All Chapters of We'll be together again someday: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
103 Chapters
Chapter 91
"My God, girl, how cool are you, right? You practically opened your legs for him and now you said that he took advantage, at least he wanted to move up in life and that's why! - You don't know me so don't say what you don't know dear.The two started fighting right there at the hospital reception and right where I worked and no one wanted to know what she was doing there, I deduced on my own that she might be interested in the nurse position that was open. But why did she come to ask for a job here, maybe she was sent away from the hospital where she worked with Brian. For what reason? Should I try to help her or not.While Ana was deciding what to do, the two were fighting badly. Because Leandra, to defend her best friend, didn't have a problem, she tried to solve it and find a solution, that's what."Girls, stop fighting, this is a hospital and not a chicken coop! - Ana, I'm sorry, but I needed to teach this girl a lesson, just so she doesn't hit on anyone anymore.""Leandra, come he
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Chapter 92
I wasn't going to judge the girl or accuse her of my unhappiness, things happen because they had to happen, now everyone has gone their own way and life goes on. What I needed was to help this girl get a place here, I wasn't bad and I never will be."Ana, you're really stupid, you know! The bastard destroyed her relationship with Brian, and now you're going to help her get a place here after all and that? - Leandra, bad things can't be paid for bad and if she's here begging and because she really needs it, no one knows what her life is like.""Ana, I know how to steal other people's husbands! - I have to overcome all of this."Overcoming is believing in my desire and in my power to be different and to do good no matter how much they wish me harm. I'm not going to focus on my weaknesses or my defects, I thought about the strengths and opportunities I have and know how to use them in the best possible way to help someoneNo one throws pearls in the trash, nor walks on a road they know ha
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Chapter 93
Chapter 93I preferred to go in and find out if Brian had really left and from the look on my mother and stepfather's faces it had really happened."Mom, are you okay? - Yes, I mean more or less and Brian left, he's disappointed because you didn't believe him, daughter.""Ana, he made a mistake but he changed for you after the accident, but you simply didn't believe in us, much less him.""Guys, please! I made more mistakes my whole life, I believed in him and what did he do? Betraying me, or not giving importance to my love and what I wanted now you think it's my fault? Please!""Ana, I believe there's a chance you can stop him and finally be happy, because he's leaving in a few hours, if you hurry you can get to the airport and stop him.""Daughter, go after your happiness, I believe you have waited a long time and once again forgive me? - Of course you do, mother!"So Leandra and I went after Brian, racing against time because love does that when it's real. No matter the time or di
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Chapter 94
"Ana, we should tell our parents that I didn't go! - Brian, they'll know, let's stay together and talk to them later.""You really are amazing how you would refuse your request."We then spent the night together and when Brian woke up in the morning, he wasn't sure he must have gone to his father to tell him the news. Ana, once again, had no idea that her lover was going to set the wedding date in secret and this time it was going to work. Ana then got up and went to get ready because work couldn't stop and her life remained the same but with a touch of happiness."Filipe, there's someone arriving and I think it's Brian! - Wow, this kid didn't leave, did he get along with Ana? - We'll find out about that right away!""Hello, everyone, how are you?""You are your surprises, I hope there are no women this time, please.""Don't worry, it will be a surprise that you will like, so will you help me or not? - It depends on what it is!"Dad, it's simple, I need you to go to that friend of you
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Chapter 95
Finally, after so much suffering, my happiness arrived. And this time there was no one or anything to get in the way, many times we want to have our own lives for ourselves, thinking that we know everything, but it's not like that, we have to be mature enough to make our own choices and the law of life is how we do it. learn. My only question was would it be eternal? I don't know what will happen, I just know that I'm living what I've always really wanted. I believe everyone is happy, my friend Laís, she's with her daughter and Leandra, this one isn't worth anything, she just throws it in the wrong place, because she's having an affair with the funny girl who got into trouble, that is, catching the woman who had a crush on Brian.This is how a new life arrives because we want it that way and it doesn't matter the time because when there is love, why not fight for it? I thought that the story of falling in love with the same person every day was just more cliché romance talk, until it
