All Chapters of The Alpha’s Persuasion : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
30 Chapters
Chapter 11: Set you apart
Noah’s POVHeading back to my room after feeling her lips against mine took mental and physical discipline but I was able to walk away before my wolf tried to convince me to just stay the night with her. ‘You know you wanted to do the same. We almost lost them tonight. ’ Hunter scowls in my head, hating that I didn’t listen to him. Tonight really tested me as a man. If you had asked any other Alpha if they would leave their mate’s side after almost losing them, I could tell you right now what they would say in response. Hell-to the fuck- no! Those days of brutal Alpha training could not prepare me enough for the toughest thing I had to do, walking away from my mate. In all honesty, I can see her reluctance in accepting this and can sense her hesitation to complete the bond. That’s okay, if I have to woo my mate I will. I will show her the type of man I am and make her thank the goddess for the bond we have, because that is what I have been doing since the moment I laid eyes on her
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. Chapter 12: Girls be tripping
Amelia’s POV My mind takes me elsewhere as I spend the morning listening to different songs that speak to my heart. Music has always been the best way for me to communicate my feelings. If I can’t think of a way to say what I’m feeling, I will most definitely find a song that will. Before I know it a couple of hours have passed but the feelings are still there along with an ache in my heart. I know I shouldn’t be as broken up about Noah. I don’t even want to accept the bond but my heart and wolf are disagreeing with me. Willow is fighting for the bond and won’t settle for anything but Noah. ‘He is ours! I mean have you seen him? How can you not want a slice of that?’ Willow pushes at me. Obviously I wouldn’t be the only one that has had a slice then. Noah was always a player and used his Alpha title to gain favor with the ladies. Seeing what I saw just now I know with my whole heart that Noah has not changed from his old ways. Thinking any differently would only cause me more pain
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Chapter 13: Claws out
Noah’s POVGiving Amelia space and time is going against every fiber in my body. I desperately wanted to wait by her door day and night if needed just to make things right, but I know that’s not what she needs. I have noticed how she has changed from when she was younger. I remember her wild, carefree attitude. Amelia and Olivia ran that pack house crazy growing up and they were often seen running from the trouble that they had caused. Those two were thick as thieves and got away with murder. I can still see her running around with the other boys, with her blonde hair whipping in the wind. Back then I was irritated at the attention she got from guys, but maybe my wolf sensed something special about her even when we were younger. It didn’t help that I was the only guy she would avoid at all cost. Since she lost her parents she has closed off everyone around her, everyone except my sister. She built her walls and wouldn’t let anyone in, so majority gave up. The one thing that never cha
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Chapter 14: Seduction at its finest
Amelia’s POVBoys are idiots. You think one moment that he may prove you wrong but no, he has to go and screw everything up. This just further proves that fate has it wrong. Yep, that’s right. Fate you got it wrong this time. We just don’t go together. At all! ‘Keep telling yourself that.’ Willow snaps me out of my thoughts. ‘Did you see how he came to protect us.’ Really? Is that what you call protection? He was going to get in a pissing contest over a girl he has barely talked to. ‘You might not have liked it but Hunter totally turned me on.’ Oh goddess Willow! You just need to find a random wolf and get it out of your system. ‘Easier said than done, when your human is a prude.’ She quips back. Whatever! I’m not fighting with you. Returning back to the guest house I pace in my room frustrated with the situation I am in. How am I going to get him to reject me from the pack? How am I going to get him to reject the bond between us? Think Amelia, think. What if, I push him and
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Chapter15: Over the moon
Noah’s POV “Well I’m sure that’s what you told Ember this morning as well.’ Her tail smacking my snout but it wasn’t her action but her words that bugged me. What the hell does she mean? Ember is becoming more of a problem by the second, which is the main reason I didn’t want her to come this week. Thanks mom! Amelia quickly trots over to the tree to get her clothes. Being naked is like a second nature to wolves. We are used to seeing each other without clothes. We only become possessive once you find your mate and you want to protect them from fellow pack members from checking them out. Being out in the woods alone, I am looking forward to seeing her shift back for the first time and getting to feast my eyes on her glorious figure. Of course the world has to be cruel though. Willow gives me one last sexy look before Amelia’s sweet voice echos in my mind ‘Turn around, MATE!’ She throws at me. Narrowing my eyes I turn and head for the shorts that I left behind a nearby tree. Quickly
