All Chapters of MAKE HIM LOVE AGAIN: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
52 Chapters
Having Compassion For Kids
Chapter 41:Having Compassion For KidsAfter thinking for a few minutes, he concluded to carry her because she had been the one watching him while he felt sick. He doesn't care if he falls sick again, he can't let her have body pain and catch a cold while sleeping on the couch.He carried her gently and walked slowly taking the stairs, she held him tight while sleeping thinking she was holding a pillow.He scoffs, "Crazy Remin."Opening the room door, he placed her properly on the bed and covered her as well, his itching started, and he rushed to make use of the dosage and took more pills as well.Despite the dosage weakening him, he managed to walk back to her room to watch her that night and take care of her as well."A friend should also do this right? I will make sure it doesn't pass through friendship to another level, if I want her to stay alive and unhurt from me, I have to just remain friends with her." He concluded.Looking at her sleeping became a nightmare to him, she kept s
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She Is Around
Chapter 42: She Is AroundNora thought about volunteering to work with them and number two, she loves kids."What if your wishes are granted? Will the kids love me?" Nora asked with a smile and she got a positive response making her believe that the kids will love her and accept her."Are you serious about volunteering?" The nurse questioned."Yes I am and I won't lie about it, I love kids so much, you can call my mom to verify from her, my soft spot is from kids." She admitted."Then we are lucky to have you, come with me to the children's playground, it's very okay to play with them there at any day and time okay by you, you can also visit them in their ward just to encourage them.""Thank you very much, about the child Lizzy, tell me about her case, is there a chance it will be removed?""It's possible but we are still looking for more donations to make a date for the best surgeons that's why for now all we do is to encourage them.""What about her parents?""Her parents are dead,
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Stay Away From Me
Chapter 43: Stay Away From MeRowan arrived at the bar and his excitement was more than a hundred percent, he went in and the male bartender gave him a wink and a thumbs up and he smiled, walked to where Nora is and blindfolded her eyes with his bare hands."Guess." He said and she smiled thinking who could be the person but she had no guess in mind knowing fully well Kieran doesn't know where she works and he won't even come to see her as well."I can't guess, just let go, let me see your face." She said and Rowan let go saying, "Been a while ""You again!" She yelled pointing at him and he replied, "Yes, me again, did I do something wrong?""I don't know what your plans are to keep your distance from me." She warned."That's no way to treat your customer, anyway I got you this, roses as beautiful as you, I hope you like it." She took the roses and hit him with them, "Customer don't try to be intimate with the workers here, if you are not here for a drink, kindly take you to leave,
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Convince My Son
Chapter 44: Convince My Son"Do not touch me with those hands of yours, and go to hell, I hate seeing you.." Nora said out of anger but Rowan was happy about what he was doing.She cut her hands mistakenly and yelled, "Does it hurt?" He held the particular finger and she got angry."What do you think you are doing? Are you a doctor or what? Just get lost." She yelled leaving the spot and going to figure it out immediately Kieran's mom called her and she picked up immediately."How are you doing my child?" She asked."I am fine Mrs. Penelope." She replied faking her smile."I need you to come to meet me at my place right now, there is something we must talk about right now." Kieran's mom said and she accepted. Immediately she left the place making sure Rowan didn't take notes and took a taxi off to see Mrs.Penelope at home."That guy is such a jerk, I hope never to see him again, if not I am going to report him to the police." She stated then immediately started thinking about Kieran,
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Developing Feelings
Chapter 45: Developing FeelingsThe care she saw in his eyes made her fall in love more with him."Kieran, it's nothing serious at all, I am not feeling any pain at all." She replied calmly, trying to give him some space."You are my friend now, so let me tend to this wound.""What about your..." He didn't let her finish when he said, "I will be fine." He took her to the dining room to sit while he got his first aid kit and tended to the wound using a little plaster to cover up the wound and he was done.He observed his body was changing, he didn't let her notice as he said, "I will be going to my room now, just always be careful out there.""Kieran, thank you so much, enjoy your night's rest." She said with her beautiful smile, she didn't know he smiled when he turned his back on her."Goodnight Remin and have a great rest." He walked to his room locking his door behind him and he rushed in to get his medicine to drink at once, he became pale all of a sudden finding it difficult to
