All Chapters of THE NIGHT ROAMER : Dah'ila Reborn: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
68 Chapters
"Are you okay? Katy asked when she noticed she was absent minded. She has called her name severally but there was no response from her."Am just nervous, that's all" She replied. Katy was about to say another word but was hushed by what she saw next.As they drove further, she became lost in wonder of the most beautiful scene ever. The mansion was like Paradise descended on earth. "I thought such places only existed in fantasies" She exclaims. The limo stops and they alight in a large garage with lots of expensive cars parked in neat rolls.Liam stood by the door waiting for them, as handsome as ever. He wore a black dazzling suit, his charcoal dark eyes could be seen through his transparent silver glass. They were escorted by the guards to meet him. Liam stared in astonishment as she walks towards him."Hi" Lia said.But there was response from him. He stood, staring obviously at Lia who immediately cleared her throat to call back his attention."You look... different" he said
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They whispered and giggled quietly until Liam's voice was heard on he stage."Attention everyone" Liam called from the stage with all eyes fixated at him. "He has an awesome charisma" Katy whispers to her."Focus Katy" Lia whispered back."Thank you ladies and gentleman for honouring to be here for this grand opening. But that is just the basics of why I invited you. Today is a special moment for me because, I will have to celebrate..." He paused, leaving some curious eyes staring in suspense. He searched for Lia in the crowd and spots her with Katy. As soon as he meets her gaze, he smiles and continues."Because I will have to celebrate it with someone so special to my heart, Dahlia Michaelson" As her name echoed into the air, every eyes in the part hall searched to know who it was. He invits her to the stage, although she was ignorant of what the whole thing was all about."Go on!" Katy cheered on.Lia nervously climbs the stage while a round a applause followed."Happy birthday
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"With the look on your face, one could tell you had a great day" Katy said as soon as she walked into the house."Am glad you're not drunk, I was expecting a roar or something worse" as she removed her shoes, Katy noticed the diamond necklace around her neck."Oh my goodness! Where did you get this from?" Katy hovered around, touching and admiring her."Liam gifted it to me for my birthday""This is pure diamond Lia, one of the most, if not the most expensive in the world. This is the heart of the ocean sapphire necklace worth over 20 million U.S dollars" She removes the necklace and tried to crack it with her teeth. You better keep this safe or someone may pawn you alongside that pretty necklace of yours" katy advised."I wasn't going to wear it anyway, you know am not the bling type""Oh Lia, am so happy for you. He even gifted you a car too. What is it called again?" She tilts her head."And yet, I don't even know how to drive a goddamn car" she rolls her eyes."I will start your
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Lia and Katy walks into the store and goes straight for the shopping cart. "I will go East" Katy said facing the other side of the store, while Lia went the other way. "Hmm? Why are there just tomatoes everywhere like this plaza has some tomato history in their foundation? She huffed. "Or maybe I picked the wrong side" she said when noticed she was in the tomato section.She goes ahead to look for Lia who had been busy trying to take her favourite salad cream from the rack."Is this what you are looking for?" Someone asked from behind.Lia turned to see a handsome blonde guy standing next to her. He hands her the salad cream and smiles."Thank you!""My name is Shane" he said staring at the beautiful young Lady."Dahlia" she replied "That's a beautiful name, I have a sister with the name Dahlia" he smiled. "Nice to meet you though" he stretched his hands for a handshake. "Beef or chicken?" Katy asked from behind, but adjusts when he sees the young man with her. "Why is he holdi
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As the evening drew near, she gathered a few clothes. She would miss Katy, she thought as she gazed endlessly at a picture on the shelve before she finally closed the door behind her and walked to the road where she boarded a taxi. The distance seemed quite longer compared to the first day, her nervousness whispered into her ears. "We are here ma'am" the taxi driver said calling back her attention."Oh! Right, thank you!" She alights, grabs her box and walks towards the door. As she stepped into the living room, she was greeted by a cold silence. Only a faint noise from the dinning area was heard. She goes in search of him and hears some voices conversing quietly.She tiptoed to the direction and watched as he conversed with himself."This should be here i guess? No! A little bit farther will do" he resolved, pushing the flower vase to and fro, until he finally found the right position for it. "Perfect!" He exclaimed. "But what if she doesn't like the flowers? Should I make it purp
