All Chapters of Voluptuous Desire: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
112 Chapters
101 - Jessy
A week went by without Hazz.A week when I had to listen to my mother complaining to the four winds that I was putting his life at risk, letting her return to Brazil and remain unprotected. A week in which my sisters avoided talking to me because they said I was radioactive and fighting with all of them for no reason.A week when I slept in a cold bed, no matter how hard I tried to warm up the room, and that nothing gave me any comfort at bedtime. My insomnia came back, along with all the nightmares. And now it was Hazz who I saw kidnapped, tortured and killed, not my father. And it was because of him that I woke up, sweaty, tired.And it was because of him that my performance in the photo shoots was so pathetic and deplorable. I finished my work in Aspen and returned to Brazil, two days after his return. I could only think of going to your house, taking refuge in your ordinary life and forgetting that routine of work and secrets. But I couldn't.There would never be a world where Jes
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102 - Jessy
"And let's make it very clear that mom didn't ask for any secrecy about his security," Julie stressed, looking at me as someone who is ready to get into a fight. I narrowed my eyes, watching her from top to bottom. "So, I agree that he is angry, because you lied to things you didn't even need, Jessy. Mom told you to keep him around, because it was important. Now, if there is someone in his and our lives at the same time, he may end up telling what he shouldn't, unintentionally. If he is really a reliable man, you just missed a great chance in life. Anyway, you're wrong.”"Are you my sisters and are you on my ex's side? "I asked.“ Ex? "Questioned Janine, laughing softly. " But you said he was nothing but casual sex. What do you mean he became an ex?”"You understood very well what you meant," I grumbled with a grimace."Jessy, this time, you made a lot of mistakes," Jackie said in a sensible tone. "The facade relationship with Nicolas has never brought much benefit to us. It's just an
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103 - Jessy
As she spoke, I shifted my attention to the bar. A woman was entering it. I recognized her as the owner's inconvenient daughter, who had been dragging her wings for months through Hazz, and that he tried so hard to escape from his claws. That night, however, he didn't even move his hands away from the woman. He didn't even show discomfort.The shoulders were relaxed and remained, even when she ran her hands behind his back on the pretext of reaching a glass. I'm glad they were on their backs, because no one saw my hatred swarming in my face. That damn thing needed a lesson about getting her hands on things that didn't belong to her.I was still focusing my attention on them, so I didn't even hear it when Gabbie started snapping her fingers in front of my face, and I only noticed that she was still there when her foot painfully hit my calf.I cursed, lowering myself to massage the place. And she watched me, waiting for an answer. I didn't even know what she was talking about anymore. T
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104 - Hazz
Emilia hadn't lived with me for at least three weeks. And knowing this gave me a bigger reason to count the days, since this also meant that it had been four weeks "or more specifically speaking, a month" since Jessy and I stopped talking to each other. Sometimes, I didn't even remember very well how everything had gone wrong. Sometimes I woke up at dawn looking for her body in bed, even if we had only slept together for two days at most. Sometimes, when I watched A Beautiful Woman, I thought I would have liked to watch it with her. I thought I could have said I had seen that movie because of her. But that went by. After long sleepless nights, that had passed.I went back to my job at the station, already well aware that a new management was present in the company. As far as rumors reported, Ruth was now in one of the company's headquarters, learning the Human Resources course, to be able to assume the position. The employees were now working in a frenzy of fear and expectation. It wa
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105 - Hazz
" Not to mention that, it's not because Jessy is a celebrity and everything else," said Henrique, drinking his yakult and offered the other two that he had in his pocket for me and Emilia. " But it would really be worth chasing her, Hazz. I don't know what kind of woman you're looking for, but Jessy is everyone's type, even I'm only twelve years old.”"Every of me," said Emilia, getting a narrow eye from me. She sighed, rolling her eyes. "Yes, I was even a little angry that she was in her apartment on a night that I needed consolation, but Jessy Jones is a celebrity that everyone agrees not to be anything like what the media paints. So, she must be less scrotum and boring than they say out there. And, despite the barbs we exchanged, our first date was funny. I would like to have the opportunity to see her to apologize.”"So go after her," I shot, drinking my yakult and tying my face to Emilia. "You two, in fact, think that all I heard was bullshit. I had the right to feel used. In fac
