All Chapters of A Mission To Happily Ever After : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
186 Chapters
Ruby sensed someone following her, she couldn’t be sure but she just felt like someone was following her, the red SUV behind her has been on her tail for more than twenty minutes now, She just drove past her route to confirm and the car was still following her, she told herself not to panic but she couldn’t help it. Who was following her and what does the person even want from her? She turned around to look at Kristen who was sleeping in the baby seat.“Stop following me,”She said increasing her speed a little, but the car behind her did too, she didn’t know what else to do, she had gone to see Liam’s parents earlier with Kristen, Liam had wanted to come to pick them up but she had told him that he didn’t need to, Liam had been a lot busy for the past week, he had a lot on his plate and she didn’t want to add to it, he said it is not a burden but every night, she could tell he gets more worried, Sloan has still not been found, she hasn’t asked him any questions about it but she knew
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Liam called Ruby’s number for the tenth time but she still wasn’t taking her calls, he was worried at this point, it was almost seven pm and she should be back already, she had left his parent's house in the afternoon and no matter the traffic, she should be back or at least take her calls.He had seen her calls earlier and had returned them but she didn’t take her call and he just assumed that she left it in the bedroom like she usually does only for him to get home and she wasn’t there, he got off work early today just to be with the both of them since he has been so busy lately that he barely gave them time, he felt guilty even though she didn’t complain.“Pick the phone please Ruby,”He said, paving up and down in the living room, he ditch want to think about the worst, but the more she didn’t take her calls, the more his mind kept reading crazy meaning to her not being here, he didn’t want to think about such things.After waiting for another one hour and she still didn’t turn up
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“Liam? We need to go home, we can’t stay here all night, let’s go home and we can talk about this,”Luca said, coming to stand by his side, what would he go home to do? He couldn’t go back to his house knowing that Ruby and Kristen were not there, all he could think about was he could have done better, he didn’t think Sloan would strike like this, he had underestimated him and now both Ruby, their unborn child and Kristen will suffer the consequences of his negligence, this was bad, the more he thought about it, the more he couldn’t get it off his head, he knew who it was, but how would he find Sloan? Someone they have spent almost going to two weeks searching for, Sloan did say he will find him when he was ready but Liam hadn’t thought it would be like this.“I can’t go back to that house Luca, not until I find Ruby and my daughter, I can’t,”He said when Luca tried to lead him back to the car.“You can’t find them if you stay here all night, let’s go home, even if it is not to your
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Ruby woke up in a dark room, it took a while for her to be able to wake up properly, when she did open her eyes, it was so dark it was as if she has gone blind, or maybe she has because she didn’t have a glasses on and it sometimes happened like that, she couldn’t remember what happened but he whole body ached, she tried getting up and realized that her hands were tied, trying to free herself was not even an option because she didn’t even have the strength to do it.“Where am I?She whispered trying to figure out what happened, the last thing she could remember was,Oh God no, please not,”She cried trying harder to free herself, this has to be a dream, please let it be a dream, she silently prayed but the more she pulled at what was used to tie her hands the more this didn’t feel like a dream anymore and slowly she started to remember what happened, the man in the other car and parked in front of her and got her, she had tried to struggle and got hit, and then he had pulled her to hi
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When Ruby woke up again, she saw a woman in the room and she was tending to Kristen, she quickly got up in fear, she didn’t know who the woman was and how she got in there.“Who are you? Please leave my daughter alone, please don’t harm her, she has done nothing wrong,”She pleaded.“You are awake, I am not trying to harm her, I will never harm a child, I have children of my own and won’t do anything to another woman’s child,”The lady responded, she didn’t look like a bad person but Ruby couldn’t be sure. She went over to her and took Kris from her and made sure to inspect her. Kris didn’t look like she was in any danger, she looked better than earlier and even had a change of clothes.“Did you bathe her?”She asked wondering who the woman was and why she was here in the first place.“Yes I did, and even fed her too, she looked hungry and was almost going to cry when I came in, plus you were just laying there,”She pointed out, Ruby hated that she couldn’t control herself and not fal
