Semua Bab Master Of Desires: Bab 11 - Bab 20
100 Bab
I sat next to Kendall on one of the metal stools with black seats, crossing my arms on the table. I noticed the soslaio look that my father threw at me, but I ignored it, looking at the top lamp lit against the dining table.Stefan Turner, always known as daddy, was a man of principles. Even after his failed marriage, his not so well-known books and months supporting young people in his work as a teacher, he was still an old man, and with that I mean that he failed each of my decisions. He didn't rule me, he never tried to play such a role, and maybe that's what boosted my indomitable instinct. However, I could see in his enviable dark blue eyes the size of his inconformation.Like every self-respecting father, he wanted the best for me. And the best thing, definitely, was not to go out with several different guys and stick them in my legs. I knew how shameful it would be for him to teach men who have already had sex with his daughter, but it would be difficult not to receive a trial
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My father was also dancing, but his type of dance was so strange that I preferred not to face it for a long time. He shook only his head and shoulders, his gray hair shaking madly and his shoulders in a shrug movement. Tristan wasn't dancing, he had been looking at Kendall all the time. I could have sworn seeing his eyes shining. I immediately recognized that the sentimental aura that involved them was taking shape again."Come here, my bear. " Kendall called Tristan with one hand, while a new song played on my cell phone.Tristan didn't wait for another invitation. He approached Kendall shaking his plump body and pulled her with one hand. Kendall approached dancing sensually, holding one of Tristan's hands and swinging the other to the rhythm of the song. He turned her and almost so fast, held her close to her body and she laughed. My father poked me with the spatula."I wish your friend wasn't so blind..." he whispered when I looked in her direction. I also wanted to...But who was
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"Maybe your thing is to write about real things," Kendall spoke with his mouth full of chocolate. His fingers lightly surrounded the corners of his lips, being sucked soon after. "Do you know those biographies that people want to write, but don't know where to start? You can be the person who knows how to use words to shout what the world pretends not to hear."It's no use, Keny," my father murmured, spiteful. "Your friend thinks that being a writer is as stupid as paying attention to the family that stayed on another continent.I laughed sharply, moving away from the closet to have space. "I'm not ignoring anyone, if that's what you're insinuating.He didn't move.“Your sister calls every day."For me, she doesn't turn on," I shrugged, recovering my cell phone on the counter just in case. "You could accept the fact that no one in that country cares about our existence. It would be less ridiculous, Dad.My father sighed, looked down and began to unroll the dishcloth in his hands. "Don
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The sound of Joan Lett burst in my ears, and my breath snored in my chest, as the street complained below my running shoes. People and landscapes were just blurs against the wind that kissed my face, wrapped my body like an icy cocoon and removed any trace of insecurity.When we run, we get rid of every bad thought. Running by itself is the best method to relieve a sentimental weight. The feet collide with kilometers of pure concrete, separated by thin shoes with springs. Breathing becomes interspersed, so we need to change the way we breathe. Even if it was in the middle of spring, the month of March was still very harsh, melting the winter ice and rising the icy steam on our faces. It was the heat of adrenaline in my veins that reduced the feeling of cold.“ Yeah me... "I sang my favorite song, alternating between jumping and running even faster.I threw myself between the passage in which the trees formed an arch, closed to the sun, and open to the loved ones who took pictures agai
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"I'm not a submissive! "I emphasized, tightly closing the duckling curtain of the box.Kendall opened the fragile plastic, crossing her arms against the wall tiles. "I didn't say it was, I just said it would be nice to try something different because of my feeling.My best friend broke into my apartment shortly after dinner was ready, and didn't give me privacy even for a shower, claiming to be too excited and that I would forget if she didn't tell me what she wanted immediately. I was shaving my legs at the last minute, all because I forgot to make an appointment at my usual spa, and that's when she had the audacity to include me in her plans for the night. I had to take extra care when I slid the razor on my ankles, trying not to lose the firmness of my hands when listening to another of Kendall's genius ideas.I laughed. "Another vision? "I focused on the massage I did on my hair with the thick shampoo. " Like the one where you said you would hit the lottery numbers, based on a dre