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106 - Jessy
I returned to that call, swearing to have heard Hazz's voice on the other side of the line, but no one answered me. With a loud grumbling, I turned off and threw my cell phone against the bedding, before getting up and walking to the balcony of my room. The night was cold, with so many clouds that it was difficult to see the moon, but some little stars emerged between that darkness to shine deep above our heads. In one of those stars, my father should be inhabiting now, grumbleing how crazy and lost his daughters were to the point of giving up a relationship that had everything to work out, ruined by pride.“ Thinking about the death of the calf? " asked Joana, taking a few steps forward. She appeared behind me, hugging me lightly by the waist. His blond hair fell on mine, forming a very beautiful mix for those who saw it from afar. We were opposites. Joana with colors that promised a storm of savagery, although it was a love. And me, innocent eyes like a rabbit, and hair that made me
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107 - Jessy
I giggled low, watching her." Why don't we ever work out with anyone, Jo? "I asked softly.”My sister looked away, staring at our vast property, the waves of the sea down there, and the city far away from our luxurious residence. A wind sighed between us, messing up his golden brown hair. Joana never looked as beautiful as at that moment, as she contemplated my question and the dark horizon."I don't know, Jessy," she said at last. "I think that all people in the world always have some kind of problem in their lives, something that motivates them to continue living, you know? We have money, we have a family, we have fans and a lot of success. But our hearts are empty. That's our problem. We have to spend a lifetime looking for something that people usually find on any corner. I have rich friends, who can change boyfriends every fortnight, our younger sisters are proof of that.”"Yes, but I don't say in relation to a relationship. I say in relation to love. Why don't we work out with
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108 - Hazz
Ricardo didn't have the dignity to tell me what the job of the day would be. Like all the other employees of the Station, he was doing everything to stand out as the most indispensable photographer. Ruth, however, was already back.The company was paying for her course, but now she was taking the lead again of the station, wanting to be aware of everything that happened before taking on the position that was offered to her.She was in the studio when I arrived, coordinating the team and observing the way we worked, not only to know which of us would be ready for another chance, but also to ensure that moral abuses did not occur anymore.That morning, Ricardo even shared a piece of his sandwich with me "and being a man of the same physical size as mine, the fact that he shared with me was something that should be taken into account ", in addition to avoiding calling me his usual derogatory nicknames. A look in general made me understand that Ruth or any other coordinator could have cau
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109 - Jessy
That photo shoot was something organized by Gabbie and my mother. The two really made me believe that a station was the best place to have a photo studio, and that the portfolio of the photographer named Ricardo deserved a test before he was sent to Jackie's team. So, I was already aware of where I was going before I left home. The anxiety was making me sweat cold, but I stood firm as I entered the station. Everyone recognized me, everyone began to comment, but I kept my chin high and didn't dare think if Hazz could have acted like an ex-shole and talked about me in all corners. A moment later, I noticed that the looks were one of admiration, and I allowed myself to relax. He wasn't anywhere until the beginning of the rehearsal. He should have been late, or simply been too busy with the rehearsal preparations. Anyway, there was a moment when he showed up and saw me, very close, but so far from my reach that I could only stand still and keep taking pictures.When it was all over, Hazz
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110 - Jessy
"The only good people around me are my sisters and my mother," I spoke in a fragile tone, without wanting him to interpret the interruption as a lack of patience. "The fact that they liked you terrified me a little, but made me see how willing you seemed to put me as the center of your world.”"Are you afraid that I would steal my attention? "He suggested, innocently.I giggled low.”“No. I was afraid that they wanted you to really become a member of the family. And I was afraid you wouldn't want to.”" Why would I refuse?”"For my status" I shrugged, making a small face. "For my lifestyle being different from yours. Because if you agreed to be with me, Hazz, you could never continue with this simple life and having only what is necessary. You would have to adapt to luxury. To my common standard of living. And I was afraid that you would retreat if I proposed something like that. You saw what happened on our first unprotected date. I have a target on my back for my fortune, and if you
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