All Chapters of Billionaire's Impostor Wife: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
73 Chapters
Chapter 021
Miss Hamilton was gone and yet I was still on my feet shaking from shock and utter disbelief. I didn't expect the situation to escalate from bad to worse. Just reliving what took place moments ago sent shivers down my spine. The ugly mask of rage I saw lit her face up told me that if she's holding a gun she could have shot me in the head and feel no remorse afterwards. Not that I could make an excuse to defend myself, I knew all too well that I deserve to get punished after the ruination she went through alone because of my ploy. My strength escaped my body and I slumped on the sofa still in daze. Perhaps Miss Hamilton was right, I told myself with reluctant resignation, I'd been a terrific lightskirt, villainous bitch and that set of adjectives wasn't even enough to sum up my unholy bitchiness that sent countless lives to their doom. I was still there on the sofa contemplating my disastrous life when an urgent knock sounded on the door. Then a few seconds later it opened and Thomp
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Chapter 022
I swallowed hard, as I watched hatred and fury played a tug of war in her eyes. "Lover huh." Emery repeated the words, bitterness shone on her eyes. Slowly, she made her way towards my direction with her jaw clenched and fist turned into a ball in her side. If looks could kill, I had fallen on the floor, bleeding to my death while she glared at me as though her eyes were made of daggers."Emery, let me explain… please… It's not Alexandria's fault. It's entirely my fault. " Clifford said. The shock he felt finally subsided. Almost immediately, he flung himself in between me and Emery in an attempt to stop the situation from escalating before one of us ends up with an injury. "It takes two to tango so shut up. We will deal later, Clifford. For now Alexandria and I have to settle something." Emery told him firmly, there was a detectable threat in her words as she said it out loud. The palpable warning he heard on her tone made him hesitant for a bit but when he recovered Clifford tried
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Chapter 023
"Don't think that I'm kind to you, Alexandria." Lucas spoke after a moment of silence, shattering the stillness surrounding the room. "I'm not capable of that." He added as if he was able to read past my thoughts. I bowed my head. My illusion shattered on the floor into multiple pieces. The feeling of shame spread through me like a deadly virus. My sins would always be a part of me, even if I lost my memories the people surrounding me would never forget my evil schemes, I thought with the heaviness on my chest piling up. Lucas was calm and reserved but I knew deep within him, he still hates me. It could be seen by the flicker in his eyes each time he looked at me without knowing I was observing him too. I wonder what I could do to completely melt the impenetrable wall of ice standing between us. "It will take years or perhaps a decade before I can forgive you for what you did. Running away with Brix— my illegitimate brother was a mistake which I could easily accept because we are
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Chapter 024
My fingers trembled as I flipped to the next page. All the while, my heart violently hammered inside my rib cage. The beautifully hand-written words, sketched delicately and almost with perfection welcomed my sight. The soft, thin strokes flowed freely against the pristine white background like a ballerina gracefully moving against the rhythm of an imaginary sonata. Though the words were written in a manner of perfection, it didn't press my button of recognition. They looked too unfamiliar as if another delicate hand—not mine—imprinted them right through the pages. That fleeting moment I was sure that it wasn't my own and I would bet my whole life—if there was any left for me—that it belongs to another woman regardless of the name imprinted on the leather bound. I let go of the breath I wasn't aware I still held as my gaze slowly crept into the smooth, pristine white page with heart violently hammering inside my rib cage. So swiftly, as if I opened Pandora's forbidden box, all the p
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Chapter 025
I have gathered important information about Sam Ryanns, the twenty-five year old man previously employed at my husband's company. There was a limited amount of information published on the internet about him but the information available is surely interesting.Sam was an orphan. When he was ten years old he was adopted by a couple who have a daughter who is the same age as him. It was not stated if Sam did have a good relationship with his adopted parents but he grew up constantly causing them trouble. At school he was labelled a delinquent and constantly cuts classes. But despite his ill-behavior, he was an intelligent child and could have topped his classes if he worked hard for it. After he finished his studies, Sam, who graduated from Accounting with surprisingly flying colors despite his troublesome history applied at the company my husband owned, his quick wit and intelligence got him a position he deserved. Over the span of three years he worked, he showed nothing but diligenc
