53 Chapters
The following day.I got to my office and just couldn’t concentrate on my work because I can’t wait to have the DNA result.I couldn’t stop thinking about the couple that came to me and demanded the kids from me that they are the real parents of my kids.Who could be lying between the Britany and the couple.After few works that I did till it was afternoon, I abandoned the remaining work and went to the forensic hospital.When I got to the hospital, I was given the result and it shows that the kids are not mine.I became devastated and the thought of the couple winning against me that they are the real parents of my kids scares me.I drive back home in so much anger, I went to Britany’s room and didn’t find her.I went to the kids room to check her and I find her there.I was panting so hard, I held her by the hand and turn her around to me, I have her the result, she went through the result and shakes her head and looks into my face.“This is not true, the triplets belongs to me, I p
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“‘I swear, I am not trying to twist the kids Brian, I am saying the truth” I said.I was still speaking Alex when Irene arrived, she walk into Alex room pretending to want to take something’s then she turn back to Alex smiling.“ If only you know you have been dining with the devil all this while you would have been more careful” Irene says.“ What are you doing here? I wasn’t speaking to you “ he shunned her.“ you can’t shut me up, I am just trying to save your freaking ass from a devil like Britany” she says.“ Do you know she lives comfortable? She own a bookshop, she own a house and what she is looking for in your house, I don’t know” she says and Alex looks into my eyes.“ I can explain” I said.“ You do not need to explain because I want to help you explain to him, she came here pretending as some nanny, using fake makeup’s, Alex that is very suspicious, something tells me she is here to hurt both you and your kids, she is definitely up to something, I think my kids are not safe
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That is one thing I do not want. I want money with no condition.$ 50,000,000 is a lot of money but I will be the biggest loser f I agree to not coming back for my kids.Alex is worth billion dollars which are want to be a billionaire when he is no more.“ What do you say? He asked and I look into his face.“ No, I do not agree to your term and condition, you cannot expect me never to meet with my kids again” I said.“ Then forget us having a deal, if you agree to the deal, then I will pay you with contract” he said.“ Give me sometime to think about it” I said and walk to my bedroom.I paced around in a very deep thought.“ If I accept this money, I can invest with that money but $50,000, 000 is incomparable to billions.If I accept this money, I might never have the chance of coming back into this house to claim anything because Britany will take over the house and she will be the lucky girl while I will be the loser.I better not agree to the money and still have the chance to retu
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BRITANY.I cried so hard inside the cab because the reason I had sacrificed all of my years to become a nurse search for a nanny job came crashing down in just few days.I regretted not telling Alex everything when I had the chance.When I noticed we have begin to get along , I should have told him about I and the kids, maybe it wouldn’t have gotten so bad.The cab pull up in front of my house and I walk into my flat with tears dripping down my face.I am so scared right now that Irene is still in that house and how did everything change.I entered into my house weeping then I held my kids belongings in my hands and think back to the DNA result that never came out real and the couple who came claiming my kids and at that moment, I realized someone was working against me and I know it’s no one than Irene.She promised to oust me which she achieved but I won’t just sit and cry here, I will do my best to claim my kids this time and get them back.She can have Alex all to herself because
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BRITANY.I woke up very early in the morning to brace myself up for my bookshop but I couldn’t even.I walked to the bathroom but I felt I needed to see my kids, I missed them so much.Even if I still want to take some legal actions , I should still go and see my kids.Maybe I should try plead with Alex to just let me see the kids, I am not asking for too much, I just want to see them.I quickly brush my tears and took my bath, I made myself some food but ended up thrashing it.I quickly step out of the house so that I can meet up with them before going to school.I pick a bike that took me to the estate. When I got there Alex convoy had just drove out of the compound.I quickly rush to the car window and knock on the door of the window.ALEX.I have a bad night having a mixed thought of everything, thinking of who was telling lies and who is saying the truth.I couldn’t sleep with so many thought of who the real parents of my kids are, I was still going to make a call to the private
