All Chapters of The Untouchable Ex-Wife: Chapter 1791 - Chapter 1800
1818 Chapters
Chapter 1791
"Stefan!" Renee answered directly.Justin's expression immediately changed. "No way!""Why not?" Renee huffed, then complained, "I rarely ask for your help. I just need you to find someone's IP address, which you said was easy to do, but you don't even want to help me with that." "You don't understand!" Justin sighed. "He's a special case. I can even get you the president's IP address, but I'm sorry, just don't ask me to get you Stefan's." There was only one reason he couldn't do it—Austin had specifically warned Justin not to stick his nose into Stefan's affairs before he left for Beach City, and told him that if he did, he would break his legs. Justin loved his legs too much to disobey Austin. "Please!" Renee put her hands together and begged, "You know I've been going mad searching for him. This is the only clue he left behind, but I can't use it the way you can. Please do me a favor and help me crack it. I'm sure it won't take up much of your time." Justin shifted uncomfor
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Chapter 1792
Justin hadn't exaggerated—in around fifteen minutes, he had hacked Stefan's account and gotten his IP address. "It seems he's at..." Justin pointed at the address on the lingering screen and his eyes widened in disbelief. "Your house?" "Yeah, that's my house!" Renee stared at the familiar address, not sure whether to laugh or cry. She had searched in so many places and met so many people, almost turning the whole city upside down to find him… but he had been at home all this time. It seems he still felt the responsibility to go home, but it was still unkind of him to not show himself when he knew Renee had been going mad trying to find him. "Is he out of his mind? He's not a kid anymore, so why is he playing hide-and-seek with you?" Justin asked helplessly. Justin was a straightforward person, and wasn't very romantic or flirtatious, but… how could Stefan hide in Everheart Manor and not contact Phoenix, knowing she had been searching so frantically for him? The man had to be crazy.
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Chapter 1793
Renee's gaze became unreadable as mixed feelings overwhelmed her. Her guess was right—the person who had saved her was Stefan. His body, embrace, and scent were so familiar to her that she wouldn't have got it wrong. "What happened after that?" Renee took a deep breath and asked slowly."Then, he told us he was a very bad guy, and all he did was make you sad. So, he asked us to lie and tell you that I'd saved you and that we'd never met him," Jeffrey said honestly. "I didn't want to lie to you, Renee, but that man sounded very sincere. He said he'd hurt you so much, and didn't want to keep hurting you. He wants to stay away from you, and I... I also didn't want to see you get hurt, so I chose to lie to you. I'm sorry!" Jeffrey kept his head bowed like a child who had done something wrong, his eyes watery.Justin stared at him, then tugged at Renee's arm, urging, "Hurry up and forgive him. He's heartbroken." "I never blamed him, so there's nothing to forgive." Renee scowled. "All I
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Chapter 1794
Three days later, Renee's vital signs were back to normal, so she requested to be discharged from the hospital. Instead of hiding in Joyner Village to heal, she returned to Beach City with Jeffrey. She promised Cole and Ava that she would show Jeffrey the outside world and make him learn through experiences. She did plan to introduce him to Xavier's company so he could try to make a living in the entertainment field. "You're so nice to my family. We don't know how to repay you!" Ava wiped away her sweat and smiled gratefully at Renee. Rich and noble people would generally pinch their noses and leave when they saw stinky fishermen like them, but Renee was different. Not only did she not despise them, she also regarded them as her family. Back then, she had given them money to help resolve their family crisis, and now, she was helping with Jeffrey's future. Ava felt that she could never repay such kindness even if it took up her entire lifetime."You're welcome, Mrs. Joyner. I want to
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Chapter 1795
Renee looked ahead silently, then sighed and said firmly, "Let's go home." Previously, she'd been gloomy and depressed, and she didn't want her mood to affect the children if she went home. However, the ocean seemed to have cleansed her of all those bad emotions, and she had finally come to her senses and regained the confidence to face her family and friends."Are you feeling more like yourself now?" Justin asked with a smile. Renee was different now—she was like a warrior who had found her armor. It had been a while since Justin had seen her like this, and he was genuinely happy for her."I am." Renee nodded."I'm glad to hear that. Well, people... can get a little crazy sometimes, but it's alright as long as you know how to get your groove back. Welcome back, Phoenix!" Then, Justin stepped on the pedal and sped onto the highway. After around half a day, the car finally reached Everheart Manor. Renee got out of the car, feeling melancholic. Her house was just as she remembered