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Chapter 026
Lucas still doesn't believe me. Until now, he's still thinking I'm trying to fake how I feel just to please him. The thought brought me both pain and sadness. But I couldn't blame him at all. I brought this upon myself and I have to face the consequences of my actions. I have to accept that Lucas will never trust me again unless I prove to him I was worthy of his trust.Unable to take the silence in my room, I finally spoke. "I'm tired. I want to be alone now, please."Lucas nodded his head in understanding. "You may have your rest now." He replied. With quick, long strides, he reached the door and closed it behind him. Then he was gone, leaving the room quiet and still.With a sigh, I slumped on top of my bed while trying to calm down my racing heart. Lucas hasn't even touched me and yet the mere sight of him was enough to make my heart go wild and turn my knees into noodles. There was something about him that could effortlessly make a woman's heart somersault inside her chest.I was
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Chapter 027
I gaped at the woman in disbelief. Sam Ryans is not a man but a woman. The realization hit me with force. It took me minutes to recover my scattered wits and speak again. "I thought you're a man. I saw your pictures on the internet and I was so sure you're a man until I saw you now."Sam shrugged his shoulders. "It's because of my cap. I always wear one before. I'm not allowed to wear one inside this prison, though."For a fleeting moment, a shadow of sadness crossed Sam's eyes, but it disappeared as fast as it arrived, as though it hadn't existed at all, leaving me wondering if I had just imagined seeing it at all. "Are you trans?" The words were out of my lips before I could even stop myself. My cheeks turned crimson. Realizing my downright rudeness of prying through her sexuality, I quickly apologized. I just wished the floor would open and swallow me up. Sam, though, appeared not offended by my question. I expected her to burst into fury and confront me, but she didn't. Instead,
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Chapter 028
My car skidded to a stop in front of the Alexander mansion. I clambered out of the car and found Thompson waiting for me. I handed him the keys so he could park the car properly before skittering into the house. Lucas hasn't come home yet. That's good news. It means I have plenty of time to prepare myself before facing himI reached my room and immediately changed into a fresh t-shirt and jogging pants. The sound of my growling stomach reminded me I have not eaten breakfast. Postponing my plans to rummage through drawers to find some important documents, I made my way downstairs and found the kitche"Mama!" Niall's voice called behind me. My eyes lit up at the sound of his voice. He skittered across the kitchen and jumped into my arms. Laughing, I pulled him into a tight hug before carrying him into my arms. "Do you want something to eat?" I asked him. He nodded in response and pointed to the refrigerator. "Ice cream." He mumbled sweetly in his child ton"It's still early in the morn
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Chapter 029
Niall's personal nanny took him for a walk. While he was with her, I took the chance to continue my task which is to look for important documents that might help me with Samantha's case. I returned to my room and began rummaging through cabinets. After an hour of thorough searching, I still found no documents which are linked to Samantha. But I discovered something much more important - a document containing my share in the company Lucas owned.After Lucas and I got married, he gave me a share in the company as a gift. That share may not be enough to pay the entirety of the embezzled money plus interest but it was a great amount to reduce the debts by three fourths.A sudden plan came to my mind. I'm not sure if it's going to work but I must at least try.I secured the documents into a folder and waited for Lucas to arrive. It was around five pm when his sleek car finally pulled into a stop in the driveway. I watched him hand the car key to Thompson while the latter said something to
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Chapter 030
"I know I won't be saying this since I'd put you in this situation but congratulations! You're free now!"Samantha Ryans came to me, teary eyed. The next thing she did made a smile appear on my lips. She hugged me tight and without warning she burst into tears."I- I honestly don't believe you when you tell me you will do your best to free me. I'm even thinking if you could actually do it, it will take months before it happens but you made the impossible possible."I hugged her tight like a sister. Laying a comforting hand on her shoulders, I told her. "A promise is a promise. I'll make it come true at all cost."Samantha wiped the tears from her eyes with the handkerchief I handed her. "Let's get out of here before I change my mind." Jokingly, I told her and pulled her hands to the door.Once outside, Samantha pulled into a stop and lifted her eyes up to the sky, savoring the fresh morning air and the warm sunlight caressing her face. She stayed in prison for a year and she's savori
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