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BRITANY.I can feel the desperation in my voice as I plead with Alex to believe me. My heart is racing as I try to convince him that the children we have been caring for are truly ours.I can see the doubt in his eyes, and it only adds to my anxiety. I know that our situation is not typical, but I never expected to be in this position. All I can do is speak from the depths of my heart and hope that he can hear the truth in my words.I recount every detail of our journey, from the moment put to bed to how I couldn’t even feed the kids. I told him how I needed to give life to the kids. I tell him of how it hurts dumping my own kids, the pains I went through in years ,how I could never forget my kids and the reason behind my return."Please, Alex, just hear me out. I need you to believe me when I say that these kids are ours," I plead with him. "And the only way we can be 100% sure is if we do another DNA test. But this time, let's use strands of my hair as the sample."Alex's eyebrows f
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Britany.As the car pulls up to the school entrance, I feel a sense of dread and anticipation welling up inside me. I know that I didn't handle the situation with the kids very well, but I'm hoping that maybe they'll still let me say goodbye.As soon as the car stops, I jump out and rush over to where they're sitting in the backseat. "Hey guys," I say softly, trying to keep my voice steady. "I just wanted to say goodbye before you go into school."They both look at me warily, their expressions guarded and unyielding. I can see the hurt and anger in their eyes, and it breaks my heart all over again."Please, just let me touch you," I beg, reaching out with trembling hands. "I know I messed up, but I love you both so much. I just want to show you that I care."But they don't budge. Instead, they shrink away from my touch, their small bodies huddling together protectively.Tears start streaming down my face as I watch them disappear through the school gates, their tiny figures receding i
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I want back my Triplets
After all, I had not been fair to Britany over the past years that we parted ways . I had put her through a lot of hard times, and I couldn't believe I had doubted her words. I was ashamed of myself for treating her so badly and putting her through so much emotional turmoil.Thinking back to all the times I had ignored her pleas and pushed her away, I felt guilty because If I as there or listened to her back then we wouldn't have to be going through issues like this.As I thought about it more, I knew that deep down, I still loved her. I missed her company and her sense of humour, but I didn't know how to go back to her after everything that had happened.In the end, I decided to face my fears and talk to her. It wasn't easy, but I was willing to try even though I didn't even know how I was going to face her because I caused so much in her life and when she returned I still didn't believe her.I wonder how the previous DNA test had proved me not being the father of my kids, I wonder i
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Part of me wanted to forgive him, to believe that he could change and make things right. But another part of me couldn't forget the pain he had caused me - the long hours of labor alone, the CS, the number of months I had to sleep in my employees shop back then, thefear and worry I felt for my babies, and the constant stress of not knowing where they were or if they were safe.I walk back to my office thinking back to his promises back then and how he had treated me making me look like a fool back then.I walk back to my seat and bring out the DNA test results, I look into it an tears dripped down my face , they were tears of joy dripping down my face .ALEX.As I drove back home , I couldn't stop thinking back to Britany and how I had treated her years back.I flash back to how Irene had caused so much in the problems we are currently facing.Then I thought of it that to solve the whole issue , Irene has to go, She has done so much, I should pay her off , I need to focus on repairing
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She is not at fault,blame me
At that moment, I realized that I was going to have to fight harder than ever to make sure I got what I wanted . The son of a bitch has chosen the triplets over me, he is even ready to go to court meaning my plan is completely useless right now.He said I should leave tomorrow or he will have me throw out of the house.I will go away but will never accept defeat, I will make sure my kids become the only legitimate children in this house.ALEXI walked into my room dragging my feet and also pray inside of me that Britany forgives me. It’s really hard forgiven me because I put her through a lot. If she doesn’t forgive me, I know I deserve to be treated that way by her.I thought back to my kids that I haven’t set my eyes on them, I walked towards their room and I could hear them talking about their mom, I paused and I quietly walked over and listened in. It broke my heart to hear them talking about how Britany had lied to them. Daisy was upset, saying that Britany had dumped them and wh
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