All Chapters of Mafioso In Darkness : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
81 Chapters
20. Chapter
I don't want to go to Italy, I don't want to run away as if I had anything to do with whatever caused this commotion. Aleksander, seeing that I am still static, pushes me from behind, ordering me to walk quickly to the outside where we will board the car.I have no choice, I keep walking.An overdose of adrenaline moves through my bloodstream. I feel like I'm in a chase, but there is no good guy, they are all bad guys who go against each other. I wonder if we are safe, that Aleksander sees so much in the rearview mirror alerts me, he makes my hair stand on end. For sure, nothing is safe, he drives so fast that I fear an accident will happen.I close my eyes, I ask heaven that the fateful thing does not happen.“Why are we going to Italy?! “I exclaim sobbing.It doesn't even slow down when cornering. My heart is going to beat out of my chest. I'm about to have a heart attack. Don't you know how unstable a path can be during this season?“Mariola got in the way when I tried to kill her
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21. Chapter
“What's wrong with the country? If you had asked me to set you adrift, I would have done so, and you would have been dead by now. Why don't you thank me? "Now that you're going to be safe," she growls, it's a claim.“With you I will never be safe; I want to go back to my country, Aleksander “I remember, keeping my tone low, a lump gets stuck in my throat, I die of rage and I just want to cry alone. But he is close to me, I hate him, I do hate this man. Tell me the truth, are you planning to kill me or have I become your absurd whim?“What do you want me to say? “She questions with a smile.I take a breath of air. I just want the truth, but he likes lies, so he won't be frank or sincere.“The truth,” I say, placing all my attention on his face. The smile reappears, it is not lucid, because he is not sane either. Tell me.“For you I have done things that have aroused a special interest in you, for me, right? “He states victoriously. Those words full of arrogance and mischief suddenly tak
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22. Chapter
“Do you not like it or are you afraid of getting drunk? “She questions. The smile that moves on her lips is complicit with her eyes that inspect me. He tell me."No, that's not why," I say without looking at him, sigh. I see “. I just consider it to be in bad taste, for me it is not delicious.We don't talk again. Gobbling and gobbling is what we dedicate the next few minutes to, although from time to time I feel his powerful gaze on me, for my part I do the same without him realizing it, what was I thinking when I agreed to marry him? Yes, I remember, I thought about my life, that's the only reason I'm willing to take his last name."The food turned out well," he comments. I take it as a compliment from him, however strange it may be, it is a compliment on his part. I smile fleetingly at him. It's not perfect, but it's not bad either.I change the expression, who thinks he is to make fun? At least I've satisfied her appetite, she hasn't left a single crumb on her plate. He's an idiot
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23. Chapter
My life is a movie, it is a bad dream from which I will never wake up because I am not really asleep, and what I live is the evil present that Aleksander has taken it upon himself to give me.I return to the table where I usually eat, outdoors, feeling the light wind blowing over everything. Breakfast has been served by the lady, of whom I don't know anything, not even her name; the food is variated. I want a little bit of everything. I start with a sip of juice. This time he brought me more than usual, it's too much for me.The reason comes with the appearance of Aleksander, I paralyze. He takes me by surprise, he never eats with me. Knowing that he has already put his illicit business in "order" only means that my little peace of mind is over. Because otherwise he wouldn't be there, much less so relaxed."Good morning," he greets.That he does it in an affectionate tone baffles me."Good morning, Aleksander," I return, starting to eat.He joins me, he looks at me at all times, but I
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24. Chapter
The musk of his body and mine is one scent. He kisses me, I match him with the same intensity, in the abyssal depths I do not touch the bottom, I float, I fly, but I know that I will fall at any moment. I find nothing more satisfying than the magic of his touch burning through every part of me. It is the fire that needs the ice covering my labyrinths, it is the flame that I do not wish to go out. I don't want it to dim the heat. And his name flows from my lips, the name of my antithesis, of the night and the shadow determined to overshadow, destroy and blind.But... That doesn't matter now, what I experience is unmatched and if the price is being ruined, I take the risk anyway.There is no savagery on his part. A whirlwind hits me, Aleksander is that natural disaster that destroys the little sanity I have left. His lips move over mine, the kiss is not rough, but it is still captivating and fiery.My room is claimed by a guest, wishing that his stay does not come to an end.The truth i
