All Chapters of The Moon Goddess' Mate: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
111 Chapters
Chapter One Hundred and One
The pain in my body registered around the same time as the steady beeping of the heart monitor did. Cracking one eye open at a time I recognised the typical design of the hospital room and a deep sigh left my lips. Searching for the call button for the nurse, I held down the red button till I heard the alarm going off at the nurse’s station just down the hallway. “Luna! You’re awake, are you feeling okay?” A nurse came bursting through the door and rushed to my side. “I’m feeling okay, thank you. How long have I been out?” I groaned as I tried pushing myself up on the bed and her hand shot out to stop me. “Wait.” Instead of helping me up, she pressed a button on the remote and the bed lifted me into a seated position automatically. “Thank you, how long have I been out?” I repeated. “About two hours. The doctor is on his way, Luna.” She nodded and offered me a glass of water that was covered at the side. “Luna Atwater, welcome back.” Doctor Brendan smiled when he entered th
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Chapter One Hundred and Two
“By the democratic vote taken by the members of the High Tide pack, it is my pleasure to welcome Jason Pierce as the new Theta of the High Tide pack!” I announced with vigour and the pack went wild. Jason was no doubt everyone’s first choice, though I commended Carter and Candace for putting up a good fight.    Jason climbed onto the makeshift stage with a proud smile stretched on his face and a spring in his step.    Turning to face him, I stuck out my hand, “Congratulations, Jason. You deserve this, I have no doubt you will make us all proud.”       Jason accepted my wishes with a curt nod, “Thank you for this opportunity, Luna. I will try my level best to be the best Theta I can be.”   
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Chapter One Hundred and Three
My heart thudded wildly in my chest as Selene’s utterance registered in my mind.  “Wh- who are you?” I swallowed thickly, reaching behind me to steady myself on the boulder.  “I’m sorry for following you, I didn’t mean to scare you.” His soothing baritone voice sent shivers down my spine and tears gathered in my eyes without warning.  “No, this can’t be real, I must be dreaming.” I shook my head vigorously and stumbled back into the rock before I spun around and took off in the direction of the High Tide pack.  ‘This can’t be happening. It’s just a dream.’ I repeated
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Chapter On Hundred and Four
“You can wear these for now.” My jaw clenched as I handed him some of Jasper’s clothes.  “Thank you.” He took them from me, his fingers brushing mine in the process and without thinking I snatched away my hand like he burned me and his eyes flashed with hurt.  “I’m sorry.” I looked down, holding my hand to my chest.  “It’s okay.” He flashed me a tight smile and for a moment an awkward silence fell between us.  “I’ve uh- been thinking, we need to find you a name, at least till we figure out who you are.” I cringed a little at my own word, hoping he didn’t see how awkward I felt.  
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Chapter One Hundred and Five
“Okay, I’ve made sure no one will come back here to clean or look for me today. You can watch TV and play around with my tablet while I’m gone, use the time to try and figure out some of the things you don’t remember, but don’t make a lot of noise please, I don’t want anyone poking around here.” I motioned around the house. “I’ll be back late today, there’s food in the fridge, you can heat it up in the microwave.” I pointed to the appliance behind me and turned back to look him dead in the eye, “You have to stay here, okay? Under no circumstances can anyone find out you’re here, so please just stay hidden and if you hear anything, hide. You can use the tablet to call me on this number if you need something, my number is stored on there.” I tapped the screen where I’d typed out instructions on how to make
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Chapter One Hundred and Six
The pack buzzed with excitement as the three of us climbed the stairs, everyone was whispering about the bulky man who walked behind me with confidence radiating from his being.  Marcel and Jason took their places behind me as I stood at the podium, “Good evening High Tiders.” I grinned widely. “First, I’d like to thank you all for taking the time to be here tonight. We’ve faced some tough times as a pack, but I’d like to think this is the beginning of a new era.” I looked around at the hopeful faces that stared back at me, pausing a little when I caught sight of Nathan and Halle seated right at the back.  “With that, I’d like you all to meet Marcel Miller.” I motioned to him when he stepped up beside me and nodded at the crowd before him, “Marcel was a warri
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Chapter One Hundred and Seven
“Ardere…” I reached out shakily, glancing between his troubled eyes and reddened fingers. Ardere’s eyes met mine and for a moment he just stared as I took hesitant steps closer while I felt like my heart would beat out of my chest. “Stop! What are you doing, you could get hurt!” Nathan’s voice travelled through the crowd and Ardere’s eyes widened. He went to pull away, but before his hand was out of reach, I threaded my fingers through his and held on tight. “He wouldn’t hurt me,” I whispered, squeezing his hand in mine as pleasurable tingles spread up my arm from his touch. “My Jasper wouldn’t hurt me.” My vision swam with tears as the truth hit me square in the face. It was him, if there was any doubt before, there wasn’t now. “Jasper?” He questioned shakily. “Yes, it’s you, it’s really you.” I choked on a sob, the relief that spread through my body warmed my heart and for the first time in three months, I smiled a genuine smile, watery but genuine. “I- uh…” He trailed off an
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Chapter One Hundred and Eight
Jasper sucked in a deep breath when we entered the pack house. It was still early which meant the grounds were practically empty when we made our way over there, but inside, pack members hustled and bustled around getting ready for the day.  “I’m right here. Just tell me when you want to leave and we’re out of here.” I squeezed his hand in mine.  Jasper had taken the news of his true identity quite well, I knew it was because he hardly understood what his position meant or what he meant to the pack. It’s been a week since he crashed my inauguration ceremony and we’ve made good progress, today was the first day he’d be around so many pack members at once and so far he was doing great as he greeted everyone we passed with a kind smile. 
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Chapter One Hundred and Nine
“What?” I asked shakily. “I remember your voice.” He stared at me with startled eyes, “I heard you, Sophia.” He scrambled off the bed and shuffled towards me. Jasper took my hands in his, “I heard you asking me to fight.” Jasper ran a hand through his hair while I just stood there, shell-shocked. “Ho- How? You were unconscious.” I croaked, my throat felt like it was closing up. “I don’t know. I don’t know how.” He shook his head gravely. “Do you remember anything else?” I asked hesitantly and Jasper’s eyebrows knitted in concentration. “I- I think I saw you, but it feels like a dream. You were walking towards me- dressed in a purple vest that hugged your figure, and you had a duffle bag over your shoulder. You smiled at me.” He had a faraway look in his eyes and his hands squeezed mine as he recalled the memory. “That was just before-” “-I was stabbed in the back.” He completed my sentence and looked at me with startled eyes. “Do you-?” I couldn't even get the words out,
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Chapter One Hundred and Ten
I stood awkwardly beside the tiny sofa where Jasper’s large form took up most of the space. Halle and Nathan had welcomed us in when we arrived at their door, but I the tension in our presence was palpable. “How do you feel?” Nathan asked suddenly. “Fine, I guess,” Jasper answered curtly, accepting the cup of coffee Halle offered him. “Have your memories returned?” Nathan shifted uncomfortably in his seat, glancing at me from the corner of his eye. “Some of them. Why are you holed up in this tiny cottage in the middle of nowhere when you have a whole pack house and several guest houses nearby everything? Surely it isn’t easy getting around the forest with that thing.” Jasper motioned to the wheelchair. Nathan’s eyes turned to me with confusion, I could see the question in his eyes. “He doesn’t know,” I stated, not looking at Jasper when his eyes turned to me. “Doesn’t know what?” Jasper narrowed his eyes as he glanced between us. “The pack wants nothing to do with me.” N
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