All Chapters of A Mission To Happily Ever After : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
186 Chapters
The ferry ride back to the city shore didn't take long like he had thought it would, less than four hours later, they were already on shore, and he was able to book a commercial flight from there for him and Elsa, who had been quiet throughout the trip, the people they travelled with were mostly women as usual, there were a few men but other than that, there were a lot of women, but they looked nothing like the women on the island which made Liam wonder if he did something wrong by not going around the ferry shore on the island, it just hasn't occured to him because the distance was long, about two hours, life close to the shore was totally different from how it was around the hospital area, it was like there were two different places, the people they travelled with might not even have any idea that some shits were going on because they look more like tourist, he had asked the woman sitting close to him and she had told him she only spent two days there and she didn't know much about
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Liam stared at her, this conversation wasn't going to continue and end here, he needed to get her to a place where they can both talk, it was clear now that she knows more and might have gone to the island to find out more, maybe, he wasn't sure and he didn't even know the content of the stuff she gave him yet to judge."Elsa? Can we talk somewhere else? Do you trust me enough to go home with me?"He asked, at first she didn't say a word and he was almost scared she wasn't going to say anything but then she nodded, he let out a sigh of relief and told the driver the direction to his house, it would be better if they talk there, it took them about an hour to get to his place when they got there, he first made her drink some water and then sat with her."Elsa about what you were saying just now? What is your dad's role in this and his did you find this? What are the contents?"He asked."I don't want to do this but I already started it, the content you will have to find out when you go
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Ruby stared at nothing in particular, the atmosphere in the hospital was just as it has been since Liam left, it has been almost two days since he left, and still, no sign of him showing up, Kristen that use to be a very quiet kid now cries a lot, Ruby knew she was missing her dad but there was nothing she could do, he was expected to return today or tomorrow, hopefully, he will be back, if not she didn't know what she was going to do, so far nothing has been going on, they still shared themselves for the shifts, and the laboratory technicians who didn't talk much were now talking too, she saw them talking with Emily earlier today, maybe Lewis has finally been able to make them see reasons why they are part of the team too, the only persons left now were the nurse assistant and the pharmacy assistant, hopefully, they would feel comfortable enough to join them, she really wanted all of them to make it work."You are standing here again Ruby? Makes me think you are waiting for a loved o
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"Nathan!"Ruby yelled. She couldn't believe her eyes, the last person she expected to see again here was Nathan, he was smiling brightly as always."You guys miss me?"He asked."What the fuck are you doing back here Prince Nathan?"She asked hugging him as her other teammates started coming out to greet him, they were exchanging hugs, but they didn't seem surprised by his appearance like she was."I thought you were joking about coming back,"Emily said hugging him, he held onto her, okay which gave Ruby some kind of idea that they might be, well never mind, it could just be her mind making things up."Wait! You guys were aware he was coming back?"She asked in shock as she realized what Mily had said."Yes, when last did you open our group chats?"Sara asked pushing Emily aside to hug Nathan."I don't remember, I am guilty now crucify me if you wanna,"Ruby said. She couldn't even have time to take a proper nap, how did they expect her to open their group chat? Even when they were s
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"Now that our prince is back, unexpected but I can't say it doesn't make me happy, seeing that we might have a busy week ahead, this is the best kind of surprise Nathan had ever pulled for me since y'all were aware he is coming back, so I just want to say that I am happy our team is complete and let's continue to do our good work,""Of course doc,"They said and started talking among themselves, she noticed that the assistants were talking too even though not so much, it felt nice"Can you guys add the assistants to our group too, I don't like the fact that they seem left out, aside from Jane, the others don't say anything to us and they are part of the team too,"She said getting their attention, they all stared at her like she said something wrong and she wondered if they were against it until Sara talked."You doc, are the one who is the odd one here, because Cora, Eve, Debbie, Josie, Hera, Sonia, and Beck are all part of the group chat, you just don't open it,"Sara said and the o
