All Chapters of THE ALPHA KING’S REPLACED BRIDE : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
92 Chapters
Chapter 80
I woke up to a beautiful morning, the sun shining bright, birds chirping outside my window. I stretched and got out of bed, ready to start my day. Little did I know, my peaceful life was about to be turned upside down.As I made my way to the kitchen, I noticed that something was off. The atmosphere in the house was tense, and my family members seemed to be whispering amongst themselves."What's going on?" I asked my mother, who was sitting at the table with a worried expression on her face."Wendy, we need to talk," she said, motioning for me to sit down.I could tell by her tone that this was serious. I sat down, bracing myself for whatever news she was about to deliver."It's about your father," she began, her voice shaking slightly. "He's been keeping secrets from us.""What kind of secrets?" I asked, feeling a knot form in my stomach."He's been involved with a group called the organization," she said, her eyes filling with tears. "They're dangerous, Wendy. And he's put us all in
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Chapter 81
"Okay, we should go to the organization's headquarters and get to the bottom of this," I said.We all nodded in agreement and quickly made our way towards the location of the organization. As we approached, we noticed that there were armed guards stationed all around the perimeter."This is going to be tricky," Wendy said, eyeing the guards warily."I have an idea," Tabitha said, her eyes glinting with determination. "We'll split up into two teams. One team will cause a distraction to draw the guards away, while the other team will sneak in and try to gather information.""I'll be on the distraction team," I volunteered."I'll come with you," Wendy said."Okay, then Tabitha and I will be on the information-gathering team," Augustus said.We split up into our teams and went our separate ways. Wendy and I made our way to the front gate, where the guards were stationed."Excuse me," Wendy said, batting her eyelashes at the guard. "We're lost. Can you help us?"The guard's eyes softened a
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Chapter 83
"What… what is this power?" he stammered."It's the power of love," I said firmly. "Love for my mate, my pack, and my people. And I won't let you destroy that."Oxacr sneered at me. "Love is weakness, Anelia. You'll never be strong enough to rule without me.""I don't need you to rule," I said, stepping forward. "I have the support of my pack and my mate, and together, we will bring peace to this land."Oxacr laughed bitterly. "You think you can defeat me and my army of Antagonists? You're nothing but a foolish little Luna, Anelia.""I may be a Luna, but I am not foolish," I said, my voice growing stronger. "And I am not alone. My mate, my pack, and even the humans will fight alongside me to defeat you and your tyranny."Oxacr charged at me, but I stood my ground, bracing for impact. Just as he was about to strike, a flash of light blinded me, and I heard the sound of wings flapping.When my vision cleared, I saw a figure standing in front of me. It was the archangel Gabriel, his swor
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Chapter 84
As I walked through the empty streets of the city, my heart felt heavy with grief. My beloved Amelia was gone, taken from me by the cruel machinations of the dark organization. I couldn't help but blame myself for her death, for not being there to protect her.But now, as I was surrounded by the oppressive concrete jungle, I felt like a hunted animal. The organization was after me, and I had to stay on the move to avoid their grasp. I knew that they would stop at nothing to get me, just like they did with Amelia.I tried to keep a low profile, but it wasn't easy. Everywhere I went, I felt like eyes were on me, watching my every move. It was a constant state of fear and paranoia that was slowly driving me mad.One day, as I was walking down an alley, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see a group of men in suits approaching me, their faces hidden behind masks."Alpha Augustra," one of them said in a monotone voice, "you are under arrest for the murder of Amelia.""What? Th
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Chapter 85
In the midst of the chaos, I spotted Tabitha in the distance, her eyes glinting with a sinister determination. I knew I had to reach her before it was too late. I fought my way through the crowd of enemy soldiers, dodging blows and returning them with a ferocity I never knew I possessed. Finally, I stood face to face with Tabitha. "So, we meet again," she sneered, her lips curling into a cold smile. "What do you want, Alpha?" "I want you to stop this madness," I replied, my voice filled with steel. "End this war now, and I'll spare your life." Tabitha laughed, the sound echoing through the battlefield. "Spare my life? You think you have that kind of power?" "I do," I said firmly. "And I'll use it if I have to." Tabitha's eyes narrowed. "You're making a mistake, Alpha. You and your pack will pay dearly for this." With those words, she lunged forward, her blade flashing in the sunlight. I dodged her attack, then countered with a swift strike of my own. The clash of our swords ech
