All Chapters of The King's faceless wife.: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
129 Chapters
Chapter 41
Frost Sorrow...The world felt still.My body was numb and my mind was foggy.At first, I embraced the fog, letting it stop me from going back in to consciousness. I tried to hold on to the bliss quite but the fog slowly started pealing off of my body, forcing it to jerk away.My eyes slowly opened on their own accord no matter how much I tried to keep them closed. I peeked around the room and realized that I was in my temporary chambers. I tried to push myself into a sitting position but the numbness quickly lifted off of my body, leaving me totally aching.I let out a soft gasp when a force weighed my body down, pressing me against the soft mattress of my bed."My Lady!" I heard Mirra's voice and I turned my head to the right to see her slowly approaching me."My Lady. are you awake?" She asked.I tired to answer her question with words but my throat was dry, preventing me from letting a squeal out.Mirra must have seen my discomfort because she immediatl
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chapter 42
Barlion Great... Six days. It's been six days since I last saw my wife, since I let Dorian Great ride out of the main castle in the most luxurious carriage.It's been six days since she told me to get out of her temporary chambers. It's been six days since I betrayed her.I can't blame Frost for wanting me to leave her alone. I had let her down in the worse way possible, broken my promise to her and shattered the peace and bond I was building with her.Just seven days ago, I had Frost in my study, sitting comfortably on my lap and sharing part of her childhood with me.I had her in my arms yet, I just had to hurt her again, didn't I?I let out a sigh as I washed blood from my hands and made sure my nails were well clean too.Discarding the blood socked clothes, I stepped in to the tub amd sunk down in to the warm water.Being in this bathroom reminds me of my wife.It reminds me of the way she cared for me when I was badly wounded, the way she would carefully caress my
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chapter 43
Frost sorrow....I laid down in bed with my back given to the door of my temporary chambers.It has been seven days since Dorian Great was let go and I still haven't managed to get over it. The pain the slashed at my heart and the betrayal I felt was still weighing me down, refusing to let me get up and walk out of my chambers.My eyes were planted on the small bookshelf that was slowly filling up with the books Prince Victor had been getting me.In the past seven days, Prince Victor showed up with his arms heavy with multiple books. I couldn't go answer the door myself, but Mirra told me that the Prince had wanted to give me the books himself.But I wasn't willing to let anyone but Mirra in just yet, so I refused to show my face at the door.Thay did not discouraged Prince Victor. Because each day, he came to my temporary chambers and handed Mirra multiple books, asking about me once in a while.I would hear his voice coming from outside of the chambers and I felt bad fo
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chapter 44
Barlion Great....I tied the strings of the leather vest I was wearing. With in the next few minuets, I would be able to see my wife at last.The day had been quite sour. Nothing was out of normal. I was called for a council meeting earlier and father had went about his business with out actually adressing me."Has there been anymore reports about those night travelers?" Father had asked before he brought the glass he was holding to his lips. I watched as he took a sip from his wine and wondered what had inspired him to start drinking this early."No, there hasn't been any new news after the last time I went to visit, your grace." Uncle Hero answered. "The Inn owners had said that they had made a wrong report and that they haven't heard any one traveling at night. They said it was a mistake.""hmm..." Father stared at Uncle Hero before he turned his eyes to me and then looked at Cassian, who looked like he was bathing in his own sweat.Cassian avoided the king's
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chapter 45
Frost Sorrow...My heart was racing as I climbed up the stairs leading out of the dungeons.Grabbing the side of my dress with both of my hands, I tried to quicken up my pace to get out of there as fast as possible.I couldn't hear any noise around me because my heart was beating in my ears, deafening them out from the rest of the world.When I caught sighed of the gate at the top of the stairs, I couldn't help but breath out a short sigh. As soon as the guard laid eyes on me, he turned around to undo the locks form the inside.By the time I reached the top, I was short of breath but I was also happy to see that the guard had managed to swing open the gates.As soon as I stepped out of the gate, the air completely changed. Even through the thick cloth covering my nose and mouth, I could still feel the freshness of the air.Right past the gates, the air is warmer, even hot enough to want to make a man take off his clothes. Then there is the suffocating darkness and
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chapter 46