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Liam let out a sleep filled yawn, as he stretched his body, he hasn't gotten a wink of sleep for the past two days since he landed in the city, he spent the whole of the first day going through the file Elsa had given him and listening to all the voice records on the memory card, those he decided can be used as evidence were kept in a separate file, whatever Elsa's dad had with the Sloan guy, he must have really trusted him to have let him have recording of him, or maybe he did it in secret, he did a check on Elsa's dad, apparently he was a millionaire business man, but from everything he found out, the man was a clean man except when he had business with Sloan who Liam found out was using building materials as cover up for his main business which includes trading with people, gambling and drug dealing, he also owned casinos and he was going to check that out too, he already got tickets and was hoping to go there tomorrow night, the man had so much and there was barely anything writte
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"Thank you for agreeing to meet up with me Elsa,"Liam said as Elsa walked into the cafe where she had agreed to me him, he had wanted them to meet at his place but she told him her parents weren't letting her go far from the house since they think she was lying about where she had been the whole time she was away, which was true because she didn't tell them about her visit to the island of hell as she calls it."It is not a problem so long as what you want to ask me is not going to get me in trouble,"She said dropping her bag."Thanks, might I say you look better,""Thank you, Liam, so what do you want to know?"She asked looking at him suspiciously"More,""And you think I know more?""Yes, you might not have known more the lady time we saw each other but I know you are a curious person and would have been doing more checks instead of forgetting about the issue,"He said. He knew within him that even though Elsa said that she didn't want to have anything to do with the whole issue,
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Liam woke up the next morning with a backache, he didn't sleep early last night and when he finally got to sleep, he was too troubled to get any sleep, he just couldn't rob off the idea that everything wasn't okay on the island, he had a bad feeling something bad might have happened while he was away, but there was no way if finding out because Ruby's contact wasn't going through and he didn't have the numbers of the other team members, he should have taken their numbers but it had somehow escaped him.He stretched himself and walked into the shower to take a bath when he got back he saw a missed call from his mom, he knew she would call if he keeps avoiding her and she might show up at his house too, he didn't want them around, and he wasn't going to call her back, he just didn't want to deal with them."Liam?"He heard Luca call his name before the door to his room opened, he didn't even know he was in the house."Bro, good morning, I didn't know you were here and so early? Do you h
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Liam stared at his mom and sisters, they were all expecting him to say something, well he didn't plan on just dumping it on them but it was their fault for trying to control him."Are you going to say something Williams?"Lilac asked."You heard what I said, I need to get my daughter out of there,"He repeated."Yes, we heard that, but the question is, since when did you have a daughter Liam? And why are we just finding out? You barely date so how did you have a daughter and the daughter is in a place as unholy ad the place you mentioned?"His oldest sister asked. He just had to explain to them."She is not mine biologically but she is mine now, she was left by my door on the island and had been with me all these while, and I plan on taking full charge of her once I can get her out of that place,"He revealed."Wait? How old?""About two months, no make that three months old,""That's so young, what the fuck?"His oldest sister let out."Yup,"He said staring at his mom who was quiet,
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"Doc? We have a problem,"Nathan said walking into Ruby's office, Ruby hurriedly got up with a worried look, she had been expecting this and now that it came even without her not knowing what the problem is, she was already scared."What's the problem, Nathan?""We can't do anything more for her doc, I think it is best to let her go, she is in so much pain and her pulse is so weak, she won't make it past the next few days, so letting her go now will be best for her, she has suffered enough,"He revealed and sat down, she did too, this is the worst that she had been fearing for, the little one didn't deserve to live such a short and pain filled life."Right, I know that, I just wish we have a way of helping her,""You know that's not possible, she won't make it, either way, compound with the fact that she didn't have good eating or sleeping hygiene, it is a miracle she even lived this long, we should send her off, spare her the pain by doing now, she is still going to die before the we
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