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The soft and gentle morning sunshine caressed her skin. The chirping birds flew past the window gliding with the warm morning breeze.She rolled lazily on the bed until her hand touched him. She opened her eyes to find him laying beside her. Immediately, she panicked "How did I get on the bed?" She asked inwardly.She could remember sitting on the couch while she drafted her master plan to torment him."You don't remember? Last night i carried you from the couch while you were asleep. I watched you roll and sprawl and cling unto me like your life depended on it" He teased.She knew he cooked up those stories to flare her up, like last night. Although there were some uncertainties accompanied with her resolve, she dreamt about him last night, so she might have done exactly that. She watched innocently as he prepared breakfast. He was perfect in everything, both in chores and saving the world. As she admired, she thought she heard Katy's voice."Is that Katy?" She asked with a narro
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Lia swirled up under her blanket as she caressed the warmth of the morning sun.She pats the bed, searching for him on the bed, beside her. He quietly crawled back into the bed before she could notice. She opened her eyes, and the first thing she saw was his shirtless body. She gazed speechless at his charming smile, down to his torso and swallowed hard. "You're an angelic this morning" he said kissing her on the forehead. "What's the noise inside?" She points to the direction of the noise."The maids" He replied"Oh! The maids. I'm so use to you and me in the house that I forget there are maids also" She sighs and points to one of his tattoos."That dragon tattoo on your back, how did you get it?""Every tattoo you see on my body are memories. I don't make them, they appear when I live it" he replied. "Why? Are you fazed by it's appearance?" "No, am not. I'm just stunned to know that you have encountered a real life dragon. I thought dragons were fairytale""They are pretty mu
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Silver silk college was in its newest colour, another semester has just begun after the summer break resumption.Liam drives into the school. The raving of his engine attracted the attention of everyone. All eyes stared wildly as he alights and holds the door for Lia.People wondered what was with his new attitude. The women's idol whom they knew to be reserved, was finally making some noise.His hotter look, took everyone by surprise. As he walked, murmurs and side gossips filled the air. Women pilled up in corners talking about him."He is so cute, I wish I could have him to myself" One of the girls said. Others wondered why he was holding on to a girl. He has never been seen with anyone before. As the students settled in their classes, Mr cobbler addressed the class. He was all dressed on suit and his unusual sneakers which the students no longer found strange or funny. He beamed with smile as he faced the class and spoke."Welcome students from your summer holiday. I do not doub
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Gossips filled the air, the school was ablaze with rumors of the new girl and the women's idol. And in no time, it circulated in the papers and social medias."I think she seduced him. If not, he wouldn't be parading himself with that whore, she just came into college last year. It's not like she's pretty or something. Am the queen of college, it should be me, not her" Sally boasted to her company of bully girls."Yeah, you're right!" Linden supported. You're prettier, you are the queen of sports and the hottest girl in school, I see no reason why it shouldn't be you" Linden frowns."Like she has never tried a hundred times" Carolina rolled her eyes. "You are only good at sport, not even better. You can't even make good grades" Caro bluntly said attracting numerous stern looks from the girls."What did you say?" Sally asked. "You dare talk to me in that manner? You are dismissed! You are no longer allowed near the popular girls anymore" she roared at Caro who shivered with fright. She
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(THIRTY MINUTES EARLIER)As Lia walked to the cafeteria, she sighted Caro who was sitting by the field, hugging her kneels. Her expressions portrayed great sadness, as she sat in the middle of the field feeling vulnerable than ever."Do you mind if I meddle a little bit?" Lia asked, sitting beside her. Not familiar with the voice, She lifted her eyes and sees Lia. A bitter Melancholic smile escapes her lips."If you have also come to jeer at me, do that quickly and leave" Caro said ruefully."Am not here to jeer at you" Lia said in a calm, convincing manner. One that portrayed she had no cruel feeling towards her what so ever."Then go away before Sally sees you and picks at you for talking to me. She might ruin you too, You are too pretty to get into trouble""Am not afraid of Sally, not even for a bit" she raised her head and looked at the girl who was not afraid of Sally and laughed sarcastically. "Are you new?" She asked mockingly."No am not, I also know about Sally's brutal att
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