All Chapters of Seduced By My Brother's Bestfriend : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
130 Chapters
Kill two birds with one stone
“This is serious, not a joke,” Chase said, arching his brows at Jessy as they walked in the park. It was early in the morning, and she invited him for a stroll since both were in training gear. Jessy stretched her arms and rested her foot on the bench and bent over. Chase, who was swinging a bottle of water in his hand and, averted his eyes from her. She was wearing black leggings with a small training bra showing her belly. Her hair was tied in a bun and due to running intensely it was a bit messy with a few strands falling over her face.“I know, so that's why we need to get married soon… I can't wait for Sammy to solve this knowing my dad is about to make a mistake”Jessy said and straightened up and Chase frowned and dropped on the bench. He was tired of tolerating Jessy and telling her marriage was not a joke. It was something serious and sacred. He didn't mean to rush into that, especially when his mom wanted a good daughter-in-law. His mom was a traditional woman. “I'll talk to
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Jealous Sammy
(Sammy)The man we went to meet was something else. He, of course, received us warmly, even though he was shocked to learn I was David's wife.“Your wife came here accusing my soon-to-be wife and the mother of my child of fraud,” Manuel said as he looked at me with narrowed, disdainful eyes. Of course, I didn't mind as I sat beside David who glanced at me then at Manuel.“If my wife said, so then it's the truth…she never lies, “David said with a straight face, and I was stunned by the man. I've never seen this side of him before. Since we left the house, he had been a perfect gentleman. He was the one driving the car and when we reached Jessy's house, David did the honors of opening the door for me and helping me out. And now he was defending me. He didn't know me that much to call me truthful. I could lie too, but the way he said it made me feel warm inside. I couldn't stop staring at me as he said more words to Manuel, defending me and arguing with the man about the woman he was kee
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More love making
(Sammy)“So you fell into it… remind me why am still asking”like a fool, David said in between laughter, mocking my secret shame which I thought to share with him since we brought up the topic about our secret gold-digging shame we suffered when we were teens and I just finished telling him what happened during my first eighth-grade camp. The story was hilarious that David didn't stop laughing. Of course, he only asked about the part of me showing up naked and only in my panties. “See…this is why I didn't want to tell mine” I whined, smacking him on the shoulder and the man was dying with laughter. I prayed he choked on the food he was eating for mocking an innocent woman like me.“Sweetie, that was a damn free show… I wish I were there to see something hot and spicy,” he said as he laughed so much that I wasn't angry at him. Looking at him, I felt like laughing as well since it was indeed funny.“I was ashamed okay…how on Earth did I think those rascals would trick me…all the girls
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Giving their relationship a try
“I don't get it…you are telling me that we have someone selling us out?” David said, tapping his own on the table as he looked at Chase and then Charlie, who was sitting opposite him. The two men nodded at the same time and Chase brought out his laptop and placed it on the table and shoved it to David for him to see. David took the laptop and see it aside.“I went through all the shipment orders for the past two months… David some data is missing… I mean whenever we place an order on the merchant we need…we keep the record”Chase explained while David went through the reports his vice president made as proof of what happened for them to suffer losses all of a sudden.“Every time we make an order… I checked the documents and signed…but for the past two months, with everything which was going on with your brother's death… I couldn't go through”Charlie chimed in and explained his side of the story. In the past, David's brother had always trusted him with work, including checking most of
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Dinner for four
(Sammy)“So you think I can't handle her?'' Charlie asked me while placing the dishes in their respective spots. I chuckled at his question, knowing we always ended up fighting one way or the other, and I was done picking a fight with him, and now I was provoking him to marry Chris as soon as possible.“It's not that, but Chris is too much for you,” I said with playful giggles and walked up to the other side. This was my problem, I never let my brother stay a minute without me troubling him, and I loved this a lot. He was my twin and who else would I bother if not him?“So now you have switched from being an annoying critic to a matchmaker?” he said with chuckles, arching his brows at me. Of course, I wasn't a matchmaker but wanted what was best for him and Chris. These two loved each other, and I was eager for them to tie the knot. Chris wasn't looking like herself lately.“I'm just concerned, bro… Chris seems worried all the time…is everything okay?” I asked, lowering my voice a lit