I walked out of the training hall next to Barlion with a big smile on my face. It felt like a large barrier had been broken and I could see him clearly, which I like."What would you be doing today?" Barlion asked."Nothing much. I still need to keep my strength up and heal. So, I probably will me in my chambers."Barlion nodded his head."What about you, Barlion? What would you be doing?""Nothing out of the usual. I will have to go to the council chamber soon. Father has asked for a sudden meeting." He answered with a grim tone."Does the king usually do that?" I asked, to which Barlion nodded his head."Yes. Of he has an announcement he wants to make or an order he want to pass, he doesn't want to wait for the next day.""I see." I nodded my head."Rest we, Frost." He commented once we neared the hall we needed to go our separate ways."Have a good day, Barlion." I wished with a small wave before turning around the hall that would lead me towards my chambers while Barlion turned ar
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chapter 47
I let out a long sigh as I looked at the large doors leading in to the tea gallery.It was my least favorite place in the main castle right after the one room Dorian Great had dragged me in to.I had had a great night with Barlion.After I had expressed my concerns to him and he had told me that his younger brother will now be sitting in the council chambers next to him, we had sat in silence. I was certain that Barlion would want to be alone and go through the lists of names but when I had tried to leave, Barlion had told me to stay.I stayed sited on his left leg as we both looked through the names of the handmaids that had passed through a trial and worked in the main castle.We ended up staying up for most of the night, reading through the lives and expiriances of the recent handmaids but only stopped when I let out a yawn one too many times.I had wanted to keep going. We had only tackled a few of the recent handmaids and there were a lot to look through.Barlion wanted to star
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chapter 48
Barlion Great...Tapping my fingers against my right knee, I listened to Uncle Hero go through his daily report without actually listening to what he was saying.I was too busy trying to ignore the man sitting from across me. My younger brother Victor.I still find it hard to believe that father let him sit in the council just because he asked to. I had to ask, beg, crawl on my knees and if needed, my chest, to have a seat on the council. And after ten years of begging, father had let me sit in the council at the old age of twenty eight.But Victor gets to sit on the council just because he suddenly wanted to.I could feel his green eyes on me but I didn't give him the satisfaction of knowing that his presence did much to upset me.Victor being allowed in the council chambers means that I have more things to worry about than getting the two remaining votes, like my father possibly handing the throne down to the little brat.I am in the council as a learning party. I som
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chapter 49
Walking past Frost was really hard. I could stop myself from glancing at her.Frost was staring at Lady Fina with a bit of confusion before Cilvia leaned in to whisper something in to her ear.I turned my eyes away after Frost nodded to what ever my cousin had said to her.Following the ling halls, I silently led Lady Fina to the temporary chamber quarters, hating the fact that it was so close to my wife's temporary chambers."You have a beautiful home, My Lord." Lady Fina complemented from beside me in a soft and seductive voice.I didn't give her a reply. I merely glanced at her before I looked back in front of me.The main castle is not a home, not in the sense of comfort or joy.It is all but an empty stone large enough to house people who hate each other and inspire resentment.I hadn't seen this place as home for a very long time now and I don't even remember the day I stopped seeing it as my home.But lately, I have been loving my life. Not because I was getting the votes I nee
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chapter 50
Frost Sorrow...Pure Silver, Ash Steel, Liquid, God's Bone and Heat steel...Metals from all the five Kingdoms that are, in many ways similar but in little ways different.Many won't be able to tell the difference between the five metals, they were said to be the same but their names are different due to the places they were found in.But great kinds found the difference, differentiating each metal from where it came from.The precious metal in Gold Land Kingdom was called pure silver.The metal found in the half shifters kingdom was called the Ash steel.The metal Found in the Water Kingdom was called Liquid.The metal found in the Night Warrior's Kingdom was called God's bone.And finally, the metal found in the Sun Kingdom was called Heat steel."I don't get what the difference is." I complained as I looked at the book I was reading and then turned my eyes to the silver Key in my hand."Not many can tell the difference, My lady." Mirra replied. "But there are a few differen
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