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chapter 96
Living is a daily challenge. Life gives us no respite, no matter what moment we are going through, the world will not stop to wait for us to catch our breath.The train keeps moving and we cannot be left behind, even though in many moments we just want to contemplate the landscape and let the train go through the mountains.It is true that at times we need to step back. Walk slower, but if we stop we get run over. The world demands of us to be strong, but that does not mean being hard, neither with ourselves nor with others. It is necessary to find a middle ground, not too heavenly and not too earthly.Our solution, in many moments, is to learn to listen to our heart. It is he who gives us the rhythm of life. Sometimes you need to remain silent to know what step to take, which train station to get off at and how to continue the journey. We all make mistakes, the difference is that only some manage to learn from the mistakes they make.Among so many problems and difficulties that arise
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Chapter 97
Brian and I have to go through all this to be together afterwards. Life was not easy, I believe it is not for anyone, but when we trust that everything will be fine in the end and why won't it be? I really thought about giving up, but I always went back to everything.I believed that my mother would never accept us and to this day I try to understand why all this happened so that in the end she would see that she hurt her and not me and she had to accept the relationship. To me in the past she owes a romance like mine, but it didn't work out or she couldn't be happy with the person she loved and she wished that I wouldn't be happy with Brian either, or maybe she was angry with me for some reason that maybe she could having ruined your life with my arrival.Life takes turns and how! Brian, many times showed his opposite feelings because he wanted to live instead of living in a relationship since childhood and every time he made a mistake I was there once again all because I loved him.
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Chapter 98
Among all the ways of loving, the one we feel for our family is certainly the most difficult to explain. They are with us in the best and worst moments, and even with all the disagreements, love always speaks louder over any argument. , very much as I always wanted.It is a love that overcomes all differences, accepting each person with their respective peculiarities and when there is some distance, longing soon arrives. It's a feeling so strong that it leads us to make the same mistakes, only to not see sadness touch any of them.Along with this love is friendship, a very sincere type that always values loyalty. It is an eternal marriage, which despite all the difficulties that life imposes on us, nothing takes away our desire to remain side by side.We receive this love in our cradle, and we learn early on what a hug feels like. A love that we carry inside our chest and is always ready to be shared. Happy are those who can live this love completely, because to live it to its maximum
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Chapter 99
Years passed….After I finally married Brian, we continued living in Orlando and his father and my mother returned to California. Our life is complete, we learn to deal with our problems without involving anyone and the funniest thing is that we laugh at everything we went through to reach a happy ending.Today my life is summed up in 4 because one of the things I most wanted to have with Brian was to have our son and God blessed us in that way. I haven't had time to tell my mother yet, but I was thrilled with this news.Whenever my hands run over the skin of my belly and caress the curve of my belly that holds precious treasure, I understand what a blessed woman I am. It's a divine gift to have a baby grow inside me and feel every movement he makes as he waits for his time to know the light of the world.I will cherish every moment of the pregnancy and forever carry in my heart all the beautiful feelings I am experiencing. Being a mother is an incomparable happiness and discovering i
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Chapter 100
Sometimes, we just need a company that pleases us and makes us truly happy, that even in silence understands and completes us and that just wants to make small talk and talk about life. In these moments I observe that few have this chance, but thanks to Brian, and his presence, it was possible for us to be together again with the right company.It's impossible not to reveal my happiness, joy and not show my radiant smile. The emotion when I see you takes over me and in many moments I don't know how to act. But I know that by your side I can show who I really am and I can calm down again. I want to rest my head on your shoulder and hear you say that everything will be fine, because we are made for each other.Today I'm just looking for a little peace. I want my heart to receive a portion of joy and for everything to simply go well. I don't need much to feel like my life is complete, nor do I need great things to be happy. Being well with myself will always be my greatest treasure.Why
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