All Chapters of Life After Prison: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
3114 Chapters
Chapter 161
"No! Let me go! I'm begging you! Hic, hic!" The curvy young woman with an adorable face was quite charming indeed. She had been pinned down by two men, and she could only beg them to let her go because struggling was futile."Hehe, our boss gave you a chance to collect the money within a week and you failed, so since we can't get any money, we just have to have a bit of fun with you, hehe." The bald man could not help but lick his lips when he saw her struggling, and there was a hint of arousal in his eyes. She had an amazing figure, and the sight of her trying to break free from their restraints excited him even more.Seeing her resisting so fiercely with a scared expression made him wonder if she was still a virgin."Hurry up, Johnny!" said the blonde man who was one of two people who pinned her down. He was getting a little restless and wished that he could go first when he saw that the man whom he called Johnny was taking too long to do anything."And why the f*ck should I hurr
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Chapter 162
Severin's intention was not to kill them, but only to teach them a lesson. More importantly, their tone suggested that she had borrowed money from them and failed to pay it back. He viewed with disdain those women who liked borrowing money with high interest rates. In his opinion, most of them were vain individuals who liked to spend what they did not have, hence their predilection to borrowing money from shady people.That those men had gone to such lengths just to get her to pay them back was a clear sign of a problem on her part."Thank you for saving me!" After the woman buttoned up her clothes and saw that the men had run off, she stood up with reddened eyes and thanked Severin."No thanks necessary. I was just here by chance." Severin glanced casually at the other party and froze instantly! He frowned. "Cousin? Is that you?"It had been five years since he went to prison, and obviously he had not seen his cousin for very long already. He almost did not recognize who she was i
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Chapter 163
"You're going to return it to us? Pfft. Can you even afford it? Do you think it's just the eight thousand dollars? You owe our family much more than that?" Queenie had a resentful look in her eyes.Severin's heart was in turmoil. He never imagined that his cousin, who had such a good relationship with him back then, would look at him with that kind of gaze. He knew that things were not as simple as they appeared to be, and he could only wonder what could have happened to her family."What happened, Queenie? Why do you owe all that money, and why would they be so forceful with you?" Severin decided to ask Queenie.Queenie smiled bitterly. "You said you wanted to pay us back, right? Then let me ask you this: where did your family move to now? I was told yesterday that you had just been released, so I went to your house to look for you. Imagine my surprise when I found out that you'd all moved away and there was no one there! I couldn't get through to your parents either."Upon hearin
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Chapter 164
Severin was slightly surprised to hear that. "That doesn't sound right. You're working in a bar, and your salary probably isn't very low. How is it that you still owe them a little under nine thousand when you've been paying them back for a year? Didn't you only borrow about eight thousand dollars?""Well, those people are all a bunch of crooks. Their interest rate is very high to begin with, and they even tampered with the contract. I fell for their trap out of carelessness, and I can't pay them back regardless of how hard I work now. That's the reason the debt keeps accumulating."Queenie smiled bitterly and continued, "By the way, last night, a rich guy wanted to take me out, saying that he'd give me fifteen thousand in exchange for spending the night with him. I hesitated for a long time, but I rejected him in the end. But that doesn't change the fact of how scared I was of myself…I'm worried that I'd one day give in to the temptation of money."Severin nodded. "I see. Alright t
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Chapter 165
"Wait a second…you have a wife now? Didn't Uncle Maurice say that Aunt Judith and your wife were both worried about you?" As the three of them walked out of the bamboo forest, Queenie recalled something and could not help but ask Severin with a puzzled expression.She clearly had no idea that Severin already had a wife. All she knew was the gossip that Severin had gone to the wedding of his ex-girlfriend Lucy to make a fuss only moments after being released from prison. However, she did not know the full details of it. Her creditors had been pushing her a lot recently, so once she found out that Severin had been released, she called Judith and Maurice but was surprised when the call could not get through. Her first thought was that Severin had run off with his parents as soon as he was released because he did not want to pay back their family's money.After all, many people were like that.Severin smiled indifferently. "Well, I have a wife now, and lots of things happened when I lea
