All Chapters of Chained to the Billionaire: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
133 Chapters
Chapter 100
MiaI widened my eyes in shocked surprise at the sight I beheld. The place was a dreadful mess with some of my brand-new dresses flung everywhere in disarray, destroyed and torn in shreds.“What the hell happened?” I muttered, flabbergasted.The place had been perfectly clean and my clothes intact before I’d left the room this morning. So how did this happen?Instantly Sophie popped in my mind. I knew without a doubt it was her who was behind this distasteful trick. What the hell was wrong with the woman? Surely this was uncalled for. Why was she behaving like a child?I sighed in frustration. Was she declaring war on me? Was she in her very obnoxious way telling me I wasn’t wanted here?Yeah, right!I picked up the shredded dresses as I muttered in irritation under my breath. While I was cleaning up the place, I told myself that if the bitch desperately wanted a showdown between her and me, because it was clear she had gone this far to secure one, then it’d be coldhearted of me not t
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Chapter 101
MiaDinner had been delicious, and my company wonderful. Of course, it was even better that Sophie had excused herself from joining us by informing James she had a dinner date with someone else. This meant I had a fine time enjoying my meal with James and Aria and not having to worry about the woman hurling insults at me whenever she had the chance.Now that dinner was over, I was once again in my own bedroom, getting changed into my sleeping garments. As I was doing so, I suddenly felt exhausted and simply wanted to drop into bed and sleep. The day had finally caught up to me.Thinking back, a lot had happened today.My mind drifted back to the park this morning, where I’d blurted out my dark past to James. I simply couldn’t believe he’d understand, that he’d comfort me like that, as if he really cared about me.That thought made my heart once again glow with delight, and I couldn’t help but smile like a loon. Then I thought about Aria and how the little girl truly craved her father’
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Chapter 102
JamesJames impassively watched Sophie turn on her heel and leave the room, her steps quick and decisive. He had coldly dismissed her from her position as Aria’s nanny, and fuck, he felt relieved. Of course, there was no need for him to give her an explanation as to why, and oddly enough, the woman hadn’t asked for any either.He had given her two weeks’ notice, as this would help her adjust and give her time to seek new employment. The woman had refused him on the spot and stated she’d be gone from the house by tomorrow morning.Fuck! He still couldn’t believe he had employed a woman such as Sophie to look after his daughter. The very thought that she’d fed Aria all those lies and fear still pissed him off.Once again, his mind flashed back to yesterday when Aria had poured her heart out to him, telling him of her love for him, her loneliness whenever he was away, and her fear that he’d run away from her like Whitney had.The thought that his adorable six-year-old daughter had to go
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Chapter 103
MiaThe moment the chauffeur parked the car at the front of St. Peter Elementary School, I felt my heart skip a beat. This would be the first time I was picking Aria up by myself, though it hadn’t been the first I’d been here. The previous two had been with James when he allowed me to tag along simply because the three of us had to go out shopping afterward.“I won’t be long, John,” I said to the chauffeur.The driver said, “Take your time, Miss Donovan.”A few moments later, I was making my way toward the main building where reception was situated. As I was doing so, I couldn’t help but feel more than a little nervous. After all, I wasn’t used to doing this sort of thing, going on errands and picking kids up after school. It was completely new to me for sure.“Hi,” I said the moment I was in front of the reception desk.The elderly woman looked up and gave me a bright smile. “Hello, dear,” she said. “How can I help you?”I licked my lips and said, “My name is Mia, and I’m here to pic
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Chapter 104
MiaOnce she was close, she threw herself into my arms, and I hugged her tight. “Hello, Aria. How was school today?” I asked, grinning in adoration.“Good,” she said hyperactively. “I had so much fun today. We did heaps of cool stuff like painting and stuff. I’m gonna show you my painting when we get home. It’s the coolest painting ever!”I couldn’t help but laugh at her enthusiasm. “That’s good,” I said. “I can’t wait to see it.”“Now that’s something I don’t see every day,” the elderly receptionist said behind me.I turned to her and asked, “What do you mean?”She chuckled. “Aria is never like this when that Sophie woman comes to pick her up.”“Really?” I asked, turning my eyes to Aria once again, feeling my heart ache for the little girl at the reminder of Sophie’s mistreatment.Aria excitedly carried on, telling me about all the wonderful things she’d done at school today while I encouraged her by smiling and nodding. A moment later, another little girl showed up. The cutie with a
