Her Quiet Revenge: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
88 Chapters
Chapter Fourth One
Chapter Fourty OneAuthor's PovRose had made it seem like she had long moved on from the betrayal she experienced at the hands of her ex-boyfriend, Ryan.She had shown them she had built a successful career and found happiness with her loving husband, Alfonso. However, she never knew fate had something unexpected in store for her.It looks like his betrayal did not even start with having an affair with her best friend; it was something more than anyone could ever expect or think of.Alfonso had stumbled upon information about Ryan's fraudulent activities through a trusted friend. Realizing this could expose him for the deceitful person he was, he devised a plan alone to help bring Ryan down once and for all.He wanted to see her happy; he had seen pictures of her on the internet. She had a wide smirk glued to her face—smiles that he had never seen on her since the day he had saved her.He knew that the only way to uncover Ryan's fraudulent activities was to get him into their company
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Chapter Fourty Two
Chapter Fourty-TwoAuthor PovAs the days passed, Selena couldn't shake off the nagging worry that Ryan's desperation might push him to take drastic measures. The fear within her intensified with each passing moment, knowing that he held the power to expose all their secret misdeeds. Burdened by the weight of guilt and apprehension, Selena felt compelled to protect herself by planning an escape—an exile from a life tainted by deceit.Ryan had not told her about what he witnessed some days ago. He only called to inform her that he might have found a way to help himself out, but the sound of his voice had made her feel quite uneasy.In the quiet solitude of her bedroom, she stared out of the window, raindrops tracing melancholic paths down the glass. Her mind raced with thoughts of what Ryan might do next. She couldn't bear the thought of his actions spiraling out of control, threatening their own lives and futures.Determined to distance herself from the situation, Selena began meticul
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Chapter Fourty Three
Chapter Fourty ThreeAuthor's PovSelena had always dreamed of a better life, away from the world of crime and deceit that had consumed her for far too long. With her degree in land management secured through immense determination while she was back in school.She was about to start a new life and had promised her connection that she was going to live a peaceful life. Now she just hoped she could fulfill her promise.After abandoning her ex-partner in crime, Ryan, to take the blame for his own misdeeds, Selena knew she had made the right choice. Leaving everything behind, she sought solace in a new city, determined to build a life of honesty and integrity, even though she had missed everything she had left behind.Armed with her impressive qualifications and a burning desire to make a positive impact, Selena relentlessly searched for a job in her field. After numerous interviews and setbacks, she had no option but to disturb her connection one last time, and finally an opportunity pre
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Chapter Fourty Four
Chapter Fourty FourAuthor's PovAfter the intense ordeal of defeating her ex-fiancé and best friend, Rose's heart yearned for a sense of closure. She knew that in order to truly move forward, she needed to confront the remnants of her past that still lingered in Italy with her contract husband, Alfonso.With determination in her eyes, Rose boarded a plane bound for her home country. As the hours stretched on, thoughts of her tumultuous relationship with her estranged husband flooded her mind. She wondered if he had changed, if their encounter would rekindle old wounds, or if there ever was a chance for the both of them to be together.Stepping foot on Rome's soil once again, Rose felt a mix of apprehension and nostalgia. Memories of her life with Alfonso, tainted by deceit and manipulation, resurfaced. She knew that facing him was necessary to find the closure she so desperately sought.With each step towards Alfonso's mansion, Rose rehearsed the words she wanted to say, trying to br
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Chapter Fourty Five
Chapter Fourty-FiveAuthor's PovAs the morning sun gently filtered through the window, Picasso stirred awake, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. He glanced at Rico, still lost in dreams, and decided to wake him up in the most delightful way. Quietly, he leaned over and placed a soft kiss on his bare shoulders, savoring the warmth and intimacy shared between them.When Rico finally opened his eyes, he was greeted by Picasso's beaming face. "Good morning, my love," he whispered, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I have a surprise for you!" Rico couldn't help but be intrigued and curious about what Picasso had in store for him.Picasso guided Rico through the bustling streets of Paris, hand in hand, both filled with anticipation. They arrived at a charming café tucked away in a hidden corner, its tables adorned with vibrant flowers. Rico's heart skipped a beat as he realized that Picasso had planned a romantic date just for the two of them.They settled at a table with a pictur
