All Chapters of The Girl He Hates: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
100 Chapters
21 #Whispers of the Forest
“Wow...” The only words Kiera can say, mesmerized by the beauty of nature. I smiled, staring at her. The way the sunlight illuminated her face made her eyes sparkle with wonder. It was a moment of pure bliss as we both stood there in awe of the breathtaking scenery surrounding us. “You like it,” Jason asked, standing beside Kiera and staring at her awed expression that did not state whether she was showing it or not. Kiera nodded, unable to tear her gaze away from the stunning landscape. The silence between us spoke volumes, as we shared a deep appreciation for the wonders of nature. “No,” said Kiera, turning her face toward Jason and looking directly into his eyes. “Really,” replied Jason sadly, the disappointment clearly showing on his face. But soon, the sadness shifted to stun as Kiera wrapped her hands around Jason, holding him tightly close to her. “I love it,” Kiera gleefully said as she hugged Jason. The joy in her voice was contagious, and Jason couldn't help but smile ba
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22 #She failed Jason
“Kiera... read all the documents carefully. I want you to revise all of them for today’s meeting,” Jason said, handing Kiera some files with a serious expression on his face. "Make sure to highlight any key points or areas that need clarification," he added, emphasizing the importance of her thorough review. Kiera nodded, understanding the urgency of the task, and began immersing herself in the documents immediately. .“On it,” Kiera replied, making her way quickly to her desk to finish the task Jason asked her to do. Time passes quickly, and it’s not like people say that it feels like tomorrow when Kiera agrees to work with Jason, not knowing what to do or how to do it. But here she is now. A month has passed since she started working for Jason as his assistant. And honestly, the doubtfulness that Kiera was once feeling is now long forgotten. Now she likes every second of her time working here, as she has grown confident in her abilities and enjoys the challenges that come with her r
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23 #A Family
The applause reassured her that she had successfully captured the attention of the room and delivered her presentation effectively. Kiera turned her face towards Jason, who was clapping for her with others, but his eyes and smile on his face said how proud he was of Kiera's first success. She can't help but feel a rush of happiness and accomplishment. I can’t believe that I did it. I made the first business deal of my life. It all seemed like a sweet dream, but I pinched my hand just in case, and guess what? All of this was real, and I really did successfully crack my first business deal. I’m so happy that I want to bounce up and down and all around the conference room with joy, like a child. And thank the person behind my success. All this happened because one person trusted me even when I doubted my ability to do stuff like that. But now, when I look at his face, all I can see is a happy and proud expression. And it's not just me who is pleased with my first achievement; Jason is,
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24 #A Vacation
Both Jason and I are in Aria’s room, attempting to lull her to sleep. I know right now we are both thinking the same thing. We were both concerned after hearing how badly Aria would react if I ever left her alone, because no matter how badly I wanted to stay there, I couldn’t. This place is not somewhere I can stay forever. And the thing is, Aria is very attached to me, and this is not good for her. However, the thing is, I can’t do anything about it. She is just a child, and no matter how hard I try, I can never make her understand the complications of my relationship with Jason. As a child, I always wanted to grow up to be an adult. So that I can make my decisions right or wrong, good or bad. But, as I grew up, I realized how hard it is for an adult to live, to move forward, and to face the mistakes of their own decisions and the consequences of those decisions, too. It’s weird how we humans want something that we could never have, but we still want it so badly. And when we finally
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25 #Confession
Both Jason and I are in Aria’s room, attempting to lull her to sleep. I know right now we are both thinking the same thing. We were both concerned after hearing how badly Aria would react if I ever left her alone, because no matter how badly I wanted to stay there, I couldn’t. This place is not somewhere I can stay forever. And the thing is, Aria is very attached to me, and this is not good for her. However, the thing is, I can’t do anything about it. She is just a child, and no matter how hard I try, I can never make her understand the complications of my relationship with Jason. As a child, I always wanted to grow up to be an adult. So that I can make my decisions right or wrong, good or bad. But, as I grew up, I realized how hard it is for an adult to live, to move forward, and to face the mistakes of their own decisions and the consequences of those decisions, too. It’s weird how we humans want something that we could never have, but we still want it so badly. And when we finally
