All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE SECRET HEIR: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
153 Chapters
Chapter 77
She was already feeling her orgasm, and was site that she was going to be shattering in seconds, and before she could even think she was already shattering in his hands.Her body was shaking tremendously every part of her was vibrating. He kissed her softly as he ripped her dress with his hands. Then he did the unexpected, he turned it into a veil as he blindfolded her with it. Shannon gasped as he knelt her down with the blindfold, then she felt him grabbing her hair as he muttered out some strange words. Getting blindfolded only sent this new sexual pleasure on her, She moaned out as she felt his dick right in her lips. Her rammed into her mouth, as she sucked him deeply waves of pleasure washing through her. She could barely inhale as he kept on ramming into her, she felt as though her breath would seize any moment, but still she wished he wouldn't stop. He stood her to her feet, and lifted her up to the bed kissing her passionately as her legs wrapped around his body.
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Chapter 78
Shannon had just gotten to work that morning, she already had her day planned; she was going to postpone the Ongoing project. Immediately she got inside her office, and a few minutes later, Bryan walked inside. "Good morning boss!" Bryan greeted."Morning, arrange a meeting with the other staff in thirty minutes!" She informed him. Bryan took a bow, nodding his head, " What is the context of the meeting, if I may ask ma'am " "We are postponing the project for some week" Diverting her gaze from her Desktop, she replied to him. "About the project, we got an email asking for a collaboration with us" Shannon's interest was caught immediately, "Which company is that?" "Mark Walton industry" Bryan replied, which made Shannon gasped widely. She couldn't believe her ears, M.W. was among the top ten of the biggest industry in their town. "Are you for real?" She queried again, doubting that a company like that would want to collaborate with them. "Yes ma, I read the mail thi
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Chapter 79
Just as Shannon was lost in her thoughts, the door to the conference went open and then someone walked right inside. Emily walked on through the door, she walked closer to the board table, adjusted her sun shade then take a bow before she sat down close to her. She didn't realize who it was until she removed her shade and then turned to look at Ryan, she was secretly sending advances at him and Shannon found it very irritating. She felt as though she should hit Emily's head on the table. "Hello miss, if you don't mind I think you are staring too much " Shannon couldn't tell where that possessive feeling was coming from, but she felt very insecure watching Emily drool over Ryan. Emily cast an irritating look which immediately waned into a stupefying glare. "What are you doing here?" Emily whispered back to her, her voice wasn't exempting the surprise her face held. "What do you think ?" Shannon gave her a sarcastic reply. "I think you couldn't allow your whorish self to s
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Chapter 80
After the meeting, Shannon knew that Ryan was going to hold her captive, she had that feeling deep down. And just as she had thought, it ended up happening that way. As she stood up to leave, then she heard him speak with that deep voice of his. "We have a business proposal to discuss!" he started. Shannon knew arguing with him wasn't going to yield results rather it would draw the attention of other board members to them. Her sister had left immediately after the meeting ended without even saying a word to her, Shannon waited until every board member left, Bryan and Ben was the only one left. Without being told, Ben signaled Bryan to exit the room, but she knew Bryan was fully concerned about her well-being and wouldn't want to leave her all alone with a dangerous CEO. Ben who didn't want to warn him enough, walk ahead of him as he exited the room quietly. Immediately Ryan lifted his face, and he shut Bryan an intimidating look, Shannon trusted Bryan; though he'd be scared of
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Chapter 81
When Shannon got home that evening, she was very tired, but when she saw Dennis, she felt relieved. She assisted him with his assignments and then dang him to sleep before she went to her room.As she entered her room, her phone was ringing and it took her a few seconds before she sighted where she had kept her phone right on the bed. She walked down to the bed and grabbed her phone, glancing at the caller, "Ryan" She sighed as she read aloud. Just when she wanted to click on the green button, the call ended. Then she realized she had three missed calls already and texts from him. "Are you home yet?" the first text read. "You aren't picking up your calls, why?" she read the second. "Are you sleeping already? I've been trying to reach you", the third text read. Now, this wasn't the Ryan she knew. "Hi, Boyfriend. I'm fine, I came back almost two hours ago and yeah, I fell asleep and was woken up by your call" she texted him back, though she lied about sleeping already bec
