All Chapters of The Alpha's stolen bride : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
120 Chapters
Chapter 101JasonI sat on a large rock in the forest, my eyes fixed on the full moon that illuminated the dark sky. The silver light bathed the surrounding trees and transformed the forest into a mystical realm. I inhaled the cool night air, and I could feel the power of the moon recharging my wolf form.As I gazed up at the sky, my thoughts drifted to Davina, the thorn in my side. She always seemed to be one step ahead of me, thwarting my plans and ruining my schemes. The latest plan involved kidnapping children from the orphanage and indoctrinating them to hate Keith, the alpha, and become my soldiers. I had even given the contract to a group of rogue wolves to carry out the task. But Davina had discovered our plot and disrupted our plans, rescuing the children and scattering the rogue wolves into the forest.I clenched my fists in frustration as I thought about Davina's interference. I couldn't allow her to continue to undermine my efforts, but I knew I had to be careful. She was
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Chapter 102KeithI received a frantic call from Davina about the kidnap incident and how she had led a team of intelligence agencies to disorganize their base. I could sense the urgency in her voice as she narrated the events to me."Lucifer, they had a whole base set up there. It was obvious that they were planning something big," Davina said."I see. Did you get any intel on what they were planning?" I asked.Davina hesitated for a moment before answering. "No, we didn't find anything specific, but we did find a lot of weapons and ammunition."I knew that this was not good news. If they were well-armed, it meant that they were not going to go down without a fight. I quickly sent a message to the special guards to get ready for a mopping operation. The rougues shouldn't be allowed to regroup.As we waited for the guards to arrive, Davina and I discussed our next steps. "We need to make sure that they don't get away," I said."I agree. We need to keep them contained until the guards
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Chapter 103JasonI received a call from my brother Tobi, who told me some distressing news. The rogue werewolves we had secretly hired to work against the Alpha had been completely annihilated by the special guards led by Keith, the Alpha himself. I asked Tobi if any of them had been captured alive, but he said no. My heart raced at the thought of being exposed, but with all of them dead, I heaved a sigh of relief.Later that day, I received a call from Keith, the Alpha of our park. He wanted to brief me on the ongoing issue, so I quickly made my way to the palace. As I entered the room, I could feel the tension in the air. Keith was sitting on his throne, flanked by his most trusted advisors."Jason, thank you for coming," Keith said, as he motioned for me to take a seat. "I'm sure you've heard about the recent attack on the orphanage."I nodded my head, pretending to be shocked. "Yes, it's terrible. I can't believe someone would do something like that."Keith sighed. "Unfortunately
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Chapter 104Davina I received the shocking news of my beloved brother Harry's assassination, a deep sorrow engulfed my heart. It was as if the world had crumbled beneath my feet, shattering my hopes and dreams. I couldn't fathom why such a heinous act had befallen our family once again, after the recent incident involving the rogue werewolves and the orphans.With a heavy heart, I knew I had to make the journey to my parents' park to attend Harry's funeral rite and offer whatever help I could to my grieving family. I called upon my trusted servant, William, and instructed him to make all necessary preparations for the long and somber journey ahead."William, please prepare the carriage for our journey to my parents' park. We must leave as soon as possible," I said, my voice trembling with a mixture of grief and determination."Yes, my Luna," William replied, his voice filled with empathy. "I shall ensure that everything is ready for our departure. Is there anything specific you would
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Chapter 105Keith I received the devastating news of Harry's death while I was away on an official visit as the alpha of Antarti Park. Harry, the beloved brother of my wife, Luna Davina, had always been a beacon of strength and kindness. The moment the words reached my ears, my heart sank, and my thoughts raced back to Luna, who must be shattered by the loss.Without a second thought, I knew I had to cut my trip short and make my way to Luna's parents' castle, which happened to be located near Antarti Park. The urgency in my movements was evident as I hastily gathered my belongings and made the necessary arrangements for my departure.The journey back was long and arduous, the miles seemingly stretching out before me. My mind was filled with a mix of sorrow for Luna's loss and anxiety about how she would cope with the grief. The bond between siblings is unbreakable, and I knew this loss would be a heavy burden on Luna's shoulders.As the moon began its ascent into the night sky, I fi
