All Chapters of THE DARK ALPHA'S MATE: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
96 Chapters
RALIAI let out a soft breath, because I was feeling suffocated already because of the build up of emotions. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever come across" he said again, taking my hand and planting a kiss on the back of my palm. I blushed even harder, this man just knew how to sweep me off my feet. He asked if we were ready, and then he assigned some guards to go with us. I had never felt more special in my life than I felt at that very day. "I told you you looked stunning" Amelia whispered to me in such a way that the guards would not hear as we walked in the woods together. "Did you see how he had looked at you? Like his entire world revolves around you". I laughed out loud, I noticed I had been able to laugh more often lately, maybe because everything had been going well lately. As we walked, I admired the calm atmosphere in the woods, I wished Lesley had come with me. I imagined what it would feel like holding hands with him in this peaceful and extraor
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LESLEYI watched her from my hiding place, as she looked around in confusion. It was such a beautiful view to watch my beautiful mate standing out in the open with such beautiful colours spread on the sky. I was glad and proud that no matter how beautiful those colors were, nothing beat the beauty of my wife. I noticed the bunch of wild flowers she had in her hand, they looked like different flowers that had been combined together, thereby creating such a nice view. I was certain that was for me. She probably had plans of surprising me, I would surprise her first. I could not wait to see the beautiful look on her face when I finally surprise her, I was sure it would be a sight to behold. I waited for her to fully turn to face the other side so I would be able to creep up on her from behind. I suddenly came out of my hiding when she faced the other side, and walked slowly towards her. I did wye in hiding my shadow so that she would not get a glimpse of it as I approached
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RALIAI was feeling overwhelmed with the love that Lesley showered on me, I wondered what I had done in my previous life to deserve such love. "You are a treasure Ralia" he said touching my chin, I leaned towards him and kissed him passionately on the, wrapping my arms firmly around him like he belonged to me. Actually he did belong to me. Our kiss was interrupted when someone opened the door to the rooftop. It was Lesley's right hand man. "I told you I did not want anyone to interrupt me" Lesley said with a cold voice. "But I really need to talk to you about something that is very urgent" " What is it all about?" He looked at me and hesitated for sometime, it seemed like he did not want to speak in my presence. "speak" Lesley commanded. He stood reluctant for sometime, and still did not want to say anything in my presence. Lesley gently excused himself from me and went to a corner with him. I watched them as they spoke, trying to eavesdrop on what they we
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I woke up later to see a woman hovering over me, Amelia was standing a few distance away, looking at me with a worried look on her face. Her face immediately brightened up the moment she saw I was awake. She rushed to me immediately when I tried sitting up. "Don't try to get up Ralia, you are sick and the doctor has given you some injections. You don't have to move so that it works as it should". She said rubbing my shoulder and making me lie back down. "The injections would calm you down while I try to find out what is the cause of your sickness" the doctor said. After checking me, the doctor told me she had good news for me, I wondered what was so good about being sick. "Does that mean I am going to get better very soon?" " Not really " she said with a smile. "infact you are going to experience more symptoms like this but I would be here to help and guide you, to make sure it is not too hard for you". "so how is that a good news?" Amelia asked before I could open m
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Lesley came back two days later, I was having my meal before bed when I heard the servants running around to put things in place, I was wondering what was going on when Amelia came to me and informed me that Lesley was back. My heart leapt but for joy and excitement, the long awaited time had finally arrived, I could not deny the fact that I really missed him. I knew I was supposed to be mad at him for leaving without waking me up or even giving me a goodbye kiss, but that moment I forgot everything and had forgiven him. I abandoned my food and rushed outside to meet him, I watched him come down from the horse just like a prince, my prince. My heart started to pound incessantly the moment he looked up at me with those deep blue eyes which I had first fallen in love with. He immediately broke into a smile and started walking towards me. "I'm back" he said putting his arms around me tightly and kissing my forehead. "How was your trip?". He did not answer, he just took
