All Chapters of Betrothed To The Mafia Lord: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
141 Chapters
Alice Anderson"Wait, what? She changed her mind?!" Sophia looked shocked as she questioned Chloe. Not only her but every one of us in my room right now looks shocked. The girls missed my mom's food so, they decide to come to Dad's house since that's where Ken and I still are. We will be leaving for our house by the weekend though.We're doing Skype with Chloe right now. I'm so happy, I can't even contain my happiness and end up jumping out of joy. "But how did it happen? Just yesterday, she was still adamant and believed you're only with her son because of his money?" I asked. "Well, turned out my mom used to be her friend, and also, they've always wanted Seb and I to marry each other right when we were kids. They lost contact some years ago and she couldn't even recognize me while I was working in the palace " Chloe explained. "What?!!" We all exclaimed at the same time."Yes, yes. I know y'all are surprised. I'm as surprised as you girls.""But, how is that even possible? It me
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Alice Anderson"Hey Ken, what's with the weird look on your face?" Sophia tried to make a joke but instead, he walk over to where I was seating, grabbed my right hand, and forcibly stand me up. "K... Ken" I stuttered as I called out his name in fear. Seeing him acting like this is beginning to scare me again. I thought, he has changed. So, what's going on?Without replying to her, he tried to drag me away with him but Sam hurriedly stood in front of him with her hands wide open as she stop him with her slender body. All my friends joined her and tried to block him with their bodies."Out of my way, Sam" he ordered in a cold tone."No, we're never going to allow you to take her away like that. Do you even know how you look right now? You look like a monster and I'm sure, you're definitely going to hurt her again. No, I'm not going to allow that. You've been hurting her way too long and now, you really have to stop that. It's time you stop all this nonsense, Ken! I thought you have ch
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Alice Anderson I shut my eyes tightly waiting to feel his hand on my face but being waited for a few seconds and felt nothing, I opened my eyes slowly then... I saw the most shocking thing. Ken has water of tears dripping down his cheek. I can't believe he's actually tearing up right in front of me. I thought... I thought he was going to hit me but instead, he end up hitting the wall. "Ken I-" I tried to talk but he raised his hand stopping me. "Leave my room now," he said with no emotion in his voice. "Ken please, can you at least talk to me? I don't know how you came to know about James but believe me, there's no-""I don't want to listen to anything. Just leave my room now before I change my mind" he said again in a hard tone. "But how can I? You drag me all the way here just to send me away without asking me the question you intend to?" I asked in a worried tone. "GET OUT NOW! GET OUT! JUST... GET OUT!" He growled.I hurriedly ran out of the room before he does something cr
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Alice Anderson"K... Ken?" I instantly jumped up from my seat. "Ken, what are you doing here?" Elina asked but he didn't answer any of them and walked up straight to me. The next thing he did really surprised me. He... He kissed me! I wanted to believe I'm in a dreamland but no, this is really happening to me right now. He is freaking kissing me!"Okay, guys better make sure you mend things this time around and also make sure, you make little Alice for me. I can't wait for you to-""You're crazy! Just a while ago you don't want them together and now, you want them to make babies for you. Let's get out of here" I heard Sam's voice say. "But I... No, I have to-" That was the last thing I heard before the banging around of the door. Once they were out, Ken stopped kissing me and sauntered straight to the door and lock it then, he walk back to me. "Ken, what's going on and why ar-" Before I can finish my statement, he pull my body closer to his and kissed me passionately. He begins t
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Alice AndersonI walked out of the bathroom and saw Ken sitting on the edge of the bed with his head buried in his hands. Even though I want to ask him questions, I really want to ask him what happened hours ago and why did he act that way towards me but I don't dare to do that. I feel it might wake the demon in him again and end up treating me badly which I don't want and can't even withstand. I do not know what he was thinking about right but I don't want to come in between himself and his thought so, I decided to pick a new dress from my wardrobe when I felt him suddenly wrap his arm around my waist from the back. "Hey" I said faintly. "I'm sorry for what happened earlier. I know... I know you have a lot of questions for me right now but, I'm not ready to answer them. I know this is is wrong and you deserve an answer from me but I'm truly sorry, I can't do that. I hope you will understand me" I heard him say. I broke the hug and turned around to face him. I look intensely into
