All Chapters of Mated To The Barclay Brothers : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
158 Chapters
Get Married As Soon As Possible
**Turstin's POV***It's been two years now and ever since then, a lot has happened in my life. But the sad news was that, despite everything, I couldn't find my mate. It seemed as though he disappeared into thin air. Ever since the day the incident with Stacey happened, Gael seemed to have disappeared. There's not a place I haven't searched for him, still there was no way of finding him.I had searched his former company and even went to his old house, but found out that the friend has relocated to somewhere else, which made it impossible for me to find Gael. At the same time, Victoria had been trying to get to me. She had gone as far as rattling to her father about me, telling him how she was badly in love with me and will not rest until she's married to me. Even though I had chased her away from my company, I still did not stop her. To make things worse, Cole had declared me his enemy despite all of my explanations. I wonder if he just doesn't want to listen to me, or if he actua
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Take Me To A Hotel
**Gael's POV***I bit my fingers while looking at the time. It was just 2:am, and I still couldn't fall asleep. I have been thinking all through the night about the best escape plan. Now that Cole already knows where I live, this is more reason why I just plan my escape carefully. I can't afford to get caught by him. That'll be such a disaster. I'm not sure if I'll be able to survive it if I get caught. I know Cole and what he can do. I took my gaze to the clock occasionally, counting how many hours are left before the break of dawn. From the situation at hand, I'm not sure if I'll be able to wait until the break of dawn. The only reason I haven't left the house was because it was in the middle of the night. I don't even know where to go from here at this time. But then, an hour to the break of dawn will help me a lot. I continued looking at the time until it finally clocked 5:am. Thank goodness! I can't wait more than a second here. I need to get out of here as soon as possibl
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Let Me Have A Taste
**Gael's POV***After lodging the hotel, I put my bag in the closet successfully before turning around to Fred, who was still waiting for me. “Fred, I don't know how much to thank you enough for being here with me. The fact that you came to me just as I called is something I'll never forget in my entire life. “Gael, this isn't the time to thank me. At this point, if there's anything I want more, it is your safety, do you understand?”“Of course I do. You don't have to worry about me. I'll take good care of myself. And if there ever were to be a time when I need your help, I'll call you.”“That's such a relief then. Goodnight Gael, I'll see you around tomorrow.”Fred and I said our goodbyes before he left. Now that I was alone, I quickly rushed into the bathroom to take my bath. When I was done, I came back to the room and searched for what to put on from the belongings I carried with me. I picked a blue shirt without putting on a shirt. The room was warm, so there was no need for
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I Know You Want It
**Gael's POV**“Hmph,” I tried to wriggle away from him, but Cole rather deepened the kiss. He kissed me not lips he hated me, rather he kissed like he has always been in love with me. It was soft, smooth, and gentle. I gently opened my eyes only to see him with his eyes closed. He kissed me deeply so that even I, who was struggling not to get drowned in his kisses, found myself struggling to pull away. The urge to kiss him back just as he was kissing me came to play. But then, I'd rather die than reciprocate this act. Just then, he began touching me in places that made me weak. He traced his hands down my back and down to my ass. I tried to shift from him, but he wouldn't let me. Just then, he pulled away from the kiss to stare at me. “Gael, you taste sweet, and I want more.”“Mr. Cole, let's not do this, please,” I begged, but he rather attacked my neck. “I know you're only doing this to get back to Turstin, but!…" I trailed off as I felt his tongue on my neck. Fuck! I hate thi
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Does My Brothers Know
**Cole's POV***I noticed how panicked Gael was when I brought out the lube. There was no need for him to act like a virgin who was about having sex for the very first time. “Calm down, Gael, I promise I'll be gentle with you. Though I haven't done it before, you can be rest assured that I'll take good care of you.”Before coming here, I already made plans for this. I don't know when I had the thoughts of fucking him. But now that I'm presented with the opportunity, I can't let it pass me by. Alan did it, and so did Thale. Even Turstin who actually doesn't have the knack for having sex with anyone now falls for Gael. If they could do it and succeed in it, I'm so sure that I can do it as well. There's nothing to be afraid of about this. I managed to open the seal of the lubricant, preparing to use it on Gael. Just as I reached for his briefs, he suddenly grabbed me by the hand. “Cole, I will not let you do this. You've got to stop this all at once!”He yelled for the first time, a
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Should I Go To Him Or Snub Him
