All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE SECRET HEIR: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
153 Chapters
Chapter 136
Since Shannon wasn't working anymore with the Lincoln, she fully had time for her son now, she work per time, and yet still get fully paid because of the hard she worked. It was the weekend, Shannon had her weekend planned already with Dennis, she was going to be taking him to Disney land for the first time, and she wanted it to be like a surprise for him. After he was done with breakfast, Shannon dressed him up and then told him they were going on an outing. Dennis screamed out loudly, he was too excited as he jumped and hugged his mother.She watched as his eyes lit up and his face broke into a huge grin. He started jumping up and down, clapping his hands and asking "Really?" over and over again. He couldn't contain his excitement, and kept asking, "When? When?" Shannon almost got tired of answering him over and over again. Shannon laughed as she saw the excitement on her son's face. In response to Dennis's enthusiasm, Shannon laughed and said, "Yes, we're leaving soon. Go
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Chapter 137
"Dennis, can you please allow Uncle Ryan to sit first?" Shannon told her son, she knew the young boy was so excited to tell about his experience but she needed to caution him and teach him the right thing to do. "Yes momma!" he muttered and then ran back to then ran back to the kitchen to meet nana. After Dennis left, Shannon directed her gaze to Ryan, he was looking as handsome as ever. "What brought you here, Mr. Lancaster?" Shannon used an official tone as she queried, her hands on her waist, tilting her head up to meet with his gaze. His brow arched, "I came to see the newly appointed Secretary of the Walton company, Why haven't you resume soon?" Ryan played along, his lips curling into a smile. "That's because... I.." Shannon scratched her head looking for the right word, she had wanted to stay away from work for some time, rest and then gather enough courage to face the wall of business again. "You can rest all you want, take two weeks off and then resume later" Ry
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Chapter 138
The ray of sunlight beamed across Shannon eyes making her flutter her eyes open, she blinked her eyes rapidly, batting her long lashes together as she used her hand to block the direction of the sunlight. Although that didn't sufficed, but it came to her a aid for a while as she stood up and then closed her window.Waking up freely for the past few days was still strange to Shannon, no incessant ringing of her alarm, she doesn't have to hurry things in order to meet up with time. Everything was just new to her, waking up, the first thing she does was to walk into Dennis room, wake him up and personally prepare him, then drop him off at school. Well, that morning was going to be different because she was going out with Ryan on the business date. However, she'll be entrusting Nana to drop Dennis off at school. After struggling to stand up to her feet, Shannon sluggishly dragged her feet as she walked outside her room heading to Dennis room.With just a click, she turned the door knob o
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Chapter 139
On Arrival to Boston, Ben pulled up to the Fairmont Copley Plaza, Shannon couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. She had been eager to meet with Ryan throughout the drive, the letter she had just read made her want to pull him into a hug as she inhaled his masculine scent, and the fact that they were meeting at such a prestigious hotel only added to the excitement. She stepped out of the car, her heels clicking on the sidewalk as she made her way towards the entrance. The doorman greeted her with a smile, opening the door and welcoming her inside.She was hoping she was going to be given alone time with him before the meeting began, but then again, Ben led her to the room where the meeting was held, bringing her hope to a crash. Shannon wasn't just disappointed by the turn of events, she was also disappointed that she had to sit down there for hours until the meeting came to an end. Ben turned the door knob of the meeting room opened, holding it for her to get in. After
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Chapter 140
Fluttering her eyes open, Shannon felt her heart freeze as her gaze met with the unexpected Shadow that stood at the doorway, hands crossed across the shoulder. "You startled me!" Shannon creased her brow as she drew in a rasp breath. She could finally breathe properly now. Once Shannon realized that the shadow was Ryan, her body seemed to release a breath it had been holding. Her shoulders sagged with relief, the tension leaving her body in a wave. Her heartbeat slowed, and her breathing became more even. His presence seemed to fill the room with warmth, dispelling the fear and confusion that had seized her just moments before. She felt herself relax, a sense of safety and comfort settling over her. "Look what we have here!" his husky tone send cold shivers down her spine, his eyes gaze hungrily as they roam through her naked body.Her skin felt tight, as if every nerve was standing on end, as his voice rumbled through the air. The goosebumps that had broken out across her skin ma