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Chapter 106 JasonI stood there, silently seething as I watched Keith and Davina, lost in their own world of love and affection. It disgusted me to see them so intertwined, their bond a threat to my carefully laid plans. Keith, the alpha of Antarti Park, held the power I desired, and Davina was the key to his reign. I couldn't allow their love to go unchallenged. It was time to set my schemes into motion.But first, I had to deal with Harry, Davina's elder brother and the immediate heir to their father's neighboring park. Harry's presence posed a threat to my ally, Evans, who coveted his father's throne. If Harry were to inherit the park, Evans' dreams of power and control would crumble. So, we joined forces, driven by our common interests.With calculated precision, we orchestrated a plan to eliminate Harry, manipulating events and people to our advantage. It took time, patience, and a touch of malevolence, but eventually, our plot bore fruit. The news of Harry's demise sent shockwa
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Chapter 107Davina I stand in front of the mirror, staring at the reflection of a broken woman. It's been months since Harry's death, and the pain still grips my heart with an iron fist. Each day feels like a merciless battle against a relentless storm. But now, as the dark clouds loom over my family once again, I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of sorrow.My father's illness has returned, stronger and more unforgiving than before. I watch him, frail and weakened, as he fights a battle he may not win. The weight of it all is suffocating, the fear unbearable. It's as if I'm standing on a precipice, ready to fall into an abyss of despair.Keith, my husband, tries to be my rock, but I've withdrawn from him. I can see the worry etched on his face, the love and concern he tries to hide. But how can I allow him to witness this caricature of myself? I'm no longer the vibrant woman he fell in love with, but a hollow shell consumed by grief and fear."Hey, Davina," Keith says softly, wrapping
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Chapter 108Keith I stood at the edge of Antarti Park, the vast expanse of icy wilderness stretching out before me. This place, once my sanctuary, now seemed like an endless maze of confusion and frustration. As the alpha, I bore the weight of its development on my shoulders. There was always work to be done, plans to be made, and travels to be undertaken.The park had become more than just a haven for werewolves like myself. It was a place where we could live in harmony with nature, where our kind could thrive without fear or persecution. But with its growing popularity and the increasing number of visitors, the responsibilities had multiplied. The demands for infrastructure, safety measures, and maintaining the delicate balance between humans and werewolves were overwhelming.But it wasn't just the park that troubled me. Luna Davina, my mate and the love of my life, had changed since the tragic death of her brother, Harry. He had been a pillar of strength for her, and his loss had
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Chapter 109Davina I stood there, my heart heavy with grief and worry, as I gazed out of the window overlooking the peaceful garden. The loss of my dear brother Harry still weighed heavily on my soul, and the news of my father's deteriorating health only added to my burden. It felt as though darkness had descended upon our family, casting a shadow that seemed impossible to lift.As I absentmindedly traced my fingers along the windowpane, lost in my thoughts, a glimmer of hope suddenly pierced through the gloom. News had reached us that the missing amulet, stolen by the notorious thief Maueve, had been spotted at the palace gate. A surge of anticipation coursed through my veins, for I knew that finding the amulet meant that the Alpha Keith and I would finally be able to fulfill our destiny and mate.I hurriedly made my way to the entrance of the palace, where Keith was already waiting, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of determination and excitement. "Davina," he called out, his voice
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Chapter 110Keith I was enjoying a rare moment of respite in my chamber, basking in the quiet solitude it provided. The weight of my responsibilities as the leader of our pack had been pressing heavily upon me lately, and this brief reprieve was a welcome relief. However, my tranquility was abruptly shattered when one of my trusted servants hurried into the room, his face contorted with worry."Alpha Keith," he panted, trying to catch his breath, "Maueve, the amulet thief, has been spotted near the palace gate. It seems she is still lurking somewhere in the park."My heart raced at the mention of Maueve. She had caused us endless trouble in the past, stealing valuable artifacts and sowing discord within our pack. This was a chance to finally put an end to her mischief once and for all. I immediately sprang into action, my mind racing with plans and strategies."Prepare the troops," I commanded, my voice steady but firm. "We need to initiate a search operation immediately. I want ever
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