All Chapters of My (Delicious) Roommate : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
126 Chapters
Joshua is extremely quiet, but the expression on his face is more than enough for everyone to know what is going on in his mind: shock, pain and a flood of doubts.Johnny opens his mouth to try to contest, to say that this is absurd and doesn't make any fucking sense, but the seriousness on the faces of Amanda, Amora and Andrew - especially Andrew - makes him fall into a deathly silence.But Emanuele can't process all this quietly. Her hands shake so much that she has the impression she might faint at any second."... What did you say?"The twins and Andrew just cast a compassionate glance at the girl, who explodes:"What did you say, dammit?!"Making an appeasing gesture with his hands, the boy tries to remain calm as he explains everything:"Your mother's name is Margareth, isn't it? Margareth Barbara Parker."The wide-eyed look filled with fury and fear at the same time was confirmation enough. The boy continues:"The former doctor who attended us, as I said, was one of the most in
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Emanuele doesn't know how long she stayed inside that unending hell.All the girl knew was that no matter how hard she tried to escape, no matter how hard she tried to run from that terrible reality, she could not.She could hear the people around her, as well as see what was happening. But her mind was far away, watching in a confused and reticent way. Johnny's hands were on her face, and beside him, Joshua was talking restlessly to the twins and Andrew.The more the truth was told, the more terrible the story became; the more she wanted to sink into a dark pit and scream louder and louder.Emanuele never knew what motherly love was. All the affection she was getting in a natural way, not only from Joshua and Johnny, but also from her friends who were doing everything to help her, was very strange to her, although welcome.Even though she knew that all that was reported corresponded to reality, and not to a perfect and at the same time miraculous justification, Emanuele felt anger.A
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Crimson had seen, and dealt with, of course, many criminals.Most of them didn't shy away from being looked at with more eyes. They were what they were, and that was that. They didn't try to hide behind a veil of excuses or lame justifications.There were also the disingenuous ones. Men and women who swore, cried, blackmailed and screamed to the four winds that they were innocent. These were the ones the delegado hated the most. The other group of criminals, at least, did not run from the consequences of their own actions.Emanuele didn't seem to fit in any of them. Although she was the prime suspect in the heinous crime, the fingerprints found were not those of the girl. Crimson himself decided to personally witness the forensic expert's analysis, and although he didn't understand how, he couldn't stand against the lack of evidence.That woman in the video was identical to Emanuele. In other words, the mystery was beginning to get even more complicated to understand.Three days ago,
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The first thing Johhny realizes, stunned by the noise and the shaking, is that perhaps he and Emanuele are witnessing an earthquake; and a bad one at that. Then, next, the smell of smoke takes over the boy's nostrils. A fire... no, an explosion.While Johhny's mind tries at all costs to restore itself and reason quickly, Emanuele coughs. The bedroom window was open, and it was there that the girl decided to see what was happening.The scene downstairs was one of chaos. From that angle, it was obvious that something terrible was happening on the first floor, for that was where the black clouds laden with a toxic stench were coming from. Some people who were passing by at the moment were running, others were using their cell phones to call the fire department.The incidence of crime in that place was minimal; much less high crime. Could the explosion have been caused by an electrical failure? Some problem in the gas distribution?Johhny opened the drawer beside the bed and took out two
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The shrieking siren of the fire truck makes Johnny's escape even more hallucinatory.The fire stairs are easily located by the boy, who, with agility and speed above normal (thanks to the intensive martial arts training he has been doing since he was twelve), goes down them to the first floor. Luckily, he manages to get to a place not yet affected by fire, in the back of the building.Part of him knew that it had been wrong, very wrong, to leave his girlfriend behind. Actually, "wrong" was an understatement. That was unforgivable. But even now, with regret latent in every inch of his skin, Johnny couldn't swallow his pride.As he walked around the building, listening to the pandemonium taking over the whole block, the young man wondered if Emanuele would even look him in the face when all this was over.Joshua was a tall, strong and brave man. If he were a character from a children's book, he would probably be like Hercules or Superman. Anyone could see that, including the girl. All t
