All Chapters of A King's Surrender: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
44 Chapters
Chapter 30
October 20, 1345.St. Martin's Fort,The high town of Leithill,Border Town between Myknos and Imras.Princess Alyn Midika TuttonAs Alyn watched Duenna Eleftheria sip the chamomile tea delicately from a fine white china set, she struggled to keep a guilty expression off her face.In a few hours, she would have gotten rid of the huge stumbling block to her mission but at what cost? Ever since she had arrived at Leithill, Lord d'Estaing had made it his mission to avoid her at all costs and she had made it her mission to annoy him to the point where he was forced to place the older lady on extra watch duty.At first it had been bearable, but over the past few days, it had grown suffocating. She couldn't step one foot outside her door before the Duenna appeared ready to provide whatever she may need inside her room.It suddenly seemed like she was in prison. A rather comfortable one at that. To think she had thought Duenna Nefeli overbearing.The older woman's presence wasn't entirely
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Chapter 31
October 20, 1345.Cassidy's Fort,The Queen's Mound,Imras.Prince Hayden of ImrasHayden loved surprises but surprises that came with good news and not one bringing news of impending doom. And it was do that the surprise came in form of a Princess he was in love with.If anyone had told him that he'd be seeing Princess Alyn dressed in mens clothes outside his room door, he'd have called the person barking mad. But here she was shivering from the cold holding on to him for dear life.Still too stunned to speak, he pulled her gently into the room and watched as she walked to pour herself a drink.Her hands shook as she sipped the strong liquor and stared at the fire that burned brightly in the hearth. She had snuck across the border and the feat had shaken her. This impending war had caused her to do things and see things that she would never have had to face. He watched her, fully aware that she needed comfort, but not entirely knowing how to provide it. Ordinarily, he would have sa
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Chapter 32
20 October, 1345.The Walled City of Rothwell,Capital of Myknos.Lady Odeya Katarina BlackOdeya returned Nicolas' kisses with the same ferocity with which he kissed her, his soft lips igniting little fires within her body. She hadn't realized how much she needed this, needed him; his touch, his scent, his lips, his body, all the elements that made up this fine male specimen she currently had underneath her.His hand caressed her hips and slid upward to cup one of her breasts causing her to arch her back on top of him, her too tight dress digging painfully into her ribs.Reaching back to undo the ties that kept her captive in the ridiculous dress, she sank deeper onto Nicolas, her lady parts sheathing his bulge. He groaned and moved his hips causing tingles of electricity to run through her and she jerked on top of him.Hurriedly undoing the last clasp, she watched as his pupils darkened as the dress slid off her shoulders baring her breasts to him, the sight forever etched into h
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Chapter 33
October 22, 1345.Cassidy's Fort,The Queen's Mound,Imras.Prince Hayden of ImrasAs he strolled into the room, Alyn and his Lady Mother in tow, he looked over the Lords of the round table. Lords Hogan, Alastair, Michael, Boyden, Heimsworth and Gagdan.These were the elected of the noble families in Imras to speak in their best interest. Usually they were all on the same page but in this matter of war, they dallied."I am the King...""You are still yet to be crowned." Lord Hogan interrupted but with a look from Hayden he bowed his head."I am the King and you are my advisors. I choose to either listen to your advise or not." He commanded. He could feel his mother and Alyn's eyes on him but he didn't dare look lest his facade slip. "I'm going to assist my friend in this war but I'm not leaving you defenseless. You can sit here in your castles where it's warm and quiver in your boots or you could die fighting as true Imraian men. Whatever you choose I do not care."The Lords in questi
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Chapter 34
October 23, 1345.Cassidy's Fort,The Queen's Mound,Imras.Princess Alyn Midika TuttonAlyn looked around at the fully armed foot soldiers marching through the mountains to the Western pass. They had set off before dawn with her and her entourage; a retinue of maids assigned to take care of her every need and female soldiers, at the very middle of the battalion. Trust Hayden to trust his men with his life and not with hers.Their's was a safe position because they would be far from battle if they were to encounter any resistance and at the same it was the most dreadful. They were pelted constantly with mud and horse dung and were on the receiving end of their smells. The roads leading to the mountain pass hadn't been charted by a force this large in a long time so the roads had washed away and a carriage would have been unnecessary load. At least they had given her a comfortable riding habit and a well trained gelding that navigated the rocky roads with ease. Not too long after, sh
