All Chapters of Riga's Return: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
36 Chapters
Another Dimension 2
*We were quiet for the next thirty minutes, I guess. The little baby has been long gone to sleep. I was loving the sound of his breath, it was almost like a whisper.I would smile staring at him, and I wouldn't mind smiling till the rest of the night. Or even looking like an awkward clawn... I'm cool with that." We have to rest and continue the search tomorrow. " She said, adjusting herself as she slept beside her child." Good night. "" You know, we didn't get to know each other's name. " She reminded, " I'm Cathrine by the way. "" I'm Elisa. " I replied. " Good night, Elisa. "" Good night, Cat. "I went out to the almost destroyed balcony of the building, glaring at the moon. It looks pretty good to be in somewhere like this.I wondered how possible it was for one man... I mean, one creature to do such a thing. Everywhere looked like it was being affected by some natural forces or.. is there anyway he was fighting with this natural forces?Or am I just overthinking the whole t
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The Stranger In Her Ward
Elisa ✓We got to a place even from a far we could feel the wild wind which blew around that environment." I think that's the our last destination. " Cat said as we made it more further." I can see it. " I exclaimed happily. There was a very wide portal at the dead end of the street.We've search all over the city for an exit but this was the only option we could find, so it's definitely my way out... our way out." Come on, let's walk faster. " She told me and we made it further to this portal.On getting there we made a stop. " Are you sure this is the right exit? " I asked, feeling a bit unsure." We've both gone everywhere and we've found no exit. Trust me, this is an exit."" Okay, on my count. I'll count to three and we both jump in there at the same time. Get it? "She nodded." Okay, on three, two, one, now! " I almost jumped when she held my hand." Wait. " I stared at her with a surprise look. Is there a problem?" What is it?" I asked." I... I don't think I can pass thro
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I kept listening, for whosoever it was to leave the floor. My heart won't cease from racing and I was almost having a heart break for that.I heard the sound of the last door open, but the sound of moaning was something I couldn't hear. I shut my eyes, hoping that sleep will drive me away but it couldn't.It was really far from my eyes so, I'm left to witness what was actually happening. Thinking I was in the safest place, I never knew it was also a checking point for the killer outside.I hide behind the door with an object in my hand. Incase if he or she tries to attack, I'll first have his brain bursted out in pieces.I took in several air, exhaling heavily. The door knob bent down, and slowly the door opened. I watched the shadow of the figure walk in and I almost had the weapon on his head but he was quick to turn on the light.He was one of the doctors for the night shift. I paused, sighing heavily." Hello? " He called, and I dropped the weapon down to the ground. " Miss Mira,
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My Nightmare. My Reality.
" I'm sorry, Stacy. " I started." Sorry for what? "" For not listening to you. I know it's all my fault we are in this mess now, if I had listened to you, we could have been out of here for a long time. "" I wish I can hate you for this, Elisa, I really wish but I can't. "" Why? "" Because you're my friend, asshole. "" So, you aren't angry with me? " I asked." Of course not. Shh... " She shushed." What? " I asked like whisper." The sound, it's gone. " She told her." Are you sure or is it the usual pause and continue? "Stacy shrugged, " I guess so. " We started walking towards the coffin when I stepped on something sharp. I pointed my touch light to the ground, hissing at the rough pain under my leg.I was bleeding profusely, too much to leave a trail on the ground. " Are you alright? " Stacy asked, worried." No, this fucking hurts a lot. " I limped few steps closer when the box gradually opened itself, smoky dust accompanied.The whole creepy thing was becoming crazy to us
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Seeing My Stranger
I gulped on the full glass of water, pouring another full glass and I hurriedly gulped it down. I left the kitchen to the sitting room, laying on the couch. Gideon will probably be asleep by now, he looked damn tired.The wind was calm and not quite long, the calm wind grew wide. I sat up, staring around the room. I went to close all the windows, but even before I could reach back to the couch, the dinning window banged open.I flinched in fear, heading to shut it close when the other Windows started opening one after the other. I was becoming scared, and I was praying earnestly that all this were just an act of my imagination.But was it??Hell no, it looks much like reality to me." Gideon?! " I called his name but all I could get was the echo of my voice reflecting back to me. " Gideon? " It kept repeating itself each time I yelled his name.I didn't make any attempt to close the windows, but made my way back to my room. The entire building was becoming large in size as if it was k