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The next morning, I called my doctor to have her checked once again, I really wanted to know my wife's state of health, and off course that of my unborn child. "At this stage it would be very difficult to know the real gender of your child, so I can't determine that for now" the doctor said when I asked if she could tell if the child was a boy or a girl after checking Ralia. "I see, how is her health, and that of the child too. Is there any thing that needs to be done?" "They are both fine for now, I would be coming once in a while to check up on her. And just like I have told her before, call me once you notice something unusual and I would come right away". "Is there anything else we need to do to keep her and the child healthy?" "I have already given her maid a least of things to do, and food to prepare for her always in order to keep her healthy. As long as she follows diligently, there would be no problem". "I would make sure she follows as suite". I thanked t
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Three months into my pregnancy and I had started getting extreme symptoms the doctor had talked about, I felt nauseated even more than I had fekt in the beginning, I felt extreme back pains, stomach pains and most importantly I had terrible mood swings. Most times I would even lash out at Lesley, but he understood and stood by me. Of course I had Amelia too, I would lash out at her more often than not yet she never left my side.Last night Lesley had told me that he had a surprise for me today, I sat in my room chewing gingerly on some almond seeds as I awaited his surprise. I had actually had a bad temper the previous night and had chosen to pass the night in my own room no matter how much Lesley pleaded. He finally let me when he saw I was being reluctant, I actually did not know the exact reason I was on edge the whole night, but he however promised me he wod give me a surprise the next morning. I had woken as early as before the cock crows to snack on the almond Amelia had go
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I stood up and followed him sheepishly, still looking lost as ever. I did not understand anything that was going on. But I still enjoyed every bit of it even though the suspense was killing me. It was a surprise anyways and a surprise is supposed to be suspense filled, just that surprises should be things and not humans. I let him hold my hand and guided me as we walked down the staircase, one step after another. My heart raced with every step we took. My breathing seized for a moment when we finally got to the foot of the stairs, a woman was seated right there in the sitting room, right on the couch. She had her back turned to me so I could not see her face or make out who she was. Could she be the one who is my visitor? I tried so hard to see her face but it was difficult to see her face from the angle I was standing. I took a step closer. She was dressed in a very casual wears that did not look quite expensive, she had very white skin, and I bet she would have a beaut
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RALIA"Wow!" She exclaimed when we got to my room, "your room is beautiful, and comfortable" she looked around and went to sit on the bed. "And it looks less of a prison like your former room". "So tell me" she said dragging me by the hand to sit beside her on the bed. "How has the alpha been treating you?" "Well....." I blushed. "You see Ralia, when your family had handed you over to him, I felt very bad for you, especially since people said he is very ruthless and delights in doing dark deeds, I felt so bad that I started to imagine what you might be going through. I started to wonder what would happen to all of those blissful fantasies we had about handsome princes coming to steal you away from your brothers and taking you away from them". "We were crazy back then though" I said laughing. "We should have known those were fairy stories". "I know, but I still felt bad, that you probably would not meet that handsome prince and have your ideal love life and your happy e
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RALIA"Who is it" I asked looking at the door.Amelia slowly pushed the door open and came in with a tray containing to glasses of juicee. "I came to serve you and your guest juice" she said dropping it on the table. "Oh! My" I exclaimed, suddenly remembering how badly behaved I had been. "Forgive my bad manners Chey, I had been so carried away by excitement that I had totally forgotten to entertain you". "That is not a problem at all Ralia" she laughed "I too had been so carried away with the excitement of seeing you once again that I did not even think of anything else". I did a short introduction between Amelia and Cheyenne before she left the room. "You can continue your story now" I teased, "so you were saying you asked him about me?". "Of course not" she threw a pillow at me. "I was to scared to, infact you needed to see how I trembled in front of him, I trembled so much that I thought I was going to melt in his presence". "Then what happened next?" She
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