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26. #Dark Past
“So, where are we going?” I asked almost thirteen times today, growing increasingly impatient. I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration as the question seemed to go unanswered each time. “Surprise,” said Jason thirteen times today, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. I couldn't help but wonder what kind of surprise awaited me, as his secretive nature only added to my anticipation. “Tell me." I don’t like surprises. Surprise means something unexpected is about to happen, and I don’t like unexpected things in my life. “What is so secret about the place that you don’t want to share?” I asked, my voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and irritation. Jason's mischievous smile only grew wider, and he replied, "Trust me, it's worth the wait. You'll see." The mystery surrounding our destination only intensified my eagerness to uncover what awaited me there. “I don’t know, but have some patience; you’ll see once we land there,” replied Jason, giving me the sweetest but annoying sm
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27 #Plans Cancelled
All senses were stuck at that moment, seeing Kiera react this way. It was by far the most stupid thing I have done. Finally, things were starting to get normal, and Kiera was starting to truly try to put her trust in me, and with each passing day, our bond became stronger. But look at me now, ruining everything that I have worked so hard to achieve. How can I be foolish enough to do something and ruin everything? I don’t even want to think about the consequences of my silly act. And right in the moment of my frustration, a tiny hand touched my face, distracting me from my thoughts. “Daddy,” a small voice called out, breaking me out of my self-destructive mindset. I turned my attention to Aria; she seemed tense by the way Kiera reacted, but I can’t blame her for that, nor can I blame Kiera. It’s all my fault in the first place. I shouldn’t have acted so irrationally. I hugged Aria tightly, trying to provide comfort to her and to myself with her warm embrace. “Don’t worry, mama is jus
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28 #Meeting with her Dad
With all my emotions at bay and not knowing how to react to these sudden turns of events, it’s been months, and Dad’s been in a coma for a long time, but now he is awake. I don’t even know how to express my feelings in front of him. As per doctors, Dad had shown signs of recovery for quite a long time, and every day I wish to see him like before, smiling, walking on his legs, and talking to me. I want him to confront me like he used to do in the past. Finally, my long-lost wish of mine will come true, but then why am I so nervous? Maybe I’m afraid to be happy after so much sadness in the past. “Are you okay?” I looked up as a comforting arm wrapped around my shoulder. I nodded my head, acting fine, but inside I was all messed up. My mouth was too dry to form any words, and my heart was pumping rapidly in my ribs. I don’t even know how to react when I am with my father. And Jason, how is he feeling inside being here with you? So see the well-being of the person who was once the rea
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29 #Two Broken Heart
A week has passed since the news of Dad coming out of the coma, and he is now shifted to the normal ward. But he is still under observation, and if everything goes fine with his reports, then we might take him home with us soon. I’m very happy today that I can stay with my father. I went to Jason’s room to inform him that I’d leave today and would go to my house and live with my dad from now on. Jason is in his house office with loads of files and documents covering the space of his desk, and for the first time in months, I have seen Jason wearing glasses, and damn, he looks hot. I shook my head. Wait, what the fuck am I thinking? I’m here to talk with him, not to rate him by his looks. Jason seems so busy at work that I don't want my heart to disturb him. Standing by the door, all I could do was stare at him and adore his beauty with my eyes. He is wearing a simple white button-down shirt with his sleeves rolled up, flexing his elbows as he works, and glasses over his eyes are just
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30 #Vegitative Stage
What have I done? Why can’t I control my emotions? Only because of me, Kiera left me; not only that, but the friendship and bond that I created with her are also ruined because of this, all because of me and my fucking mouth. Fool. Why don't I think that now, after all this, I can stop Kiera? And because of my mistake, Aria has to lose her mom too, but only because of me. “Kiera,” I called one more time, hoping that she would turn her back and come back, but all my hope ended when Kiera disappeared outside the door. I ran towards Kiera, wanting to stop her, but the phone ringing inside my pocket stopped my steps. I wanted to ignore the call, but looking at the caller ID, I took the call to my ear. “Hello,” I said, listening to the words very carefully. “We are coming." The call ended with a click, leaving me with a sinking feeling in my stomach. “Kiera, wait,” I said, running towards her, holding her arm, stopping her from moving any further. Kiera turned to her, staring at me with
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