All Chapters of Forbidden love : Chapter 61 - Chapter 64
64 Chapters
Chapter 61: Chris
I am a very focused man. I listen carefully, understand what I’ve heard and am always aware of my surroundings. But looking at Lisa sitting next to me, has my senses disoriented. I know she is speaking, but I am barely able to fathom the words. My only desire at this moment is to have my moving lips crash with mine. I have a pressing need to drink the words out of her mouth and stop when I have screaming my name. I have always been careful to not make her uncomfortable. She could never guess my feelings for her because I was always carefully hiding them. I think there comes in point in every person’s life when everything they keep buried in the deepest corner of their heart propels out with maximum force. I am observing her as she bites her lip. Hold on a moment? Did she just bite her lip? I feel a tension growing in my pants. Her eyes are now locked with mine and both a second both of us find ourselves without words. I look at her neck and want to kiss it. To my surprise, she brus
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Chapter 62: Lisa
I can’t believe I let his name slip out like that. I am with Marc. There is no doubt that I have strong feelings for him but this moment right now has taken me on a tempting journey and I feel like I need to finish it. I can’t do that to Marc. I have a lot going on right now, I decide against confusing Chris and complicating things further. Maybe I am mistaken that he wants me. He has never shown any interest in me romantically. I have never given it any thought either. Our friendship was never subjected to any romantic tests, but then why now? I decide to put an end to whatever this is, and get up from the couch.“I am sorry. I, .. I need some water. I’ll be a minute.” I barely get the words out. To my surprise Chris holds my wrist and pulls me to him. I am now on his lap. He brushes my hair with his palm and pulls it at the back of my head, pushing me with his hand towards him. Our faces have never been this close. Has he always been this masculine, I notice the muscles in his arm
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Chapter 63: Chris
I open the door to my apartment in a haste and make my way to my bed, dropping, almost instantly, on the bed. I look at the ceiling and all I see is her face. This isn’t the time for all that. She has a massive battle coming up that could cost her life. She is with Marc, who if I take her word is a werewolf. There is no way I could get into a fight with him and win. I have been around her for years and nothing. He waltz into her life for a few months and now he is in her life, her bedroom and her heart. Maybe I should tell her how I feel about all this? But what happened today could so easily be the construct of my mind, I contemplate loosing her altogether."Behave, or it'll be the end of you."Marc’s word ring in my ears and I find myself both terrified and angry at the same time. Jealousy and frustration of being powerless drive me crazy and strip my clothes and step into the shower for the second time today. I slam my hand hard against the wall again. It feels like I am back to
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Chapter 63: Veronica
“Someone’s on our tail,” Marc whispers to me. We were on our way to the house when Marc noticed a car following us. “Speed up,” I told him calmly, trying not to scare Tia. Before we could react or plan, a car came out from the side of the road and hit ours. Marc lost control and we hit a tree. Damn. We are surrounded. Four men come out of the car that just hit us and four from the one that followed. I know Tobias sent them. The battle rules stop him from attacking Lisa or the house but not us out in public. I’d be kidding if I didn’t see this coming, but we can’t let him think we are weak.“Tia, Marc, are you guys okay?” I ask and see that they are both slightly bruised but alright. We quickly get out of the car and Marc turns instantly. “Take Tia back to the house. Keep her safe.” “But,”“No buts. I got this, she’s too young to fight, you know it. I’ll hold them off.” “No. We are leaving together.” Marc asserted nudging Tia to hide behind him and preparing to fight.“I said, g
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