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Chapter 82
Ryan was very furious when he heard from Ben about the ongoing feud. He was mad and upset, though he had known about this secret after Roy had made searches and told him that she was once a foster daughter to the Sawyer family. What he was so keen on discovering was unraveling all the mystery behind her. He wanted to discover how she rose from being a foster child to his secretary, then to a present heiress. He wanted to unravel all those mysteries himself, he swore to deal with whosoever messed with the press. He brought out his phone as he placed a call to Roy "Hunt down the blogger and get back to me within thirty minutes " he muttered into the phone as he hung up. ***Shannon was mad as she drove down to the Sawyers Corporation, it was up to three years, and her feet hadn't stepped into that company.As she walked inside, Some of her father's workers who could recognize her as the second daughter of the Sawer family let her in immediately. When s
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Chapter 83
"You bitch!!" Emily screamed at her, and then Shannon halted as she closed the door back wondering what went wrong. "What did you do to Max?" Emily shrieked, Shannon halted fully on her track as she turned to her sister, she could barely understand what she meant. "What are you talking about?" she queried, her brow lifted as she glared keenly at her. "Don't you dare play naive, you want it dirty right? This isn't all" Her sister walked away leaving her all alone km the office. Shannon who could barely comprehend what was going on, she simply walked away from the office and headed back to hers. **Immediately she got to her office, Bryan was already seated waiting for her. "What did you do to make the blogger take it down? I swear I promised him almost everything but he refused" He explained. Shannon was dazed as she stared at Bryan. "What?" she exclaimed. "He has taken it down?" "Yeah, I thought you knew" Bryan replied to her. Th
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Chapter 84
It was evening when Shannon received a text from Ryan; reminding her of the date he had planned with her. Shannon texted back that she would get ready in five minutes, she arranged her bag and called Bryan, and then informed him that she was off. It didn't take Shannon thirty minutes before she arrived at the seven-star hotel Ryan had texted her. Just as she had expected, Ryan was waiting for her outside in his black Maserati car. Sighting the car wasn't a problem for her as she walked down to it. The seven-star hotel wasn't secluded, though it was classy; but it wasn't paparazzi free.Just as she stepped out, tons of cameras started flashing at her; and she wasn't used to the rowdy life. For a moment, she felt her heart ripping apart, her palm was sweaty enough to tell that she was very nervous. Even though she tried her best to keep a straight face and smile at the camera, her body was shivering badly as he lead her through the hungry paparazzi. Shannon sighed heavily when
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Chapter 85
Shannon was moved, her heart softened as she turned to Ryan, and just immediately she turned to look at him, he quickly turned away, the most awkward thing was the fact that she caught the laughter lines in his lips and also his lips. Did Ryan just laugh? Her subconscious nagged at her, and then she suspected there was an ongoing chemistry that they were failing to tell her. "Please excuse me!" she mumbled as she sauntered away from the table as she walked with her sister. ***When Shannon had declared earlier that her sister would be back on her knees pleading, she didn't mean her statement. But now, there her sister was kneeling on her knees as she pleaded with her to lend her money to save the company before the loan people comes for it. Shannon wasn't hard-hearted, her sister's words came to her shuttering her heart into pieces as she ruminated over it. When she got back to Ryan, after promising her sister to get back to her the next day. She caught
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Chapter 86
"Good morning ma" Bryan's sultry voice greeted her as he walked inside her office. "What is it, Bryan?" Shannon knew his voice so well that she can tell when something is wrong. "The meeting with Mark Walton is today, Ma" he announced to her. Mark Walton was the CEO that had recently developed an interest in their project. Shannon was ready to risk it a second time after the unfortunate event with the first person. She could hardly believe that a company with a high reputation as Mark Walton would want to collaborate with them. "Thank you very much for the reminder, what's the time" She beamed, her brow raises upward. "By three pm, Belmont suite" Bryan replied her as he handed her a card, the card to the hotel room.Discussing business in a hotel room? Her thought reasoned for her, and she paused for a while reflecting on the idea. Recalling what happened on the last date she had with Matteo, and with how things ended, her instinct kicked negatively against the idea. But Shan
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