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Chapter 35
23rd October, 1345.Stormhold Castle,The Walled City of Rothwell,Capital of Myknos.Queen Khasi Malik of Shiv'ra and MyknosAs Khasi was helped into the heavily jeweled gown she had had made for her coronation, she couldn't fight the smile that stretched across her face. It was an ornate work of gold netting that hugged her curves and left little to imagination, golden beads and diamonds dangling from where they had been sewn loosely into the material, reflecting the bright light of the seemingly sunny day and rattling with each step she took. She was sure the Mynosian nobles would have their noses turned up in disgust of her scandalous outfit, but like the cowards they were, they would do nothing more. They hadn't even been bold enough to fight for their dead King and still hadn't spoken a word about the Prince she was about to execute.Her smile widened with supreme self-satisfaction that could only be fully sealed with the beheading of Nicolas that afternoon in the courtyard.S
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Chapter 36
October 23, 1345.Cassidy's Fort,The Queen's Mound,Imras.Princess Alyn Midika Tutton"And if I don't?" She heard Hayden ask. "Well. You've already seen how accurate my archers are." Sparing her a crooked smile, he added, "And I get to keep your woman."'What?!' Alyn wondered. She was no bargaining chip but then again was she really in any position to argue. The savages had them surrounded and one wrong move from anyone would mean instant death.Her head turned to Hayden just as he looked at her, a grim look coating his usually playful face. A look she knew brought more foreboding than the rumble of thunder and lightning signifying an oncoming storm.He turned away from her to face the leader of the savages that still watched her with those piercing blue eyes that betrayed nothing akin to human emotion."For years our people have lived in harmony. A system that involved neither of us having to cross blades. Why then do you choose to attack those riding under the Kings Banner, Vae
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Chapter 37
October 23, 1345.Cassidy's Fort,The Queen's Mound,Imras.King Hayden of ImrasAs Hayden crossed from the rocky mountainous terrain of the Western Mountain range into the smooth grassy floors of North Walsham, he couldn't help the breath of relief that escaped his chest.Their ride from Imras was anything but smooth and he was only glad he had been able to get Alyn out of harms way.The battle to the death had taken a toll on him and even now as they continued their ride to intercept Khasi's army from Shiv'ra, the anticipation of the battle to come didn't help ease his weariness.He couldn't wait for the whole ordeal to be over so life could go back to how it had previously been albeit with slight barriers to his freedom now that he was king.He looked back at the horde he rode with, a nod from him giving the command that they were to break soon; a small riding party to guide Alyn to Stormhold and a greater part of the now combined barbarian and Imraian army with him.They must have
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Chapter 38
October 23, 1345.Stormhold Castle,The walled city of Rothwell, Capital of Myknos.Prince Nicolas Alexander TuttonNumbness, that's all he felt as he was dragged into the courtyard with chains binding his hands and feet. The executioner stood proud with his axe stained a dark red with the dried blood of hundreds of men before him.They had murdered his father and mother and although he would like to tell himself his father's murder hadn't affected him, his stupid heart said otherwise. At least Alyn had escaped somehow, he didn't think he woukd have been able to live with her death. As they dragged him up the steps to the platform where the chopping block had been stationed, he turned to see Khasi sitting on the throne like she was already queen, smiling down at him with a victorious smirk. She spared him a few moments before deciding she had seen enough of him and with a flick of her hand, the guards dragged him forward.Blood danced in his vision and his head spun as they pushed h
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Chapter 39
October 23, 1345.Stormhold Castle,The walled city of Rothwell, Capital of Myknos.Lady Odeya Katarina BlackAs Odeya crossed the gates of Stormhold, she couldn't fight the wave of emotion that overwhelmed her.Her plan was to simply draw her father out for a one on one battle, one she was are to lose, to give Hayden's army time to catch up to them but as she waited staring at the drawbridge linking the castle to the rest of Myknos, a shudder passed through her.What if she never returned to Nicolas?When she had made her plans, she had been confident in wanting to give her life up for a kingdom she had no part in but now that she had seen his face, the sole person she was fighting for, weakness overcame her.She battled with her thoughts on just turning the whole thing to an all out war but when she saw the black clothed soldiers of her father's army, she knew that the untrained army around her needed her to face her fears.The men rode to a halt at the other end of the bridge obse
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