All Chapters of Life After Prison: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
3114 Chapters
Chapter 131
We are not just going to go out for lunch. I think we should at least eat at a five stars hotel. That's the only way for you to show us that you love my sister, right? If you don't treat her family with respect, how are you going to prove that you love her?""Besides, for someone who could afford that amount of dowry, he won't bother paying for lunch at all," Megan said. She was not stupid. If Severin was really that rich, he would agree to take them out to eat without any hesitation. However, if he hesitated just a little, it meant he was just stalling the time when he promised to give the dowry. She glared at Severin to monitor his reaction."Sure! I have that idea too!" Severin answered.Unexpectedly, Severin agreed without even giving it a thought and answered indifferently. "Diane's parent is my parent. Look at how big Selene is now. I haven't treated all of you to a meal before. Since this is the first time I'm buying lunch, we have to go somewhere classy!""Master, should we
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Chapter 132
With that thought in Felicia's mind, her face suddenly looked gloomy. "Severin. Shouldn't you give us an explanation why you bought such a cheap car?"Without a doubt, Severing knew very well what was Felicia afraid of. It did not bother him. He smiled. "I actually wanted to buy a more expensive car like Audi, BMW, Ferrari, or Porsche. But Diane said it was not necessary. She only wanted a normal car to drive around. I have no choice but I like to listen to everything my wife said. I will buy anything that she wants. Besides, I think this is a good car. It can fit all of us."Diane's expression looked a little weird. No one would actually refuse a better car. At that time, she did not know the amount of money Severin had in his bank. If she did, she would probably also ask to buy a better car too.At that moment, she thought Severin was after the money when he risked everything to ruin Lucy and Easton's wedding. If Severin was willing to risk his life because of that money, she pres
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Chapter 133
"Megan, what are you doing?" Diane could not tolerate it anymore. "Severin is buying dad a car so dad can drive to work. And that's very kind of him. Why should you ask Severin to buy you a car too? Can you afford the gas money if you have a car?""Hmph! Who said I can't afford to put gas into the car? As long as I have a car, I'll be able to afford it!" Megan snorted coldly and begged Severin again. "Oh, come on. You're going to buy one anyway. Another one won't hurt!"Severin smiled. " Actually, I don't mind. I'm going to be your brother-in-law anyway. I have enough money that would last me ten lifetimes. Buying a car for you is not a difficult task!""Really?" Megan was thrilled to hear that.Even though she still thought Severin was just bluffing. If Severin was really as rich as he said, she would receive a car. Otherwise, this would be a good chance to test him out and she could reveal his true identity. Nevertheless, it was a win-win situation for her."But you have to call
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Chapter 134
Judith rolled her eyes at Maurice and smiled as she reminded Maurice.Maurice raised his brow and said, "It's easy. I'll just sign up for a driving course and learn it. Now we have a car to drive, I surely must get a driving license.""Yes! Yes! That's the way to think. You guys are not poor like you used to be. Plus, you guys are not that old too. You should definitely go learn how to drive. Maybe you two can even go for a road trip in the future. Isn't that nice?" Felicia joined the conversation."Huh? Sounds nice. Felicia, that's a very good suggestion. We can think about going on road trips!" Maurice heard that and his eyes sparkled.There was nothing they could do because they were poor in the past. Now that they had the money and the time, it was time for them to enjoy their lives."Let's go! Let's go! Time to grab a cab!" Megan was very excited knowing she was going to own a car and led the war. "There're many cars in Autoctiy!"Soon, the group arrived at Autocity. After a
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Chapter 135
"Brother-in-law?" the saleswoman frowned. When she saw Severin, her eyes brightened up.A while ago, Severin went to buy new clothes from an international luxury branded shop. With his look and the clothes, he immediately transformed looking like a successful person.The saleswoman's eyes sparkled. "Oh, my. So you have a rich brother-in-law."After that, she immediately changed her attitude, "Miss, we are having a promotion for this car. The price is eighty-five thousand dollars. Roughly a thousand and five hundred dollars cheaper than the normal price.""Tsk. It's just eighty-five thousand dollars and you dare to say I can't afford it. You are so blind!" Megan talked back arrogantly knowing the saleswoman had changed her attitude."Wow, wow, wow. Look who it is. Miss Diane and Miss Mega!"Suddenly, an obese rich kid walked over. His name was Rufus Chavez. He smiled. "I was signing the paper over there and I didn't see you two coming.""Mister Rufus!" Megan's face became sullen