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Liam paced up and down waiting for Sloan to call, he has been up since morning and they have been trying to no avail to track Sloan down, first, the car which he had used to pick up Ruby and Kristen had been found but after that, there was no trace of him, he had abandoned the car in a free area where there was no CCTV and no way of locating him, the police had told him to just wait for his car which they were sure he was going to make soon, Liam wasn’t sure because it was afternoon and still no words from him.“I don’t think I can do this anymore, the waiting is killing me, I can’t just sit here all day waiting for a phone call that might not come, I can’t sit here and wait for something I am not even sure would come,”Liam said as he continued pacing, both he and Luca were at his agency, he knew he shouldn’t be ungrateful because everyone was doing their best for him right now but he couldn’t help it, he hadn’t been able to close his eyes to sleep the whole of last night, not when h
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“You must be out of your mind to think that I will do something like that,”He yelled back at him, the audacity to tell him to do such a thing.“Well, I guess you don’t want to see your family, you do as I said or you say goodbye to your wife and kid, she is a pretty lady and I haven’t gotten laid in a while, I can do as I please with her before I kill her and dispose of her remains and it will all be your fault for not saving her, should I mention she had magnificent breasts? I am a sucker for breasts and she got me with that, if you don’t do as I say, I can keep her with me for a couple of weeks, maybe months, until I get bored, and you know what will happen? Your child will be born with me and you know what I do with newborn babies right?”Sloan said and Liam wished he was where the man was so that he would kill him by himself, how dare he say such things about his woman, he was beyond livid, how dare he say such things, Ruby was his, and there was no way he would let Sloan keep hi
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“I am not standing in your way Liam, we are talking about this, I am not just going to let my only son confess to a crime he didn’t commit just because a crazy man wants him to, no way, I won’t let that happen,”“It’s already going to happen, I don’t fucking mind, leave me alone!”He yelled again and hung up on her, he wanted to throw his phone away but since he still needed to reach Sloan he didn’t do it, he hated Luca for this, for telling his parents about his plans when he had told him not to, after this, if he was able to get his family back and also clear his name, he was done, he wasn’t going to work for Luca anymore, always reporting every issue to his family? Yeah, he wasn’t going to have it anymore, he drove angrily to the agency, he couldn’t believe that just a few hours after leaving him, he already called his parents to inform them.“Liam you are back, good, I have something to talk to you a**”Liam didn’t let him finish, he walked up to him and punched him in the face.“
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“He must really love you a lot to agree to this so fast,”Sloan said as he walked into the room and grabbed his usual chair, Ruby didn’t know what he meant but she hoped Liam wasn’t going to do anything crazy for her, she won’t be able to live with herself.“What do you mean by that?”She asked, hoping that what he requested was just money and nothing out of the ordinary.“You will find out once you are out of here, I won’t say a word, I don’t give spoilers, anyway, it is going to be a good day today,”He said, he seemed so happy and it made Ruby worried, it has been over two days now since she was here, at least that’s how much she has counted, she wasn’t really sure, so far, Sloan has not done anything out of the ordinary, he was barely even here, the only person that comes in and out was the woman Ruby had come to know as Shane and from gathering from how the lady acted, she seemed to be abnormal, she talks about her children all day but the fact that she doesn’t even have any chil
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“Time to go,”Sloan said as he reentered the room, he looked happy and was even smiling, which left her wondering about just what he wanted Liam to do for him.“Where is my daughter?”She asked and Sloan started laughing.“You should be more concern for your life and that of your unborn child and here you are being concerned about a child you don’t even know and didn’t birth, she shouldn’t be on your list of things to be concerned about right now,”Sloan said as he pulled her up to her feet.“She is my daughter, she is mine, where did you take her to? What did you do to her?”She asked struggling.“What did I say about struggling too much? Do you want to die here?”He asked and she was so tempted to just struggle so that the bomb will go off and the two of them can die together, that way Liam will be free, if it was just her, she would have done it but she had to think about her unborn child, she deserves to leave, and Kristen too, she might still be in the building, she deserves to l
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