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Executing His Plan
Chapter 46:Executing His PlanThe next morning, Kieran got a call from work concerning a movie they were sponsoring and it was urgent he was there to resolve whatever was occurring.He got ready, took his dosage and left, leaving a note at the front door of Nora's since he didn't wish to interrupt her sleep.He zoomed over to the company with speed and his secretary explained the situation on the ground to him."Call for the meeting at once, we can't sponsor a movie that will bring a bad reputation to us all." He added and his secretary got ready to execute the plan.**Nora finally woke up stretching on the bed and sitting up, "I enjoyed my night's rest, too bad I was dreaming of what can never happen." She stood up from her bed about to head to Kieran's room to see how he was fairing when she saw the note on the ground."Who dropped this?" She asked, bent to pick up the note and go through what was written."Good morning Remin, I had to rush to work, there was an emergency, hope yo
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Thinking Of Two Men
Chapter 47: Thinking Of Two Men"You again.""Yes me again, I expect a thank-you from you," Rowan said with enough pride and she had no option but to be nice to him."Thank you for saving me from those bad boys.""You are welcome darling, you see, I am not as bad as you think of me to be, my name is Rowan and I hope you won't hesitate in telling me your name?"She smiled saying, "My name is Nora.""Finally she told me her name, does that mean we are good friends now.""Look, I am glad you saved me but do not expect too much from me, I will get you a free drink for saving me." She said walking to the bar and the male bartender gave a thumb up to Rowan for successfully getting her wrapped in his arms."Now that she is ready to be nice to me, I shouldn't take things in a rush, I should let everything flow and I know at the end of the day, she is going to be my alone."Nora brought the drink to his table and served two glass cups as they cheered."Who could ever imagine that I will end up
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Great Time With Him
Chapter 48: Great Time With HimKieran was mesmerized by her beauty and didn't know the time she walked close to him saying, "Is everything okay with you? Why are you looking at me that way?" "Me? " he asked, pointing at himself and she looked confused, saying, "Do I look funny in this outfit?" "Not at all, you look fine as a friend going out." He said and he noticed they are very close to each other and nothing happened to him."Well thank you, at least someone commented on my outfit." She said smiling and he didn't want her to know he was comfortable being with her."I will go and get ready, I already made a reservation for us,Remin." He said and gave a brief smile that melted her heart completely.He walked to his room and she held her chest saying, "OMG, he smiled at me, wow, I guess tonight might be my night, I can't wait." She started dancing and wishing for so many things to take place that night.She sat down on the chair saying, "What will I do to make him fall for me for r
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Great Time With Him(ii)
Chapter 49: Great Time With Him(ii)Nora felt butterflies in her belly but remembering what could happen to him after the kiss, she stopped immediately saying, "Now you all have seen for yourself, we have so much fun to catch right now, bye." She dragged him to a spot where no one could see them and she started panicking, "Why did you kiss me? Do you wish to faint here? Where are your medications? You need to take them now."He was happy seeing how genuinely she cared for him but still, he won't tell her just yet he is getting better with just her, he wants to be sure and also doesn't want her to leave him just like that."I have my medications with me, I would take them now, and lastly, do not take the kiss to heart, I just had to do it to save my name.""Of course not, we don't love each other so it's just normal kissing, after all, actors and actresses can kiss in a movie without meaning anything at all, so ours is the same case." She lied, maintaining a straight face."I am glad w
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Trying To Convince Him
Chapter 50: Trying To Convince HimA day later, Kieran and Remin resumed their friendship conversation but she never knew the reason he couldn't face her the last time was because he was ashamed of himself. He was ashamed of everything he did when he was on the roller coaster."Remin lunch is ready." She said from afar and he was happy about it, he loves her cooking but still, he kept it to himself alone.She prepared rice along with salad and chicken.He sat down trying to help himself out and she just admired him."What? Why are you looking at me that way? Won't you eat?""I will eat after you." She replied with a smile."Does that mean this food is poisoned?""What if it's poisoned? At least someone will die someday." "What? Are you planning to kill me?" She burst into serious laughter saying, "You need to see the way you look right now, you look so ugly when your face is like that." R"This is not a funny thing, Remin.""I am just joking, I didn't poison your meal okay? Now let
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