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Chapter 136
The saleswoman's face got pulled after hearing what Rufus said. This was not the first time she saw this type of person. However, she had never seen someone pretend to be rich and brought a whole bunch of people together with him to get free meals.Severin smiled coldly and glared at Rufus. "Hey, fat boy! I don't ever recall crossing you before. Do you have to insult me and my family?""Tsk!" Rufus smiled contemptuously. "You never cross me but I just dislike you the moment I see you. What are you going to do about that? I'm going to insult you however I want just because I don't like you. You should be grateful I'm not asking my bodyguards to beat you up!"Severin looked back at the door. There were a few men in suit smoking. They should be the bodyguards Rufus mentioned."Hey, please stop it. Do you have the money or not? If you are here thinking you can get a free meal, please stop wasting my time, okay?" The saleswoman's attitude changed immediately and wanted to kick them out
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Chapter 137
Rufus looked at Severin and the others who were ready to leave. His face looked so mad that it was turning green. His desire to rip Severin apart had reached the maximum level. Especially after Severin knew he was jealous of him. His face was burning hot."Stop them!" Rufus shouted out loud when Severin and the others were about to leave the shop. The bodyguards immediately stopped Severin and the others as there were instructed."Mister Rufus, what is the meaning of this? We're from the Shanahans. Are you really going to hit us?" Felicia said. This was the first time she got involved in this type of incident. It infuriated her so badly knowing she was from a three-tier upper-class family too.Rufus smiled. "Missus Felicia, what are you talking about? I like your daughter. If she is willing to marry, I don't mind raising her child too. And you can pick any cars that you want from here. I can buy ten cars for you if that's what you want. You're going to be my future mother-in-law. Ho
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Chapter 138
"I'm going to make it up to her by throwing her a wedding in the future!" Severin approached and rubbed his fist. "You're so annoying and disgusting pig. I'm going to beat the hell out of you for humiliating my wife and insulting her parent!""Haha. You're just talking. Do you really dare to hit me? Obviously, you don't! If you did, the Shanahans could never protect you. But I can absolutely ask my bodyguards to hit you for humiliating me just now!"Rufus also walked forward and stood in front of Severin. He raised his head slightly to show his pleasing face.Severin had tolerated it because Diane and the others had been asking him to do so. However, he just could not imagine how annoying Rufus could be. He looked back at Diane. "Honey, I want to beat the crap out of him. Can I? He's too annoying!""What a pussy. Do you have to get permission from your wife to do that? Are you a man or not? Haha!" Rufus was laughing so badly seeing that."Diane, look at you. What kind of man have
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Chapter 139
"Hey kid, are you tired of living?" Rufus' bodyguards surrounded Severin. All of them looked muscular and huge with ferocious expressions on their faces."Hmph!" Severin snorted and was the one who made the first move. With his fast speed and flexible body, he created numerous shadows. After a few kicks, he successfully kicked the bodyguards to the ground.The muscular bodyguards were no match for Severin. Quickly enough, they were lying on the ground grunting in pain."Mister Rufus, we're not his match!" One of the bodyguards stood up and said that to Rufus with a terrible face. Even when he managed to stand up, he gritted his teeth vehemently and pressed onto his chest. It looked like a very simple attack and yet, his chest was in tremendous pain now. He even suspected that his ribs were broken."Imbeciles!" Rufus was so angry that he slapped the bodyguard.With an angry glare, he pointed at Severin. "You! I will remember you for punching me! You are going to regret this!"Afte
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Chapter 140
Fury roared through the saleswoman's mind when she watched Severin and the rest left the shop.Soon, the saleswoman discovered three Audi A8 were driven out of Audi's shop. Most importantly, the cars were the limited edition which cost two hundred thousand dollars each."Seriously? They can afford those expensive cars?" The saleswoman was dumbstruck.Megan who was driving at the front even winded down her window to make a ghost face at the saleswoman."No! No way! Those cars are probably near seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars!" The saleswoman regretted it so much. 'I shouldn't have listened to that d*ckhead Rufus! There goes my commission!'Megan was driving the first car and Felicia was driving the second car.At this moment, Felicia had forgotten about the unhappiness from before as she was driving the luxury car. "Go figure! Severin really has the money to buy us cars. Do you remember when he said his budget was a hundred and fifty thousand dollars? Now he actually boug
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