All Chapters of The Alpha King's Breeder: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
371 Chapters
The Good News and the Bad News
*Isla*I am dreaming again. I know that it’s a dream because nothing I’m experiencing makes sense to me from my most recent memories, and as I puzzle over what I am looking at, trying to put it together, I’m struggling to figure out not only where I am but when I am… as well as who I am.This feels different than the other two dreams I’ve had recently where it took me a while to realize that I was dreaming and then to figure out who I was, but I seemed to know when it was happening.The sensations that surround me as I stand in this meadow and look at this young woman and young man who are obviously in love make me think that this dream is more like the memory I had of getting on the boat with my parents back when we fled Maatua, the dream I had when I was dying.I know I’m not dying right now. I’m just sleeping. But this does feel like a memory.The only problem is, as much as I feel a familiarity toward both of these people, I have no idea who they are.The girl is beautiful, with l
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Tell Me Already
*Isla*All the information that Mystica is giving me is too much for my mind to process all at once. I’m going to need a few moments to get it all into my brain. For now, I’m still stuck on trying to grasp the idea that I'm pregnant.I’m pregnant, and my child was not only exposed to the wolfsbane that that horrible bitch Zabrina poisoned my body with, but who knows what kind of damage the medications Mystica gave me in an attempt to heal me could cause in a body so tiny and undeveloped?Maddox is telling Mystica to stop filling my head with nonsense when I finally begin to pay attention to their discussion again, and the healer looks horribly offended. “Your Majesty!” she declares. “I am not filling her head with nonsense! It is about time that you came to understand the truth of the situation. You have to accept the fact that your beloved breeder here is more than just the title you have bestowed upon her! She is, in fact, a princess! She is from Maatua! And she does have capabiliti
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About the Curse
*Maddox*The shadows on the ceiling begin their dance again, and I suddenly feel all alone, like I used to just a few months ago that feels like a lifetime ago. I watch as tree branches turn to fingers, beckoning, pointing, accusing. I would shift my position and look at the wall, but it wouldn’t make any of the problems and responsibilities weighing me down go away.Isla wanted to sleep alone tonight. She said that she needed some time to process everything, and she still wasn’t feeling well.I believe her on both accounts, but it makes me sad. My arms feel empty without her wrapped within them. My chest feels cold and exposed without her head cradled there.I’ve made a lot of mistakes in the last few months. I can’t admit that to anyone else, but I can admit it to myself, at least to a degree. I knew that Isla was special the moment I first laid eyes on her, standing in her bedroom with a towel wrapped around her, and especially when I caught a glimpse of her perfect form in the mir
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Confiding in the Wrong Friend
*Isla*“I just don’t understand how he can be so confident about the existence of this curse but not be willing to budge an inch when it comes to the discussion of the fountain.” I take a bit of my piece of toast and shake my head, not sure if I’m actually going to be able to eat much of what Poppy has set before me on the table this morning. All night, I tossed and turned, thinking about Maddox and the discussion we’d had right before I asked him to leave the night before.“Well, he is very protective of you,” Ben says, still chewing. His appetite has definitely not been affected by this situation. He came back to check on me after he was certain Maddox was gone last night, and I’d told him I was pregnant and needed to get some rest. He’d been ecstatic to know he was going to be an uncle again. My sisters have kids after all, but he never gets to see them because they live so far away, and even though I do, too, now, my brother and I are very close, much closer than he is with anyone
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You Look Like Hell
*Maddox*“You look like hell.”Seth shakes his head at me as he walks toward me in the hall. I narrow my gaze at him, but I can hardly be mad at him when what he’s saying is absolutely correct. I’m sure I do look like hell. I probably look like hell twice warmed over.He has my morning protein shake in his hand, and rather than chastising him for making fun of me, I say, “Give me that.”“All right,” he says, handing it over. “But I’m pretty sure it’s not gonna help with… whatever’s going on here.” He raises a hand toward my face and moves it around a bit as if to indicate which part of me he is mostly talking about.I literally growl at him and take the drink, sipping a bit of the vanilla-flavored concoction as I glare at him over the top of the glass. “You’re so helpful,” I mutter. “Thanks.”“Maybe we should call in Willa?” He sounds hesitant to say such a statement, and he should be. I groan in disgust. “Oh, come on! It’s her job, Maddox.”The hallway is empty. I know it must be for
