All Chapters of A Mission To Happily Ever After : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
186 Chapters
“So, here is to goodbye right?”Liam asked Ruby, as they stopped in front of where the helicopter that was going to take them back to the city was, she turned to him and nodded.They were leaving first and Liam would go later, she wished there was more she could say but goodbye is what it should be, they met unexpectedly and now it was time for them to go their separate ways and she wasn’t going to do anything to change that, it was better that they part ways like this than, well she didn’t even want to think about it.“Thank you, Liam,”She said after a long pause, she was indeed grateful to him for a lot of things.“Wow, it kind of feels surreal that we are not going to see each other again after today, I don’t know how I am going to get used to being in the same city as the woman I want and not being able to be with her,”He said as he handed her bag over to the person that came to collect it from him.“Liam, I thought we already talked about this? Please don’t do this,”She pleade
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The next morning she was up early, it took her a while to remember she was no longer on the island and this was her house, she knew it would be like that for now and she might finally get used to it after a lot of time has past and she wasn’t going to rush it, she felt nauseous and hurriedly got off the bed to throw up, she hated that she was sick on her first day back from the jungle but she already knew that she had passed her limit while she was still there, she would go get prescriptions from the nearby clinic later but for now, she took her bath, brushed her teeth and lay back on the bed.“This feels different,”She said not knowing if she missed waking up and doing her rounds and then making sure to bath and feed Kristen, she missed the child so much.“And her dad too,”The voice in her head whispered.“Nope,”She responded getting off the bed again, she still needed to clean up but she wasn’t ready for that hard work yetAfter taking the drugs, she checked the morning news and
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“Thank you for all your hard work, you guys are amazing,”Liam said to the guys he had been working with for the past couple of days, he was finally going to leave the island, he had done his part here and it was time to leave.The past couple of days had them finding out more and more shocking details on the island, the number of crazy things that were being discovered here was shocking, the most shocking was the number of unidentified remains of dead people, it was alarming the number but he was already prepared for it, yes, Annette’s diary and Annabelle’s story gave in a clue that each discovery proved to be true, each new findings made it even more emotional the kind of things the women went through but it was all over now.“Stay safe out there,”He called out as a finally greeting as he headed to the spot used as a terminal, he looked back as he got closer, the island was now a deserted place, it wasn’t fit for living in the first place, and the hospital still remained and a few
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“Why? Did I make you mad? Well, you should be, right along with being scared for yourself and the people you hold there because no one of them will be safe, you should work on your punch too, that barely did a thing,”The idiot said, and Liam wanted to kill him there and then, if the officers didn’t come in to stop him, he was afraid that he would have done it, law be damn!“Let’s take him back, you don’t need to let him get to you, he is all talk now,”One of the officers calmed him down, Liam raised his hands in surrender and they let him go, he fixed his shirt and cleared his throat.“I am sorry about that,”He apologized.“It is cool, he deserves to be beaten but you shouldn’t do it, You did good man, you did good and we will take it from here, you can take a rest, don’t let his words bother you,”The office said and Liam nodded, there was no point in letting Sloan’s words get to him, those were mere words that hold no power, the man was just saying that when he had a hard life ah
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After taking his bath, he walked downstairs to the kitchen praying that his mom would be anywhere else but there but, the woman was sitting prettily in the kitchen, she dropped the paper she held when he walked in and smiled at him, he so wanted to run back to his room but he was hungry and he needed to take medication for his migraine.“Mom, don’t talk to me, I just came here to eat,”He warned as he sat down.“I haven’t even said a single word to you, and how did I go from a caring mom who only wants what’s best for his child to a nagger?”She asked, getting up and coming closer, he ignored her and started earning his breakfast, as usual, the food was top-notch, and he kind of missed the food here.“Now he is ignoring me,”She complained and he rolled his eyes and continued eating, he wondered why he hadn’t seen his dad around but he wasn’t about to engage his mom in any talk.“Say something, all I do is be a caring mom, is it so wrong to care about one’s son?”She asked.“I didn’t