**Cole's POV**Laced with confusion and frustration, I decided to hit a random club. I was so lost in my world and confused about what I had just found out hours ago. I drank as much as I ordered. I'm here to waste my time and just get drunk, if only that was possible. I feel like I'm living in an imaginary world. What exactly did I get mated to? How can a man… I trailed off in thoughts. I can't even bring myself to complete that which I have in mind. I was so terribly confused as of the moment. How on earth did something like this happen? Just what on earth is going on? “Hey buddy, you asked to see me.”I looked up at my friend, Chadwick. As usual, he's carrying this Casanova demeanor and smiling at every lady who looks our way. “Can you stop doing that!” I snapped at once. Chadwick paused all at once and blinked his eyes. He probably must be confused at my behavior. “Uhm, Cole, are you alright?” He asked cautiously as he took a seat opposite mine.“What do you think?” I asked,
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He Dislikes Me
**Gael's POV***I folded myself with the blanket and stayed in bed. I had lost every tender feeling I had. This was the first time I was rejected. The reason I had never wanted anyone to find out about me was because I was afraid of the rejection I would face. However, after meeting Turstin,I was happy my fears had been for nothing. And then I met Thale and Alan, and they all accepted me. This feeling made me believe that I could be accepted by anyone. But then, with Cole, I felt a little skeptical even though at the point he started kissing and touching my wetness, I thought his reaction would be that of his brothers. But I was so wrong. I was terribly wrong and all I felt at this moment was to just disappear. I cried under my sheets. Even when my phone ran, I didn't have the strength to pick up. There are only two people who have my new number. The boss I with for and Fred. The fact that I hadn't turned in for work today all because I was escaping for my life must have been a reas
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I'll Never Marry You
**Turstin's POV **I was in my office, attending to pending projects I have at hand, when I heard the click-clacking of heels in my office. I raised my head up only to see Victoria swaying her hips into my office. “Hello, my love!”“What the hell are you doing in my office? Didn't goodness, my secretary tell you I don't want to see anyone.”“You're right. But I'm not anyone.”I raised an instant brow at her statement. “What are you trying to say?”“What else, I'm your woman and we'll be getting married soon. Everyone already knows about this, so why are you still pretending that you have no idea what's going on?This made me get up from my chair all at once. There's not a day on earth that she wouldn't do or say something to eat on my nerves. “Listen to me, Victoria, I don't know what gave you the notion that I want something with you. But then, I'm going to say it again: whatever you think happened between us, is no reason for you to think that will automatically lead you to my b
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We Must Find Gael
**Turstin's POV **They all turn in my direction, breathing heavily. I'm yet to find out what the problem was, but they were all staring at me, not saying a word. “Am I not talking to you? What in the world is happening here? Why have you all decided to lose your sanity and dared to fight in the pack, and in the presence of all your pack members? Just what the fuck is wrong with all of you?”“What is wrong?” Cole asked as he walked up to me. “Yes. I am entitled to know because this is my pack, and you all deserve to give the pack the peace and tranquility it deserves!”“Don't you think it's too late for wanting peace and tranquility in the pack? With everything that has been going in, I don't think peace is what is needed if you ask me. “If not peace, then what does the pack need? Three mature men acting more like rogues in the woods? Is that the right way to go about whatever issue you have?”“Now that you're here, how about you start by telling us when your wedding will be, huh?”
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The Club
**Gael's POV ***The day was busy. I looked at the time, and it says, 4:30pm. I'm supposed to meet Fred by 5pm today. Since I've been a workaholic ever since I returned to my apartment, Fred had told me that he wanted us to meet. I can't agree more. I have been too busy to the point that I began to feel a terrible headache. I should probably hit the bar. I need that so badly at the moment. Just as I had thought, I suddenly got a call on my phone. I quickly picked up the phone which I had placed on my desk. Looking at the caller, I found out it was Fred. Speaking of the devil. I smiled, looking at my phone. Quickly, I clicked on the answer button and directed the call to my ears. “Yes, how may I help you?”“Gael, are you being serious with me right now? Don't tell me you're not prepared yet?”“Well, the thing is…I'm still very much busy and might not be able to keep up to time, sorry,” I said the words while chuckling hard. “Where are you right now?” Fred asked. From the backgrou
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