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Friendship goals
(Sammy)“So… I had a word with Charl, “I said hesitantly while placing the dishes on the counter. Chris hummed, but soon looked at me with a question. I understood how surprised she was hearing me say this.“I thought we said what…”“I know, but I just didn't want you two to be arguing over this… Chris, my brother loves you” I cut her off, knowing she was not happy with me sharing our woman-to-woman talk. “If you don't say what's bothering you…then how would he know” this was important even if she didn't like the idea of me telling Charlie about her insecurities?“He will think I don't trust him,” she said, running her hand in her hair and leaning back to the counter. Looking at her, I knew how stressed she was over this. I greatly understood her from a woman's perspective. It was rare for a woman to get insecure and in such cases, it showed the other party you didn't trust them.“Charlie, loves you…yes, there are many women around him, but…my brother has found his soulmate, a good f
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His addiction
(David)After a crazy time in the jacuzzi, Dave thought it was a good idea to snuggle in bed just to feel warm. Sammy failed to understand the man at times. It was hard to get why he loved sex so much. He never got tired and just when you thought he would pass out, the man resurrected and did the dirty deeds even more than before.“I just love this…tell me why do I get like this, “I said to her, all my life I've always had control over my feelings. I never crossed my limits to make love to a woman in such a way. I loved fucking and having fun,. This was my true definition of enjoying life. Every woman was at my disposal to do as I wanted and go to another just for pleasure. I never involved my heart in something even if it made me see stars, but once I got a taste of Sammy. Everything was running in need, I was never the same. I just wanted to be inside her. To make love to her like my life depended on it. To cherish her and pleasure her until I could touch and feel her soul. For her
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Her morning treat
(Sammy)Being with David was like coming back to life. He was everything a woman needed and more. It pained me to know what we had was just for pleasure because I wanted us to have a true relationship. For us to walk around the streets holding hands. For him to show the world that I was only his and no one else.The feeling was eating me up, it was hard for me to stop myself from fantasizing about us. Everywhere, doing things we loved, and letting him spoil me with love. I couldn't help but yearn for all his love.“What is it? I thought we were supposed to get out of bed?” he muttered as he caressed my arms, drawing circles like a child. There I was snuggling to him as our bodies pressed on each other, holding him as tight as I could while our legs crossed over each other. This was what I called intimacy. Something different, something beautiful, and everything I yearned to have.“Maybe…but I don't feel like it” even talking was hard for me as I rubbed my face on his chest and he cont
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A drama queen
(Sammy)“I'm sorry, but that's confidential…we don't share the patient's info with their party,” the gynecologist lady said, making me even more irritated. I didn't go through so much trouble just to go empty-handed. I went through so much trouble to get my hands on Valerie's doctor. She seemed so virtuous and didn't want to steal the beans about Valerie. I knew Valerie was hiding something about her baby. “Please doctor bear with me…this woman…she's a cunning woman…she's trying to trap my husband…you are a woman too”I broke into tears, sobbing like a heartbroken woman whose husband had been cheating on her with another woman. I knew a woman wouldn't want to see her fellow woman in such a situation.“Ma'am, please control yourself… I don't think…”“See this…see this doctor”I brought out my left hand and showed her my wedding ring. Thank goodness I wore it when coming to the private hospital Chris told me Valerie frequently came for her check-ups, “She stole him from me…my husband is
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Dating a hot CEO
(Sammy)“Why do I feel like Sammy is up to something?” Chris asked, arching her brows at me while I moved around the shot getting the best designer dresses we could find. She knew any better than to ask such a question, but I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of knowing what was going on. The least people who know about this, the better.“You came here to help me buy something sexy…now help, “I said, glancing over my shoulder and gesturing at the short red dress I was trying on. It stuck to my body like some second skin so tight and the upper part had a deep V-line, not sure if it was good but the way my breasts were pushed up had Chris grinning at me as if I were some piece of meat.“Wow, and is mama trying to impress Daddy”? Chris commented and walked around me. She was too much, but I was done hiding this.“Mama got to look hot and sexy for Daddy…is it good,” I said scanning my reflection in the mirror and Chris stopped right in front of me“The gorgeous slender legs…the se
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