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25. Chapter
Aleksander and I walk for a while, the streets are wet because of the rain that has fallen a while ago. It is incredible to be in Capri, its corners hide history, one that prevails. It is beautiful, even after precipitation. We go side by side, but suddenly his hand takes mine, there is no one around here, I don't intend to run with these shoes either, so I assume that the townhouse is hiding another motive, and it is not to make sure I run away. Even if there were a passerby, I'm not crazy to scream for help knowing that this man has a gun.Whatever slight intention you have, he will see it. His instincts and perceptions are trained, noticeable and deducible. He realizes what he intends or not. He is very smart.“What are you thinking about?"Maybe I'm not thinking, Aleksander," I say without meeting his eyes.He stops his step, so he and I go under the streetlights, I conjure up one or another romantic movie scene. All that remains is for Aleksander to kiss me on the mouth and for m
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26. Chapter
I open my eyes, rub them while yawning. I am alone in the room, as I tilt my head I see a pill on the table on the napkin next to a glass of water. It didn't take me long to take it.My eyes lock on that ring, I smile, if only it were real and Aleksander was another type of person then everything would be perfect. Although the ring is very valuable, it does not have the most important value: love.What about the pendant? Don't know.I hurry up, quickly heading to my room. Inside my bedroom I feel the need to lock the door. I brush my teeth and take a long shower, just long enough to drain my mind and tidy up the mess in my head.What the hell is wrong with me? I have stopped seeing Konstantinov as an evil man who has done me a lot of harm, and my eyes no longer see a guy who deprived me of my freedom.It is Aleksander, the handsome Russian with grayish greens who, with few caresses, sometimes deserted glances and other times containing the passing confulgence, who has stolen my heart.
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27. Chapter
Honeymoon? There is no such time, Aleksander informs me that we must leave Capri. Apparently he has heard from Elmo that we are on the island, I pack what I can. My nerves attack me, the trembling doesn't go away and that makes it difficult for him to act quickly.“Hurry up, Luna! “She exclaims from outside.I do what I can.“I'm coming! “She shouted back, nervous to the core.Miraculously I have finished, I take the suitcase and come out finding Aleksander like an imprisoned animal, he moves from one side to the other letting out curses.“We must go.The flight is so trite, it always happens, with him there is no stability. The biggest question is: where will we go?“Where we go? “I find out, leaving with the same haste as him.“To the airport, we will go to New York “he informs.Gape, I try to spin something, nothing comes out of my mouth, it's just that my vocal cords have gone silent due to surprise. That means a lot to me, I can't process the news.“New York? “I want to make sure
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28. Chapter
I toss and turn in bed, I can't fall asleep. It's already late, it's early morning in a few hours it will be dawn and if I don't find a way to fall asleep I'm going to look like a zombie in the morning. I tilt my head, Aleksander sleeps like a baby. It is not fair that he rest so peacefully with so many crimes and demons in him, but I, who am a victim, have become a hostage to nightmares and torments.“Luna, what are you doing? “She questions with a voice that is hoarser than usual.“I can not sleep. Knowing that the day after tomorrow I will be in front of dad and not knowing how everything will turn out makes me nervous,” she explained tremblingly."Come here," he pulls me until my head is resting on his muscular chest, he puts an arm over me, and one of his warm palms rests on my bare waist. Better?The truth is that I feel comforting in his arms. I nod slowly.“Thank you."Go to sleep," he asks flatly, but it is enough to allow me to be with him like that, to know that his gesture
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29. Chapter
On the way to the city center we passed near the building where I lived since I made the decision to become independent. I get a lump in my throat, I want to go back to my previous life, and I can't."There's my apartment," I comment. I didn't mean to say it out loud.But he has already heard me."I already knew it," he admits without seeing me, remaining absorbed in driving.“How did it happen, Aleksander? Suddenly I am kidnapped by the Italian mafia and suddenly you have me captive “ I am curious about the topic of a double kidnapping, I have never gotten the right answers, ever.I am aware of having been locked up for many days in an old room, I was crying, alone under the darkness that increased the uncertainty. Many times I thought she would die or that she would be raped. That never happened. But I was filled with terror when one of those men came for me, he dragged me out of there, then he put me in the trunk of a car. I remember that oxygen was scarce and I ended up falling in
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