All Chapters of Rise of The Fallen: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
72 Chapters
Chapter 60
CAIN The fucking angel was heavier than I had anticipated. Or maybe it was that I was just that weakened. Whatever it was hauling his feathered ass across the desolate landscape to the nest was a bigger undertaking than I had imagined. I could feel his life beating out of him in time to his heart, the bond between us slowly growing fainter. Castor would be our only hope, but I had to get him there first. Shamshiel was trying to hide the extent of his injuries from me, and he was succeeding; at least outwardly. If it weren’t for the bond I wouldn’t know how bad they were, but I did. I also knew he had no interest in living anymore, something I felt as well. At least he could die. Jealousy tore through me at the thought. Never before had I hated my curse from God as much as at this moment, wishing that I could die. With Verity, for the first time in my ridiculously long life I hadn’t viewed my immortality as a curse. Instead I was happy to be able to spend all of Verity’s days with h
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Chapter 61
CAIN Never in my stupid long life had I anticipated feeling so many emotions at once. Sadness, panic, fear, anger; it was all boiling inside of me in a cacophony of emotions that was about to erupt. Yet it couldn’t, as I felt Shamshiel’s life end Liam and Cassie attacked, yelling at me to run. So I did. I ran until I thought my chest would explode, as fast as my battered legs could move, while hauling the newly dead body of an angel. I remember back then, back then before my world ended. Before Verity was in my life, when I thought I had nothing more to lose. When the worst thing that had happened was that God had cursed me, how naive to think that things wouldn’t get worse. It would have been funny if it hadn’t been true. While Shamshiel and I didn’t see eye to eye a lot, and were opposites down to our bones, he had been the first one to give me a home to go to. As my chest tightened I remembered my time wandering the Earth, what I had endured for centuries. Always on the fringes o
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Chapter 62
LIAM Cassi and I had seen Cain make off with Shamshiel. While the fighting had slowed as most everyone was either dead or in no condition to fight. Cassi and I weren’t exactly in stellar shape ourselves, but we were managing, barely. However when we saw Cain gently place the angel on Kokabiels bloody wings and head off we knew we had to follow. Shamshiel looked bad, hell he made bad look good; and Cain wasn’t far behind him. We decided to tail them at a distance to ensure they arrived safely, we knew they had a target on their backs. Thankfully that had been the right choice as Cain was stopped by two Nephilim, a male and female. Both the Nephilim had clearly not been part of the battle, they looked fresh and way too clean; and Cain was definitely no match for them. Not in this state at least. Cassi looked at me and I nodded, we would have to intervene; it was the last thing I could do for Verity. “Run Cain!” She yelled as we surged forward from our hiding place. Cain’s eyes went w
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Chapter 63
CAINI felt the bond sever the moment Shamshiel took his last breath. It felt like my heart had a bitch of a cramp, not like the searing pain when Verity’s was snuffed out. This was quieter, subtle, just like the man himself. Leave it to the damn angel to try to sneak out of this life without me. Anger and rage poured out from my throat, my head angled back at the sky, the spines of Kokabiel’s wings slipping from my hands and slamming onto the ground. It just wasn’t fair, why did he have to die? Why wasn’t it me? I wanted to die, why, why was he taken instead? Hearing my raw screams the angels Shamshiel had left to guard the nest came flying quickly. After all, I was maybe a half mile away at this point and this asshole had the audacity to die on me. The sound of wings ripping through the air assaulted me right before I took a forearm to the throat. A croaking noise came from me and the breath was forced from my throat, the angel glanced down before realizing who I was and promptly dr
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Chapter 64
CAIN No one at the nest had been happy about my appearance, again their instincts warned them to stay away, that I was dangerous. They skirted me warily, all except the infuriating angel. I didn’t require much, a place to lay my head and the basics, as such I had been given a room close to the training area. It worked out well, I was able to unleash my violent tendencies there without harming anyone. My room was plain, cavern like, a pallet and not much else. Shamshiel had recognized my inherent need to wander as well, and made use of that. Sending me on longer missions either by myself or with a small group of Nephilim. Over the centuries his offspring got used to me, to my curt personality and rough ways. Eventually they would come to spar with me, and Shamshiel would sometimes watch, a smug smile on his face like he’d done me a favor. In a sense he had, the gaping hole that had been eating away at my soul was slowly closing. It wasn’t exactly a friendship, but whatever it was it w