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Chapter 166
Queenie felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders because Severin could finally help her repay the nine thousand dollars she owed. That would mean she would no longer have to worry about those guys causing trouble for her again."You need to squeeze in a bit, I'm afraid." After Severin returned to his seat, he said to Queenie who was about to get in the car."Don't worry! I'll carry Selene!" Judith immediately carried Selene over and hugged her in her arms. "I didn't expect that woman to be you, Queenie!"After Queenie sat in, she smiled awkwardly at Judith and said, "Aunt Judith, it was all thanks to Severin that I was saved from those horrible perverts..."Severin smiled and then made a short introduction. "By the way, this is my wife, Diane. Honey, this is my cousin, Queenie. She's the daughter of my aunt, Marie. She and her family helped my parents a lot in recent years.""Hello, Queenie!" Diane turned around and smiled at Queenie.Queenie looked at Diane in the f
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Chapter 167
The car soon arrived at Dragon Lake Vista and Severin drove in slowly."No way…this is where you're staying? Was this where you moved to? This place is famous for being a residential area for the super-rich, but I heard that prospective buyers won't necessarily be able to get a villa here even if they have the money!" Queenie could not help but be in awe at all the houses there.Severin merely smiled. "Yeah, we'll be staying here from now on. The house is quite big and there are plenty of rooms both upstairs and downstairs. You can choose whichever one you want later.""Whoa, I didn't expect that I'd get the chance to stay in this sort of villa for a night. I can't believe how rich you've gotten." Queenie was excited, and she took out her cell phone to start taking pictures. "I just have to take a couple of pictures here. The scenery is just fantastic!"Queenie's excited reaction prompted Severin to say, "Well, if you like the place so much, you're free to stay here for a few more
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Chapter 168
Judith and the rest gasped one after another. That sounded mighty rich and pretentious, especially when they said that fifteen thousand dollars a month was not very high, and that they did not really care whether or not there was any money involved!Severin was the only one who smirked indifferently. He knew very well that those people were all junior generals who had contributed a lot on the battlefield. Moreover, they received a lot of rewards after the war ended, and even junior generals could be awarded several million dollars. Therefore, money was never a problem for them."I can only envy that sort of salary." Queenie smiled wryly, then said to Severin again, "Your friend must be crazy rich. Are you going to tell me that this villa was also given to you by a friend?"Severin immediately touched the bridge of his nose. "You know what, you guessed it right. This villa is a gift.""Seriously?!" Queenie's pitch rose and she said in surprise, "How is that possible? I know a bit ab
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Chapter 169
Severin did not know how to answer Queenie's question and felt a little awkward at that moment.Diane smiled slightly and said to Queenie, "Umm, it's nothing like that! We just have too many empty rooms upstairs, so he wanted to make one of the rooms his own space so it doesn't feel so empty." She then hooked her arm around Severin's arm. "Actually, Severin still sleeps in the same room with me most of the time."Severin never expected Diane to be understanding to the point where she would take the initiative to avoid embarrassing him. He took advantage of the opportunity to put his arms around Diane's waist, and then smiled at her. "Of course. We sleep together almost every night, but on the rare occasions that I have something important to do such as having to research certain medical skills, I'll head back to my room and sleep alone."Diane blushed as soon as Severin put his arm around her waist, and her heart began to beat wildly too."Yeah, that's right!" Diane smiled cooperat
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Chapter 170
"Okay." Diane nodded and duly stepped aside. Soon, Severin brought over his pajamas, while Diane had already prepared her nightgown and her underwear as well."I'll bathe first, and then you can bathe after me!" Diane took the clothes she had prepared and walked toward the bathroom, which was attached to her large bedroom.Severin was practically drooling at the sight of her near-perfect figure and he could not help but gulp while saying to her from behind, "Why don't we bathe together, honey? Wouldn't it be nice to have a companion?""Dream on!" Diane shot back without turning to look at him. She went into the bathroom alone, and the sound of trickling water was heard as soon as she closed the door.Severin could only sit helplessly on the bed while listening to the flow of water coming from the bathroom. He could not help but gulp again as he listened to the sounds, which could easily make his imagination run wild. After all, he could vaguely see her blurry figure through the lig
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