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Chapter 86
"We turned to see a woman standing behind us. She was tall and regal, with long dark hair and eyes that seemed to hold the secrets of the universe," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "And then we realized who she was," my friend replied, equally stunned. "It was Gaia," I said, my heart racing with excitement and fear. "The ancient goddess of the earth." Gaia stepped forward, her eyes locked on me. "I have been watching you, Alpha Augustra," she said in a voice that echoed through the forest. "Your love for Amelia is strong, but it is not enough to bring her back from the dead." My heart sank at her words. "Is there anything I can do?" I asked, my voice trembling. "There is," she replied, a faint smile on her lips. "But it will require a great sacrifice. One that only you can make." "What kind of sacrifice?" I asked, my mind racing with possibilities. "The kind that will test your strength, your courage, and your love for Amelia," Gaia said, her eyes boring into mine. "Ar
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Chapter 87
One day, as I sat alone in my chambers, I heard a soft knock at the door. "Come in," I said, and the door creaked open to reveal a figure shrouded in darkness. "Who are you?" I asked, my hand reaching for my sword. The figure stepped forward into the light, revealing a face that I recognized all too well. "Amelia?" I gasped, my heart pounding in my chest. She smiled, but it was not the warm and loving smile that I remembered. It was cold and calculating, and it sent a shiver down my spine. "I've come to make you an offer," she said, her voice low and dangerous. "What kind of offer?" I asked warily. "A chance to join me," she said. "To rule beside me and unlock the power of the immortal fruit." I shook my head in disbelief. "I could never join you, Amelia. Not like this." She shrugged. "Suit yourself. But know this - I will stop at nothing to achieve my goals. And if that means destroying you and everything you hold dear, then so be it." With that, she turned and disappeared
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Chapter 88
Lilith and I set out on our journey to find the monks, determined to find a way to restore Amelia and put an end to the darkness that had taken hold of her. As we journeyed through the mountains, Lilith told me more about her powerful friends who could potentially help us in the upcoming battle. "I have a friend who is a powerful sorceress," Lilith said. "She can manipulate the elements and has knowledge of ancient magic that could be useful in the fight against the dark organization." "That could be very helpful," I replied. "But our first priority is to restore Amelia. We need to find out if the monks know of a way to undo the dark magic that was used to resurrect her." As we approached the hidden temple where the monks resided, we were met with stern faces and cautious eyes. "Why do you seek our counsel?" asked one of the monks. "We seek a way to restore someone who was brought back to life through dark magic," I explained. "Her soul is consumed by darkness, and we need your h
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Chapter 89
As we lay there in each other's arms, basking in the afterglow of our lovemaking, I couldn't help but feel a sense of completeness that I had never experienced before. Amelia and I had been through so much together, and our love had only grown stronger with each passing day."I love you, Amelia," I said, tracing lazy circles on her skin with my fingertips."I love you too, Augustra," she replied, snuggling closer to me.For a while, we simply lay there in silence, content to be together. But eventually, the weight of our responsibilities began to weigh on us, and we knew that we couldn't stay in bed forever.With a sigh, Amelia sat up and began to dress. "We should get going. Lilith is waiting for us."I nodded, reluctantly getting up and dressing myself. Lilith had summoned us to her chambers, and I knew that whatever she had to say was important.As we made our way through the palace, we could feel the tension in the air. The dark organization had launched a massive attack on the ki
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Chapter 90
As we watched the army approach, a sense of dread settled over me. We were vastly outnumbered and outmatched, and I knew that we couldn't win this fight with brute force alone."We need a plan," I said to Lilith and Amelia, trying to keep my voice steady. "We can't fight them head-on. We need to think of something else.""I have an idea," Lilith said, her eyes gleaming with a fierce determination. "But it will require all of us to work together.""I'm listening," I said, my heart racing with anticipation.Lilith explained her plan, and I could see the brilliance of it. It was risky, but if it worked, we could turn the tide of the battle in our favor."Let's do it," I said, feeling a renewed sense of hope.We executed the plan flawlessly, and for a moment, it seemed like we might actually win this fight. But then something unexpected happened - one of the enemy soldiers, a young woman with a look of terror in her eyes, suddenly broke away from the group and ran towards us."Please, you
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