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It was getting out of hand, that’s all Ruby could think of as she got into her car exactly two weeks after she returned from Cacko, she was still not getting any better and it has reduced only to morning, she woke up each morning feeling like hell and can not function for the first one or two hours, throwing up has become a part of her daily routine, she just couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her which is why after the court today, she was going straight to the clinic to get some test done, she thought it would be fine but two weeks was a long time to not get better already, and she was starting to get worried which is why she stopped taking any pills.She got into her car and drove towards the court house, this was her second visit in two weeks, last week that bastard had not bothered to show up and when her lawyer had reached out to his lawyer, he had given some excuse as to why he wasn’t present and they had rescheduled it to today, she hoped everything goes fine today, she w
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“You are a doctor too and you know exactly how the woman's body works so you should know the symptoms you have been having are all related to pregnancy and the test just confirmed it, if you still doubt it then you can try somewhere else just to clear off all doubt,”The doctor responded.“That’s what I will do, thank you for your time,”She said, got up and left the doctor’s office, all through the drive to a laboratory, her mind kept on going to how impossible this was, what she couldn’t get was why she was hoping that it would be true when she already knew that it wasn’t true, it wasn’t, she spent five years trying to get pregnant, taking all those fertility pills and all, nothing happened so why would she be thinking that now that she wasn’t doing any of those then she would suddenly be pregnant? That’s not possible.When she got to the laboratory, she asked to see the person in charge and asked that her sample be collected and handled with care, as they drew her blood for the sec
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She whispered as hot tears burned down her eyes, she let them flow freely, this was something she never thought would happen to her, something she never, she got off her restroom after taking a bath and went to lay down in her bedroom, she spent the rest of the afternoon just laying there with no thoughts at all, her head was blank as she waited to wake up from her dream but nothing happened, she finally got up after a whole and took off her clothes, she stood in from of her mirror staring at her body, it did look like she was pregnant but she felt it could be her own projection, she just couldn’t conclude, she wasn’t letting her believe it, she went to bed while doing her best to not have any thoughts but it was hard.The next morning, Ruby was up early, she needed to be at the hospital because she had a scheduled delivery but she had called in sick and had a different doctor help with the delivery, she was already thinking of taking a leave to care for herself and make sure she is a
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“No, don’t do that Kris, that’s so not cool,”Liam yelled at Kristen who started giggling really loud. The little kid has been up to no good recently and Liam couldn’t love her less, she was playing with her breakfast and spitting it all over his face and was having the fun time of her life when he scolds her, it was as if scolding her made her do it even more and he could tell that she was enjoying every moment of it.It’s been over a month since the Cacko stuff ended and life has pretty much been normal, a lot of things happened in one month, right after the court had found Sloan guilty and sentenced him to life imprisonment, Liam had taken a break to care for his daughter, Luca the crazy man must have been looking for ways to get rid of him because he approved his request in seconds, every moment of the last month was spent with Kristen, he finally started her adoption process and just a few more steps and she would be his completely, he couldn’t wait for that moment to come.“Oh,
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Liam decided to stop by his parent's place. He wanted Kristen to be very familiar with his family so taking her there often was a way of achieving that. He called his mom that he was coming over and she sounded excited, of course, she would, she loves it when they come around.“Liam!”Luca called when he walked in, he hadn't expected to see Luca here today, he saw his sister running out of the house, she looked pregnant again.“Wow, big sis? You expecting again? So soon?”He asked and she rolled her eyes at him collecting a giggling Kristen from him.“I am not pregnant young man,”“Oh, my bad, I thought you were, I didn’t expect to see you guys here, hi Luca,”He finally greeted his brother-in-law who waved and picked up his little daughter, Liam kissed her baby cheek and she smiled proudly.“Yeah, we just stop by to say Hi, we are leaving soon.”He revealed.“Oh, where’s mom and dad?”He asked as they all walked into the house.His mom came out in no time, the prettiest lady in her s
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