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Chapter 65
LIAM THREE YEARS LATER I looked out the office window, drinking in the mostly barren landscape but pleased to note several small looking saplings, their greenery a welcome sight. The attack on us three years ago had turned out to be widespread, from the Officials and fallen that were aligned with them. Their goal had been to wipe out the things in their way. Mainly us and the “friendly” angels. Of course women were to be taken captive, with the goal of procreating. As in all wars the humans were divided, many defected, choosing to join the side they thought was winning. Our base had gone down significantly in number, but now that the Officials were no more and the fallen aligned with them were mostly gone we could focus on repair. The remaining opposing forces had fled, and once we had regrouped we hunted them down like the dogs they were. Eliminating the angels and Nephilim, and jailing the humans who came willingly. As the years passed we dealt with them on a case by case situation
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Chapter 66
YONATWO CENTURIES LATER “ You know that’s the wrong color for that don’t you?” Castor asked me as I furiously ground the herbs in the mortar. I looked up, grinning at the old Nephilim who sat on a stool beside me. “Oh I know, but I added in some extras for an experiment,” I said around a smile. He laughed, his low chuckle warming my heart. Castor was ancient at this point, he had been old when I was born and it didn’t take a genius to know he didn’t have another century in him. He had been young when he knew Shamshiel, my fathers father, and had begun to age quicker once both of his wings were lost to him. Angels didn’t age, but Nephilim did, being that we were half human. Despite that our life spans were quite long, most Nephilim lived until 600 years or so. Castor would tell me stories of my father from when he was growing up, and quite the pain in the ass. He spoke of the war torn society of that time, of Shamshiel and his many children. Of a time when an angel or Nephilims goal
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Chapter 67
YONA His eyes pierced through mine, becoming hard specks of ice as he drank me in. My feathers were ruffling in response to his scrutiny, as though trying to reassure him that it was ok. I slowly turned to fully face him, our eyes never leaving each other. Both of our hands moved to our chests, and I knew before I felt it, a soul tie, with Cain. I saw the rejection in his eyes, and felt my heart splinter at the same moment. Of course he wouldn’t be interested in fulfilling this, he had his one true love; a woman I could never compare to nor take the place of. Did I truly expect him to be happy? To fling himself into my arms and whisper sweet nothings in my ear? No. Cain was a man born of violence and bloodshed. A creature of all things dark and deadly. He wasn’t soft or gentle, he was wild and untameable; a man who only yielded to those who deserved it. As she had. Yet we both knew the consequences if we didn’t allow this bond to happen. Would he be so cruel as to force me to suff
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Chapter 68
YONA The days blurred into weeks, and weeks blurred into months. Cain had left, nowhere to be found, not that I had really tried. He didn’t want me, not that I blamed him. From what I knew of Verity she had been exceptional. A strong, sassy woman, who was not afraid to put him in his place while rejoicing in all that he was. I wasn’t stupid, a connection like that would never be forgotten, replaced, or broken; even in death. He would fight this until the last breath I was certain, and in the meantime we both got to feel like shit. Castor was pumping me full of tonics and supplements, keeping my strength and nutrients up but it was only delaying the inevitable. I sighed and leaned forward on the table, needing a minute to collect my thoughts through the brain fog that had been getting thicker and thicker the longer this went on. “Yona,” my fathers voice cut through the room, kind and gentle. I hadn’t heard him even come in, but then again he had a tendency to sneak up on people. “D
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Chapter 69
CAIN (Listen to HUSHH by AViVA for the vibe) Yona soared higher and higher, weaving in fluid motions through the sky. She was breathtaking, her dark hair fanning out behind her as her wings flexed and contracted; the appendages catching the light and revealing their true colors. She had come for me, I hadn’t thought she would; a broken man like me had nothing to offer her. The soul tie thrummed in my chest, demanding I go to her but I fought it; I knew it was useless and that it was dooming both of us. As time went on I became weaker, sicker and I knew she was suffering the same fate. It was selfish of me, but I couldn’t seem to help it, everytime I even thought of the tie, Verity's face swam in my mind and I was lost to my eternal grief. God's ultimate joke on me. Curse me, exile me, then give me a family only to rip them away before saddling my pathetic soul to some poor Nephilim. Not just that, one of Shamshiel’s descendants; so I could never truly escape nor be at peace. Wasn’
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