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Concern for the King
*Isla*“We need to talk,” I say to Poppy, and she stops fluffing the pillows on my bed long enough to look over at me.“Oh? Now you would like to talk?” She sits down on the edge of my bed and crosses one leg over the other one so that her foot is dangling. She kicks it around in a circle, her hands folded over her knee. “All right. What would you like to discuss? What do you think about the rain we got last night? Oh, did you hear that Barbie in the kitchen found her true mate? Do you think Beta Seth plucks his eyebrows?”Letting out a sigh, I walk over and sit next to her. “Stop it, Poppy. I understand that you’re upset. You feel like I should’ve told you what was going on, and you’re not wrong. I just… I didn’t know anything until last night. And after I talked to Maddox about it, I was so exhausted, I just wanted to go to sleep.”“I understand.” She pops up off of the bed and crosses to where she left her duster earlier. Picking it up, she begins her aggressive dusting motion agai
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The Execution
*Maddox*It’s drizzling as Isla and I step outside to begin our walk to the stage that is set up behind the gallows. My father used to give his declarations from inside of the castle. He’d simply step outside onto a balcony and address everyone before he ordered the execution. Sometimes, he’d do that right before going back to bed. Other times, he’d sit in a chair near the balcony and sip a whiskey while he contemplated the world.I never knew what to think of him in those moments. Did he feel at all guilty for what he’d just done or did he feel like the most powerful man in the world? I have a feeling, now that I am in that position myself, he might have had a bit of each of those sensations.Isla looks beautiful in a purple gown and cloak that remind me slightly of the one she’d been wearing when she first arrived at the castle. Not that I’d seen much of her in it that day, but I’d seen it hanging in her closet later. This one is the same style, but it is made of much nicer material
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*Isla*Maddox gives the signal for the condemned prisoners to be killed, and someone in the back of the crowd watching shouts, “Now!”Immediately, chaos erupts in front of the gallows as dozens of shifters leap up and change into their wolf forms. Women, children, and some men scream and try to get out of the way, but the wolves plow through them, trying to get to the gallows.The guards react immediately, also shifting to fight back. I hear Maddox shout. “Drop them!” and the hangmen do their job even as the wolves that are either from Hill Country pack or Zabrina’s pack–Maple pack storm the gallows.“Seth! Get Isla inside, now!” Maddox shouts over his shoulder just as he shifts and takes off down the stairs toward the fray.Seth turns to look at me, obviously upset that he’s not running, too. I want to tell him to go on, that I’ve got this, but then I remember I am carrying a baby, and I’m not so brave anymore. It looks like the wolves that have started the chaos are not just in fron
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Tears and Blood
*Isla*Ben isn’t breathing, and I don’t know what to do. He’s bleeding everywhere. I feel lost, hopeless, and alone.“Maddox! Help me! It’s Ben!” I shout for the hundredth time using the mind-link. I don’t expect him to answer me this time either, but I hear his voice saying, “Isla? Where are you?”I feel my heart begin to pound just from hearing his response. “We went in through the door closest to the stage, and some woman stabbed him! He’s not breathing. Where’s Mystica?”“Are you safe, Isla? Where’s the woman?” he asks me.I wish he wouldn’t always do that, answer my questions with his own questions. “She’s dead!” I shout at him, still unable to believe that I’ve killed someone. “Maddox, what do I do!”“I’m coming,” he says, but that doesn’t help me any, and I know that if we don’t do something soon, there will be no getting Ben back.My tears have soaked his shirt right above the wound, and he’s starting to turn blue because he hasn’t been breathing. I think about doing that thin
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The Aftermath
*Maddox*It’s too much.I have too much to take care of right now, too many things to think about and do, to sit here and consider the possibility that Isla’s brother has just died, gone to the island of Maatua, and then been brought back by her tears or blood or both. No, with the uprising that just happened in the courtyard, I can’t even begin to process it right now.I know that I will come across as an absolute jackass if I even try it at the moment. Isla is staring at me, waiting for me to acknowledge what Ben has just said, but all I can do is nod my head. “Is there anything you need now?” I ask instead. “Are you hungry?”“Hungry?” Mystica repeats. “I think he’d better stick to IV fluids for a while, Your Majesty. We did just sew his stomach back together.”I have no idea which parts of him were split apart. What I do know is I can’t comment on his adventure to the isles at the moment.Isla games my arm. “Are you okay?” she asks me, looking concerned.“I’m fine,” I tell her. “An
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