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But she managed to convince me, and only two hours later "the time it took us to get tight clothes and with at least one detail in leather, considering that our bodies were completely different" there we were, two figures covered up to the neck with heavy overcoats. The icy wind hit our shrunken bodies over the fenced door of a store, the air chain invading the loose space between our ankles and the heavy clothing bar, and I cursed myself for once again accepting one more of my friend's ideas.The Dark Target club had a facade as dark as its name. It was discreetly erected between a convenience store and an almost deserted corner. It occurred to me that the few innocent people who passed by the place would know perfectly what those in the long line expected to find inside the house camouflaged by the shadows of the night.I tried not to feel intimidated by people wearing different types of black fantasies. But it was almost impossible not to find yourself staring at a curious figure. I
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Tracey hugged us again, waved and sent kisses to those who came after us. Kendall promptly turned to me, dragging us to the side, and leaving the passage free to the smiling DJ who used X-shaped tapes to cover her breasts. I wasn't able to see the bottom of her clothes, but I swore she was naked."The plan is to check the perimeter and when we find something fun, we attack! " Kendall instructed, moving his eyes all over the way. "Let's separate!"It's a bad idea," I grumbled, trying not to seem so intimidated. I didn't know what I had with those people who affected me so much, but I didn't like it."Relean" Kendall pushed me slightly, entering the track whose floor was hot below my feet. "I feel that everything will work out.We separated as she said, and with only one turn around, I was already sure that something would go wrong. Generally, Kendall's predictions were accompanied by a shot in the dark, and the worst always came next. I was absolutely sure of this when my eyes followed
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"What do you think you're doing? "He demanded, his voice sounding with an arrogance that vibrated his entire rib cage cracked by the muscles. His leather vest was open, exposing his black hair on his muscular chest, in addition to two nipple piercings. When I didn't answer, he squeezed me harder, taking me closer. I panicked. "Did someone bite your tongue, little one?”I didn't answer, I couldn't. The fear I felt "remitting the women in the movies I watched" caused my voice to get lost somewhere in my body. All I could do was jump and debate, swearing that I would make that man's fingers slip away, but that only made him squeeze me even more.The woman I had bumped into was still standing in the same place. Taking a look down, I realized that I was running away from the reach of my feet, preventing me from stepping on them in my escape attempt. I thought about raising my head and questioning why I was still standing while the man who apparently owned it, tried to crack my wrists. But t
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Part of my brain remained frozen, even when my feet were pushed to the other end of the mahogany counter, and my eyes did not dare to focus anywhere other than the ebony shirt that rubbed lightly against my body. Zachary wrapped my waist with a strong arm, and his steps guided mine in a slow and smooth walk, going as far as possible from the dominator made of leather.I knew I should feel grateful for your strictly necessary interruption, but there was that stubborn part in my brain that worked in a confusion of sounds and lights projected in endless circles, pushing away any control I could have over my body. And it took me an effort to ignore every fanciful member of that party. His latex clothes, whips and collars, swinging in an illusion that he could not have had even in one of my most secret fetishes.Although, somehow shameful to be assumed, listening to the laughter that followed after a moan of pure sexual relief, a small part of my curiosity got tangled in my nerves, incitin
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Looking away from the dance floor, where more people gathered for the hectic dance, I found Zachary's look on my face."Anyway, he insulted me."What kind of insult? "He asked, taking a single sip of his drink, taking my thought to an insane curiosity. If his breath moments before was from a soft mint, now, mixed with whiskey... hm.I shook my head, blinking hard."Pet" my voice sounded like a wheezing against loud music, and it gave me even more courage to say what I thought. “Pet is his ass!The bartender was closer than I thought, and I only realized it after his forced cough, drawing my attention to his slightly wide eyes and lips pressed on a thin line. Very gently, Zachary took all the space over me, forcing me to touch the red-colored wall to my back."First rule for beginners in a place like this, bunny," he spoke calmly, although the hardness of his gaze pinned me. My body warmed and hardened at the same time, and I tried hard not to take my hands around my heated cheeks. “Co
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