All Chapters of The Girl He Hates: Chapter 111 - Chapter 117
117 Chapters
111 #Just be safe
Jason"WHAT THE FUCK?" I shouted with my eyes burning with rage, staring at the man who had just attacked me."This is what you deserve for what you did to my sister!" he snarled, his eyes filled with hatred. Catching me by the collar and pulling my face close to his, he whispered, "How dare you?""What the fuck!" I repeated my words, feeling a surge of fear and adrenaline coursing through my veins as I grabbed his hands off of me and pushed him away. "I never touched your sister," I gasped, trying to reason with him before things escalated further."Jason..." he cut me off with a menacing growl, his grip tightening on my collar. "How dare you hide the truth from me ?" He seethed, his voice low and dangerous. "She was in pain, suffering from a life-threatening disease, and you never thought to tell me?" I could see the hurt and betrayal in his eyes, and I knew that this situation was far from over."You guys, this is a hospital; you can't cause a scene here," one of the hospital staff
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112 #Babies
KieraIt hurts when I move my arm. My head is also pounding with a headache. And if more than that, I am aching in my stomach too.I groaned, opening my eyes, only to find myself in a hospital bed with an IV drip in my arm. The bright lights and beeping machines around me made me realize that my situation was more serious than I had initially thought.I looked around the room, and no one was there, causing a sense of unease to settle in. I tried to recall what had happened before waking up in the hospital, but my memory was hazy at best.As memories started to slowly come back, I remembered puking blood and fainting on the bathroom floor, and then Jason brought me here, only for me to find that I had lost my baby.The realization hit me like a ton of bricks, and tears welled up in my eyes as I processed the heartbreaking news. I moved my hand to touch my belly but felt nothing but emptiness. The emptiness mirrored the grief I felt in my heart, knowing that I had lost a piece of myself
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113 #A Symbol of Hope
Kiera"Kiera..." a voice called out from the doorway, breaking me out of my thoughts. I turned to see a familiar face, grasping for air as if they had been running to find me. "What are you doing here?" he said, wrapping his arms around me in a tight embrace. "Careful that a baby is sleeping in my arms," I whispered, smiling at the unexpected reunion."Baby..." he trailed off, his eyes widening in surprise as he caught sight of the small bundle in my arms."Is this..." he began, his voice filled with wonder and joy as he looked at the peaceful face of the sleeping baby."Yes," I replied softly, feeling a sense of warmth and contentment settle over me as I watched him gaze at the baby with awe. "Is it cute ?" I asked, feeling a rush of happiness at the sight of him bonding with our child. "Absolutely adorable," he replied, his eyes never leaving the baby's face as a smile spread across his own."Why did you leave the room earlier?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued as he continued to ad
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114 #A Hopeful Future
Jason"Yeah, she is in the room," I called and informed Kevin as I laid Kiera on the bed."I am coming," he replied, ending the call before rushing to the room. I watched as Kevin entered, concern evident on his face as he approached Kiera."Kiera..." Kevin called, breathing heavily as if running all the way to the room. "Thank God you're saved," he mumbled, making his way towards Kiera, standing by beside Kiera's bed, ignoring me. I stood back, feeling a pang of jealousy at Kevin's obvious concern for Kiera. As he leaned in to check on her, "Don't scare me like that again," he whispered softly, relief evident in his voice.Kiera nodded her head with a smile plastered on her face, grateful for Kevin's presence. "I'm sorry," she replied softly, reaching out to hold his hand. Kevin squeezed her hand gently, his worry dissipating as he looked into her eyes with a reassuring smile."Fool," he mumbled, wrapping her arms around Kiera tight. "I'm just glad you're okay." Kiera closed her eyes,
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115 #Even death....
JasonA month has passed since Kiera's leukemia treatment started, and Kiera's body has shown signs of improvement. Her cancer is responding well to the treatment. But she still has a long road ahead of her.I am happy to see her progressing and remaining positive throughout this difficult time. The babies that we met at the hospital have been a source of inspiration for her to keep fighting. Some of them are adopted by families that will give them the love and care they deserve. At the same time, some are still waiting for a family to take them home.Now and then, Kiera asks me to visit some of the babies still waiting for a family. Both Kiera and Aria love to spend time playing with them and giving them love and attention until they find their forever homes. She is keen on advocating for herself. But she won her battle against cancer first.Everything seems to be going well so far, but even with that, Kiera is in so much pain and struggles to find the strength to keep fighting. Seei
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116 # Leaving him Behind
KieraI have so many things that I have planned for my life: rebuilding my father's company, spending my time with Jason and Aria, traveling the world with my loved ones, and rebuilding my happy childhood memories with Kevin.I thought I had everything planned and was so happy until I realized that life doesn't always go as planned.Death seems to be knocking on my door, threatening to take away everything I hold dear. But I won't let it win. But sometimes all my hope and strength go to waste when I lie down in bed and sleep is nowhere to be found, my mind consumed with fear and uncertainty. And if, by chance, my eyes get heavy with sleep, nightmares of losing my loved ones haunt me, making me wake up in a cold sweat, fearing the worst. My mind is filled with nightmares of losing everything I love. I struggle to find peace and tranquility in the darkness of the night. My body aches with exhaustion, and no matter in what position I move, the restlessness persists.Sometimes, even breath
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117 #I hate myself
Kiera "I hate myself."Kiera's words echoed in her mind with the pained expression on her face and the deep sense of self-loathing evident in her eyes. The weight of her own harsh words lingers in the air, suffocating me with a heavy sense of despair.How can she think like this about herself? She is a beautiful person, both inside and out.I know she is struggling with the stress of battling her leukemia and the constant fear of the unknown, but I wish she could see herself through my eyes—as a strong, resilient fighter who deserves love and compassion.I sighed, staring at her sleeping form, feeling a wave of sadness wash over me. Does she have a mere idea of how much it hurts me every day to see her in so much pain and not be able to take it away from her?Every day I see her suffering, see her in pain; she struggles with every little thing that was once so easy for her. Even standing on her own two feet is a challenge now. And that makes me feel completely helpless and powerless.
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