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Chapter 1796
"Abby!" Renee turned around, and when she saw her daughter, her heart warmed. She carried Abby in her arms. "Yes, it's me. I'm sorry, baby… I was away for a long time. Did you miss me?" Abby looked tense when Renee picked her up, and she shook her head. "You're not Mommy. Mommy's eyes are black, and she can't see.""Umm, well..." Renee smiled in amusement, then blinked and said, "I've changed my eyes, and now I can see you, Abby. What do you think? Do you like my new eyes?" "Are you really my mommy?" Abby looked doubtful. Abby was still young and naive, so when Renee looked different from what Abby was familiar with, she became suspicious. "Yes, touch me if you don't believe me. Don't I look the same?" Renee put Abby's hand on her cheek.At first, Abby was cautious as she tentatively touched Renee's face. However, the moment she felt Renee's skin, the little girl's eyes lit up in joy. "Yes, you're Mommy! Only Mommy has such smooth and soft skin..." She held Renee's arm and sobb
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Chapter 1797
Renee followed Adie to the bedroom on the second floor quickly.Adie smoothly turned on the computer and opened his email inbox, ponting at a recent email excitedly. "This is the email I just got from Daddy. He asked Abby and me to be good and listen to you, and said he'll be back after settling his things." Renee stared at the email with mixed feelings. After taking a deep breath, she leaned towards the screen and read the email. It was roughly what Adie had said—Stefan had told the children that he was safe, asked them to be good, and told them not to anger Renee. He also promised that he would be back soon. The email had been sent from Stefan's private email.Both Adie and Abby didn't know what was going on between Renee and Stefan, and were just happy at the thought of having a family reunion. They hugged Renee. "Mommy, I knew that you and Daddy must have left suddenly because of something. We can be a happy family again soon!" Renee felt uneasy, and touched their faces, sayi
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Chapter 1798
"Mommy, why are you saying that? Did you argue with Daddy again? Did something happen to him? Why are you so sure that he won't be back?" Adie's gaze was sharp as he asked Renee."Umm..." Renee stalled, not knowing how to explain it. Adie squinted at Renee and said slowly, "You must have argued with Daddy. Daddy's probably scared of coming home and facing your anger, right?"Renee sighed deeply, and confessed, "I do want to argue with him… but the problem is that I never saw him again after he left. How can I argue with him?" It was weird. They used to be madly in love with each other, and Stefan was even willing to give up Hunt Enterprise and his life for her, but why did he no longer want to see her? Adie might be right—Stefan might have figured that Renee was aware of his disloyalty and was afraid of her anger, so he was too scared to meet her. "Mommy, ask yourself this—if Daddy appears before you now, will you be happy or mad? Will you welcome him with a hug, or will you slap
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Chapter 1799
Meanwhile, Stefan stared at the computer screen in a manor not far from Everheart Manor. He read the email he had just clicked on and frowned, his gaze cold but also somewhat sad."Don't come back for the rest of your life if you don't want to?" Xavier sipped his coffee as he leaned over Stefan's shoulder to read the email. He chuckled when he saw who the sender was. "I'm sure Adie didn't write this. It sounds so angry… I'm sure it's Renee.""I don't need your analysis. I'm not stupid," Stefan growled icily. He had been living next door to Everheart Manor recently, watching the house secretly. He had emailed Adie to reassure the two children, and they had been keeping in touch, so he knew how his son wrote emails. He didn't need Xavier to point out the obvious. "Stefan, why do you insist on hiding from everyone?" Xavier could not bear to see Stefan this dispirited, and tried to persuade him. "You should talk it out with Renee so you can resolve this conflict. If you keep acting lik
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Chapter 1800
Stefan's expression didn't change and he was quiet for a while. Finally, he asked, "Do you have a needle and string?""No?" Xavier looked confused. "Why are you asking?" "I want to sew your lips shut," Stefan said casually, then stood up and walked towards the kitchen. "Actually, a knife will do too. I can cut off your tongue and solve this problem forever.""Stefan, no! I know you're upset that your masculinity is on the line, but don't implicate the innocent! The medical field is very advanced now, and I'm sure a good doctor can cure it." Xavier babbled nervously, picking up a pillow and using it like a shield.Stefan glared at him. "Why would you assume there's something wrong with me?""It was just a guess!" Xavier argued, "If there's nothing wrong with you in that aspect, why did you suddenly go missing? And you even watch them constantly. If you weren't handsome, people would call you a pervert." Recently, both Xavier and Renee had almost lost their minds searching for Stef
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