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Chapter Fourty Six
Chapter Fourty, SixAuthor's PovRyan sat alone in his cold prison cell, his heart heavy with anger and betrayal. Selena, his once-beloved partner, had turned her back on him in his darkest hour. Accused of embezzling funds from the Alfonso Company, Ryan had been left to face the consequences while Selena escaped unscathed.Ryan had trusted Selena with his heart and soul, believing in their love and the life they had planned together. But when the walls of suspicion closed in around him, she chose self-preservation over loyalty, leaving him behind without a second thought.As days turned into weeks, Ryan's anger grew like an inferno within him. The unfairness of his situation gnawed at his sanity, fueling his desire for vengeance. Every night, he replayed memories of their plans, which were now tainted by the bitter taste of deceit. He couldn't believe he had fallen for all her ruling an empire together nonsense.Oh, how gullible he was.Surrounded by cold steel and desolate silence,
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Chapter Fourty Seven
Chapter Fourty-SevenAuthor's PovMonths had passed since Selena's life had taken a dramatic turn. The once egotistical and envious woman now finds herself on a journey of redemption and healing. Along this path, an anonymous figure emerged, becoming her lifeline and guiding her towards a brighter future.Selena woke up one morning to a phone call from her anonymous connection, who had aided her during her darkest hour. It had been weeks since their last communication, leaving her both curious and anxious about their sudden contact."Selena," a familiar voice said softly on the other end of the line. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."A mixture of relief and gratitude flooded Selena's heart. She hadn't forgotten the immense debt she owed to this person, who not only helped her evade justice but also supported her through therapy and recovery. "No, not at all," she replied, her voice filled with warmth. "I was just going through some old photographs.""I wanted to check up on you,
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Chapter Fourty Eight
Chapter Fourty-EightAuthor's PovOn a warm, sunny day, Rose found herself yearning for a break from the demands of everyday life. Alfonso was busy with work, and she wanted to spend time with friends who could bring laughter and joy back into her life, but since she had none here yet, she settled for one. And so she made plans to meet up with Rico, Alfonso's friend's boyfriend, for a day of fun and relaxation.The group gathered at a quaint café in the heart of the city, their faces lit up with anticipation. Rose had always admired the vibrant energy that Rico exuded, and his presence was sure to brighten her day.As they both settled into a cozy booth, conversation flowed effortlessly, tumbling from one topic to the next. Laughter filled the air as they reminisced about shared experiences and traded stories. The weight of responsibilities and worries seemed to dissipate as they basked in each other's company.She never really knew the tense and strict guy who always frowned whenever
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Chapter Fourty Nine
Chapter Fourty-NineAuthor's PovIt had been months since Rose narrowly escaped the clutches of her trusted uncle and godfather, Mr. Matteo. The memories of that harrowing experience still haunt her, but she had managed to build a new life for herself with the unwavering support and love of her husband, Alfonso.Little did Rose know that the shadows of the past would resurface once again, threatening to shatter her newfound happiness. Unbeknownst to her, Mr. Matteo had returned, consumed by greed and fueled by a desire to obtain the will her late father had entrusted to her.This time, Mr. Matteo had found an unlikely ally in Nicole, Alfonso's unpredictable and vengeful ex-girlfriend. Their alliance was one forged out of twisted intentions, aiming to kidnap Rose and extract the information they needed by any means necessary.As Rose went about her daily routine, oblivious to the impending danger, Alfonso noticed subtle changes in Nicole's behavior. His private investigator had told Ji
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Chapter Fifty
Chapter FiftyAuthor's PovAlfonso sat by the window, watching the sun set and casting a warm golden glow across the room. As he gazed out into the world, his thoughts turned to Rose. A smile played on his lips as memories of their journey together flooded his mind.It had only been a few months since Alfonso had met Rose, and he couldn't help but marvel at the way she had brightened his life. From the moment they crossed paths, Alfonso knew that he had found someone special—someone who brought a radiant light into his world.Rose had a way of making the ordinary extraordinary. Her laughter was infectious, and her smile could melt even the coldest of hearts. She had a warmth about her that made Alfonso feel like he was wrapped in a cozy blanket on a chilly winter's night.Thinking back to their early days, Alfonso remembered how Rose had effortlessly woven herself into his family, especially his mother. The bond between them had grown stronger over time, and Alfonso marveled at the in
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