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Alice Anderson"Lover birds, they're here" Sam said in an excited voice as Ken and I walked into the living room. Mom was sitting in the middle of Susan and Elina, I believe, she was telling them a story or something. They all look cheerful. "Hey Mom," I said, taking a sit beside Sophia and Angel. "Erm... I need to be somewhere now. I will be on my way" he said, facing my mom. "What? But I made food so we can all eat and be full. I can't believe you two slept together this afternoon" Mom said, eyeing Ken and me as I got choked and begin to cough continuously. "Mom!" I yelled. "Did I say anything wrong? I almost check up on you in your room but your friends stopped me. They told me you had a terrible headache and that Ken was taking care of you. I also tried to check up on you some moment later but they told me you two slept off already. I believe you two must have been really tired from the work you both had" she said again. Even though the last part hit really hard, I had to w
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Alice Anderson"Alice, are you sure about this?" "Enough! That's enough, girls! What we need now is not this but happy moments. Let's forget about everything and focus on making ourselves happy. And since, Ken has made up his mind to treat you good, let's believe things will go fine from now on" Sam suddenly announced. "Yes,yes. I go with her" Elina chimed with her. We decided that forget everything and make ourselves happy. They came to have time with him, I later realized it's not even okay to weigh them down with my problems all the time. We called Chloe and told her about it and, she seem happy too. It amaze me how she can change her mind in a swift. Just some hours ago, she was hellbent in me divorcing Ken and now, she seems happy for us. They made me realize they don't hate Ken at all, they're only upset at him for hurting me and that's all. "Hey, what's that important that you had to go to your house? Didn't you bring everything here when you were coming?" Sophia asked. "
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Alice Anderson"Why is this here?" He asked."I... It's yours. I mean, it belongs to you right from the beginning. I know, you might think, what kind of a game am I scheming now but believe me, I'm not scheming anything. I believe, you only deserve this. I don't have the right to own your property when they belong to you. And also, you do not have to worry, Dad is not aware of this. I did this on my own a long time ago even when you and I were not on good terms. So, here it's " I finished ranting and make out a nervous laugh too. He stared at me for a few seconds without saying a word to me. Even though I could read his eyes right now, I have no idea what's running through his mind at the moment. All of a sudden, just before I can say a word, he lean closer and hug me tightly. "Thank you" he whispered to my ear. "Thank you so much for this, for everything, I appreciate your sincerity toward me. And also, sorry it took me long to know who exactly you are. I always regret treating you
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Kenneth DomancoI would say I'm shocked by what Alice did tonight. I wasn't expecting that from her. Though, I found out recently she will the property in my name a week after my dad willed everything in her name. I was shocked when I found out, I have always thought she wanted to have all of my wealth to herself but I was wrong and today, she brought me the original document that has my name written on it. I can't believe she betrayed my dad just to make me happy and make it up to me. I regret not giving her a chance for a very long time. I shouldn't be that sad though. I mean, she's been changing me a lot recently. I can't believe the old arrogant, wicked, and heartless Ken is now gone and replaced with the different cool Ken. I hardly smile and when I do, it's definitely going to be around my friends but now, I found myself smiling over little things Alice does. She now makes me happy. I know, I almost lost it this morning when I received that weird text from my ex Anna. Did I j
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Alice Anderson"I can't believe you blamed me all these years when I was just a little girl who have no idea of what was going on" "I know babe. I'm wrong and I shouldn't have blamed you" "It's fine. What about your mom? What information have you gathered about her? Do you still think she's alive?" I asked."I don't know yet, I'm still trying hard and hoping she will be" "If she's still alive, I'm sure you'll find her soon, don't worry ""I hope so too. Thanks, babe""Can I ask you a question?""You already did" he teased and I smack his arm. "I'm not joking, Ken.""Of course, babe. You can come on, go ahead""How did you find my mom? I mean, I believed she was dead. Never have I ever imagined that she will be alive so, how did you know she's alive?""That's a secret, babe. Let's not talk about our past anymore. From now on, let's focus on the present. I do not want us to keep talking about what has hurt us in the past... Can you do that for me?" He asked as he lean closer and wip
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