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Chapter 16: Doubts
Amelia’s POVHe did not just tell me that. I can’t even look at him as my face turns bright red, embarrassed about my inexperience with men. “Hey, don’t be embarrassed. I love getting to be the one you explore everything with.” Noah’s smirk growing as his hand grips my chin so I am forced to look at him. “Besides it’s an honor to be my mate’s everything.” Yeah, I’m sure it’s such an honor when I’m not your first anything. I shrug him off and take a step away, closing myself off to him once again. Why am I jealous right now? I don’t need to be. Just keep in mind Ames, that he is not yours. That thought breaks me out of the moment. “Um… I should probably go and see what Olivia is up to right now.” I barely glance at him but even doing so is causing me more heartache that I never wanted to feel in anyway shape or form. I go to walk away from him but his hands reach for my shoulders preventing me from turning away. Why does his touch make me melt like butter? No, bad Amelia. Stop thin
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Chapter 17: Advice
Noah’s POV I can tell she is pissed again but then she had to give me that kiss to try and prove me wrong. I have to have the most stubborn mate. The way she glared at me one minute because of the challenge I gave her and the next giving me a peck so she can walk away. Nothing however compares to the look she gave me when I stepped away from her. Amelia is confused and hurt by my actions and Hunter is beating me up over doing that to our girl. I have been pacing in my room for the past half an hour listening to my wolf list all the wrong doings I have done in the past hour. ‘Did you see her fucking face? You should have claimed her in front of everyone! She is ours!’ He has been screaming in my head since she walked away to find my sister. For the hundredth time I saw her face. Of course I hurt her because that’s all I have been doing since the bond came into place. Fuck. I keep messing up. How am I going to fix this? ‘Why do you have to be so stupid? Just go mate her in front
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Chapter 18: Glowing eyes
Amelia’s POV Naomi wasn’t joking. The bonfire is in full swing by the time we arrive. It looks like a stereotypical bonfire. The music is blaring, the beers are being passed around and the laughter and joy is apparent. Everyone is having a great time together, while Ryder is sitting all by himself at the eve of the forest. It looks like everyone is here already. Which isn’t too surprising because Olivia likes to make an appearance. I just can’t believe she talked me into dressing up for a bonfire. I mean who does that. I look like I need to be walking the runway with the white halter top dress and way too much make up. I could wipe off half of what she put on my face and there still would be plenty to spare. The only good thing is that I can’t walk in heels so Olivia finally caved to my whining and let me wear flat sandals instead. Looking around at Naomi and Ember in sexy summer dresses at least makes me feel a little better about the outfit that was not my choice by a landslide. T
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Chapter 19: Electricity
Noah’s POV This is not going how I thought tonight would go. I was thinking that I would be able to smooth talk her into going for a walk with me. But instead here I am drooling over how sexy my girl is. I know, I’m pathetic but you can’t blame me when I have a girl like her as my mate. Too bad our plan that we spent hours concocting went out the window the moment she walked out in her short dress that doesn’t hide anything. Her chest is shown off with the deep v from the dress and the dress hugs her curves all the way to just above mid thigh. Then her long tan legs take over. Just take me now because the sight of her is pure ecstasy. My wolf couldn’t help but agree and purred as our eyes connected across the fire. Don’t get me wrong, my girl could be wearing a ripped and stained T-shirt and have dirt all over her face but to me she would still be breath taking. Mixed with tonight’s plan to woo her on my mind, it’s hitting me in the gut even more. Something that has never happened t
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Chapter 20: A Talk
Amelia’s POV I instantly regret my decision to ask Ryder to dance with me. As soon as we go to join the others, he tries grabbing my hips and I have to swat at his touch. With a warning look from me he gets the message, don’t touch the merchandise. I spend the whole dance avoiding his touch and I’m sure we came off as those Christian teens that are leaving room for Jesus. Only about a minute in Willow whines in my head as we both feel Noah’s gaze drift away from us as well as his aura.‘He’s leaving! Great job idiot!’ The snarls in my head causing my head to pound. Ryder smiles at me and I’m sure with other girls it would melt their panties but with me it has the opposite effect. I’m pretty much locking the chastity belt as we dance. The song seems like it extends longer than it should but that’s probably because I don’t want to be here. I want to be far away from here. I want to be with a certain Alpha—. Nope stop that thought right now! You don’t want anything to do with anybody.
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