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Taste Of Her Blood
The weather was getting a bit darker, uncle Kent is aware of my current condition. You might be wondering why I have to involve him in every single thing that happens in my life.But honestly, the truth is, that man is a psychologist. He reads minds even without asking, and no matter how hard I try to keep a clear face, he'll always find out what is behind the smiles." Where to? " She asked me as soon as we entered the car. " Don't tell me you haven't thought about that yet."" I have. Let's go watch the cinema. I heard there is a new movie on air. " We drove to the theater which was about 20 metre miles away from here." I thought you said you wanted to get drunk, why changing your mind? "" I didn't change my mind, I will buy a beer as soon as we get there. "" What makes you think that will work? "" I don't care if it wipes out every entire memory in my head, or if it brings everything to normal, I just wanna be free from this fear, this monster in my head. "We made the final tu
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In The City
A witness who had seen what happened immediately called an ambulance who didn't take up to five minutes to arrive. Stacy had lossed so much blood and have fainted too. As soon as the ambulance arrived in the scene, they hurried to save Stacy first while a woman and a man went to carry Elisa from where she laid." Save my friend, save my friend.." Stacy mumbled, but a bit loud enough to be heard. " Save my friend, save her please. "With the help of their mobile phone, they were able to notify Gideon about Elisa and Stacy's condition. He knew this would be an act of the creature, ever since the night he showed up in their home, he stopped trusting the fact that everything was alright.He knew the only way to get things back to normal was to kill this monster. And as far as he still live, he won't stop for coming for Elisa.It seems like he was the only one wondering why the creature had called her Bella. And the thought bothered him so much. The thought of leaving the house to go to t
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His Coming
Elisa ✓The doctor said I was gonna be fine but everyone keeps asking me if I recently recovered from an anemia diagnosis. And I keep giving them the same response day after day, " Yes. "What do you expect me to say? Nothing seems to be a good reply if not telling them the one good news they all wanna hear... Yes.I searched my drawer looking for nothing in particular. I have just taken a pain relief which seems to be calming the hot headaches. Since I was discharged, I've been feeling a little dizzy all the time. Sometimes I feel like passing out, and when this happens, I wonder if the doctor said the truth.Am I really okay? Or am I gonna turn and become a blood thirsty vampire like him?The constant stinging pain on my neck was a lot disturbing that I sometimes feel like having that part cut off. The teeth marks were totally gone but the scars could visibly be seen.And when it starts to itch, it's always like I'm gonna itch my neck out of my throat. And every morning when I wake
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Dreams. Pandora's Write Up
With the millions of thoughts in my head, I didn't realize when I dozed off.**Writer ✓He touched her, waking her up from her slumber. She mumbled, grinding on her teeth as if she was eating something. He tapped her again, and she finally woke up.Staring around her room, she rubbed her eyes gently. She turned on the light, looking at her both sides to see her son and husband sleeping calmly. She smiled.She just realized how thirsty she was, so she got out of the bed heading straight to the kitchen for a glass of cold water. She was damn sure not to have heard the television on while she came out of her room.But halfway to the sitting room, she started hearing the sound of a movie playing. She stopped to listen. Was her ear playing with her brain this time?She continued to the sitting room, the television was indeed on. She went to the switch, turning it off before leaving to the kitchen for the cold glass of water.Pouring the water into the glass, she gulped it all in one sip.
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Dreams 2
My head hurts due to the stress I had rendered to my brain. I can't get to think straight, cos everything in my head now tends to be interpreting nothing but the write up letter.Starting from the moment the two gentlemen left, I haven't taken my eyes off the paper that I almost forgot to pick Gerek from school.I pleaded with Stacy to go pick him up, while I sat my ass in my office, interpreting some kind of God language. Internet wasn't helpful this time, and I almost lost hope in finding an answer about this." What does this mean? " I asked myself. " This has to mean something. Mom, why didn't you explain this to me when you had the chance to? Why do you have to leave without passing the information to us? "I drummed my fingers on the desk frustratedly, staring at every corner of my room as if that will be of help. " Mother," I stressed the word. " You have to tell me what this means. You're our only hope. Just tell me, anything. Anyhow. Even if you can leave your grave to this p
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