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Emanuele knew she was dying.Her body was the first to show signs, and at an alarming rate to say the least: lungs that could no longer draw in air, nostrils burning from the intoxicating amount of smoke, legs increasingly shaky, hands shaky and powerless, eyes blurred and watery, and last but not least, her heart beating ever more weakly and slowly.She was lying right in front of Joshua's door. At some point between punching the wooden structure and stopping to take a breath, her body simply collapsed. Emanuele tried to get up. Once, twice, three times. After all, all that was stopping her from saving Joshua was that damned infernal barrier. If it were a man, he would probably slam his shoulder into that door, loosening them from their hinges, and enter the house. An unusual lethargy, like the forced sleep of an anesthesia or the slow unconsciousness of fainting, takes over his mind.The sound of sirens, screams, and other panicky sounds become more and more distant. Memories com
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At first Emanuele doesn't know if she is dreaming or if she has really died.The sounds around her are confused, disconnected voices and noises that make no sense. The first coherent thing she hears is a gentle but firm warning, "Ten minutes. No more seconds beyond that."A murmur of approval sounds soon after, and then, silence.Emanuele wants to open her eyes, but her eyelids are seriously heavy. Also, her lungs are in tatters; but working, which could indicate that she was alive and being cared for in a hospital... Or dead, awaiting judgment in purgatory. Maybe even in hell itself.The girl's senses become more and more present. Her hearing finally returns to normal, or as close to normal as she can get, and she clearly perceives that someone is approaching her.Emanuele's sense of balance is next to come back on line, and the girl has enough understanding to absorb that her body is lying on a stable surface, such as a stretcher or orthopedic bed. Once again, the young girl tries t
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The nurse argues with Joshua once again:"Please, sir, you can't get out of bed yet. We need to run more tests and you are not stable!""I am perfectly fine, miss. And I told you that the one who really needs all this help is the-""Yes, the girl you saved. Understand, sir, that we all found your participation in that rescue commendable, but it was too risky!"The man gets to his feet and buttons up his shirt scorched by flames-or what's left of it."I don't care if it was risky. Where is she? What room did you guys leave her in?"All that stewardship on the part of the nurse was not helping at all. Alexandra's brother's anxiety would only come to an end when he was in the same environment as her. No; his anxiety would only end when he could touch Emanuele's face, feel on his own that she was whole.Was the girl whole? Apart from the dirt and unconsciousness, when Joshua finally made it through the curtain of smoke and fire, she looked whole, with all her limbs in place."She's in the
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True Love
When Emanuele finally manages to open her eyes, Johnny is no longer there.But Joshua is.The first thing she notices is the man's condition. He looks clean and not too pale. But his social shirt is almost completely destroyed. His skin looks smooth and without any scars, which in itself was already a miracle. Him being ALIVE was a miracle.The girl tries to open her mouth to say something, anything, but Joshua approaches her bedside and says:"Ssssh. Don't strain yourself. You are very weakened."And she was, indeed. Not just physically, but in her soul.The ebony-skinned man sat down next to her and caressed her with the back of his hand. The girl couldn't resist the touch, she just stared at him."I heard that you tried to save me."She makes a positive sign with her head.Joshua places a gentle kiss on her forehead."You could have died, Emanuele."The girl's former roommate struggles as hard as he can, but he can't hold back the tears of emotion. His voice is choked as he continu
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The coroner and forensic expert never really enjoyed being face to face with the criminals she could find. Christina, in fact, had chosen to pursue a career out of the spotlight precisely for this reason, so that she could stay behind the scenes and not have to deal with the eyes full of insanity, hatred, and evil of the many bloodthirsty people out there.That afternoon, however, she made an exception. Not because she wanted to, but because the deputy, with his unquestionable authority and slightly dubious friendship, insisted that the woman witness the little interrogation that was about to take place.Of course, she would not be present inside the glass room, as the sterile little room where the accused were interrogated was called. Since it was the girl's fingerprints that were found on both the body and the murder weapon, it was obvious that her statement should be documented and recorded.The accused's sister, Emanuele, could not be present yet. Christina hadn't understood the d
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