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Chapter 141
Shannon knew from there that it wasn't a joke, it was real, her son was missing. She had to find him, where did he entered, who was behind it? Did he get kidnapped? How? Many questions were running through her mind right there, but she couldn't seems to have an answer to any one. "Is everything alright? " Lifting up her face, Shannon met with Ryan gaze. "Our son is missing!" Shannon spilled out the words without thinking twice. "Our son?" She expected that reaction, as he creased his brow in confusion, his gaze looking lost. Ryan wasn't just stupefied, he was looking lost. Was she hallucinating? Did something goes wrong somewhere or was it just a slip of tongue? Too many questions were running through his mind right there, and he needed an accurate answers to his question. "Yes, our son, " Shannon repeated this time, her voice clear and sure, she had nothing too loose. She had intended to tell him after the whole incident, but now, it was better later than never.Ryan stood ther
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Chapter 142
Seated inside the car, Shannon's heart raced, its rhythmic thump echoing in her ears. The leather seats cradled her, embracing her with a soft, supple warmth, while the dashboard lights illuminated her anxious expression. She was very restless, tossing from one side to another, and she was being much careful as she kept her gaze locked on the road avoiding to meet with Ryan hot scrutiny. Even with his undivided attention focused on the road, She could feel his eyes burning into her, his gaze intense and probing. She kept her eyes focused on the road ahead, unable to bear the weight of his scrutiny. Without being told, she could feel his anger radiating from the seat beside her, filling the car with an electric tension. The silence was suffocating, making it hard to breathe.The car's wheels bumped along the road, the landscape outside blurring past them. Somehow, her gaze directed to where he sat, his hands holding the steering , she needed no one to tell her that he was battlin
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Chapter 143
As Ben's car pulled up to where they stood, Shannon found herself at a loss for words. She had so much to say, but all the words seemed to have evaporated, knowing he wasn't going to be the answer to her numerous questions. She felt like a deer in headlights, frozen and unsure of what to do next. Her heart was pounding in her chest, her palms sweating. The only thing she knew for sure was that everything had just gotten a lot more complicated.Different thought was running through her head as she thought of why Ryan had run in hasteHer mind was a whirl of thoughts as she tried to make sense of what had just happened. Why had Ryan come running in such a hurry? Was there something she was missing? Something she didn't know? Or maybe does it have anything related to Dennis? Her mind was racing, but she couldn't focus on any one thought for long. She was like a leaf in a storm, tossed about by the winds of confusion and suspense.Shannon's face was pulled into a frown as Ben took a tur
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Chapter 144
Ryan, without thinking, scribbled his signature on the contract."Is there anything else?" Ryan inquired."Yes!" With a gun aimed at his head, Ryan raised his hands in surrender."Do you think I'm going to be so stupid to let you go after signing the contract? I thought you were smart, but then again, you're nothing but a dummy," Reuben cocked his gun and pointed it at Ryan.Ryan gulped. He was more concerned about Dennis. He wouldn't want him to experience such a scene. It was too scary for a child of his age, and he was more concerned about the scene haunting him."You know what? I'll give you whatever you want. Let's get in and talk business!" Ryan tried to keep his voice steady."There is nothing to discuss, Ryan. The contract is already signed, and that's it!" Reuben smirked. His eyes sparkled with a glint of triumph, the smugness in his gaze unmistakable. He had finally won the game; he had always wished for a day like this to come when Ryan would be at his complete mercy."So,
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Chapter 145
As Ryan opened the door, she caught a glimpse of his eyes. He looked so saddened. It was as if the whole world had just crashed down at his feet.He just looked at her, devastated, and without a word, he walked straight inside the mansion, with Dennis walking alongside him. Shannon ran after them, she scooped Dennis from the floor staring at his body to see if he was hurt, and then she breathed out a sigh of relief when she didn't see any signs of injury in his body. She felt tears threatening to spill down her eyes as she blinked her eyes rapidly, she couldn't believe she was holding Dennis finally In her hands. If only she had told Ryan the truth back then, perhaps all this wouldn't have been happening. She stared from her son to Ryan, she couldn't even hold his gaze for hours, he looked broken, shattered beyond repair, and she was the main reason behind those looks. She owes him apologies, several explanations, and above all she needs him to forgive her.Her thought wandered
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