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Chapter 105
MiaAfter Aria had enthusiastically showed me her painting, which to my pleasant surprise turned out to be of us playing in the park on Sunday, I headed back to my room to shower and change for dinner while Aria had her private piano lesson with Mrs. West.Twenty minutes later, I had finished showering and was about to put on my cute dress when I heard Aria’s voice in the distance, across the hallway.“Is Uncle Scott and Uncle Eric really coming tonight? I can’t wait to see them. I missed them so much ’cause I haven’t seen them for a while. Will Grandpa be coming as well? Will he? Will he?”I didn’t miss the urgent excitement in her voice. I heard James chuckle and then say, “Yes, sweetheart, Uncle Scott and Uncle Eric are coming but not Grandpa. He’s still in Japan.”“In Japan? Again? Oh, I know. Next time when he goes to Japan, maybe we all can go there too. Like as a family. Grandpa, Uncle Scott, Uncle Eric, Daddy, me, and Mia. Like a very big family. It’s gonna be so much fun, rig
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Chapter 106
MiaScott and Eric Maxwell were nothing like I’d imagined. I thought they’d be similar to James, both in looks and behavior. When I finally got to meet them, however, I was pleasantly surprised they weren’t. Sure, they had that elite aura about them like James, which awed anyone who happened to encounter them. And physically, they were tall and muscular like James too, but that was where the resemblance ended.Scott was a hunky, blond-haired, light-brown-eyed charming man that screamed sex appeal like a lion on testosterone. I had to do a double take because he was so gorgeous—as in drop-dead gorgeous—even I found it hard to tear my gaze from him. He was the type that could make a girl come in ecstasy with just a cheeky smile or wink. The moment I saw him, I knew he was both the easiest to get along with yet the hardest to get close to of all three brothers.I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but my instincts told me Scott had many layers and much depth in terms of his personality,
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Chapter 107
MiaI chose to wear my ballet flats for easy walking, though I didn’t change my clothes. I thought this dress—cute, frilly, and short—was fine for now, as I was only going out for a bit and the meeting was just down the road.With my cell phone in hand, I headed out the door. As I descended the stairs, I wondered if I should tell James. Yes, that was a good idea since I didn’t want him to worry about me. After all, he was always apprehensive that I’d be a target because of him, just like Matt where Andy was concerned.I went toward the living room, but at the door, I was about to open my mouth to speak when I changed my mind. The Maxwell brothers were in a deep discussion of some sort about something serious. I heard the words Alice, bride, Japan, Dad, wedding, and a lot of profanity from Eric. Because I didn’t want to interrupt them and assuming James wouldn’t notice if I was gone for only five minutes, I changed my mind and retraced my steps. Then I headed out the front door and dow
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Chapter 108
James“I’m going to check up on Aria and Mia for a bit,” James said, getting up from his seat. “I think that’s enough gossiping about Dad and his new bride.”Eric snorted. “That woman is not Dad’s new bride. Don’t be ridiculous, James.”Scott chuckled. “We’ll get to meet her soon, no doubt. Our old man is coming home next month, isn’t he?”“Yeah,” James said as he headed toward the door. As he was about to exit, he added, “You’re about to meet your new stepmother, Eric. You should be elated about that.”Eric shouted, “Fuck you, James. It’s not funny.”James laughed, shaking his head as he headed up the stairs.He couldn’t believe how sensitive Eric was where the new bride Alice was concerned.New bride, he thought, his mind turning to Mia. Fuck, he’d said the four-letter word to her this evening, and he still couldn’t believe it. Once again, he felt elated, simply elated when he’d finally recognized his feelings for Mia and said those wonderful words to her. Not to mention that quick
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Chapter 109
MiaIt was midnight or early in the morning. I wasn’t sure which, but as usual, I found myself opening my eyes, a cold shiver running down my spine. My heart started to race as the fear inside me made itself known, taunting and feeding me with thoughts of a disgusting beast full of horror and revulsion that made me sick—physically, mentally, and emotionally.Soon, it would start. Soon, it would appear, this monster. And soon, I’d start screaming inside my head until I was exhausted, until I was numb from the pain. Then I’d push the memory of the horrendous episode into the deepest part of my mind, locking it away along with so many others, never allowing it to see the light of day again.I raised my eyes to look at the window where a scatter of moon rays sneaked into the small dark room. The pale light seemed cold, detached, and soulless. The longer I stared at the colorless luminosity, the more I craved the warmth of sunlight. God, I wanted the sun to rise. I wanted to see the beauti
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