All Chapters of Voluptuous Desire: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
112 Chapters
41 - Hazz
"You really seem to have experienced bad times in relation to trusting other people," I observed, still attentive to your face. "Or, in fact, in relation to simply knowing them.”"At school, I've always been the chubby and dull girl," Jessy said, shaking her feet closer to the water. A cold wind passed quickly, sighing in her dark hair, and the packaging of her hot dog had long been forgotten next to her on the bench and rolled down the square, while she finished drinking her soda. "My parents changed my school five times. Five times. This should not be something that a child or teenager needs to go through, but today I see how much it has strengthened me.”"What did they do to you? "I asked, leaning better to see your face. For a moment, Jessy didn't answer, and I only noticed that it had been too invasive, when she let out a trembling sigh. I took a hand to the top of your back. "Jessy, I don't want you to bring out painful memories just to please me. If you want, you can talk. If n
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42 - Jessy
"I have nothing to talk about relationships," Hazz said, laughing embarrassed. Then he observed the distant horizon, in which buildings stood up with strong lights coming from the traffic below. His eyes shone with a lost emotion, and he sighed. "As I said, there were few women who dared to approach me. Some just wanted to make fun of it, even after I finished high school. I must have been involved with only five women in my entire life, three of whom were my most lasting relationships and that there was really some sex.”"How old are you? "I asked.Hazz frowned.“ Twenty-eight.”My chin almost dropped."And did you only have sex with three women? "I asked, incredulous. "Hazz, I'm seriously thinking about not even continuing this meeting. I'm glad you told me that before, I don't even need to put so many expectations on this night of sex.”" Stop sexualizing me, woman," he complained. "There are more important things than fucking, you know?”I made a low sound of disagreement, althoug
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43 - Jessy
"Now you've made everything strange and I don't know if I'll be able to keep the initial plan," I confessed, laughing.”"Are you refusing to have the night you promised me, Jessy Jones? "He asked, feigning shock.”"I don't know. You talked about having sex with three women and in a long relationship, so I started to think that things should be very time consuming for you.”"Do you prefer it to be fast?”"As long as it's pleasurable," I murmured, feeling the heat in my veins for the change of the course of that conversation.Hazz, to my surprise, didn't even blush."I've never had complaints about it.”"So it seems that now we have a real agreement, Hazz" I said in a formal tone, straightening up on the bench."We have," he said. " But I don't want your money or your help for more than getting rid of what you called the disguise of an ugly man. After that, we can see what happens.”"That's fine with me," I agreed with a smile.I watched his body, now without the jacket so I wouldn't fe
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44 - Hazz
My first instinct was to push Jessy to my back and start taking blind steps back, wanting to evaluate the situation with some kind of advantage, but when she didn't move, I noticed that the group of men had spread and that we were surrounded. That was, without a doubt, the cratiest and most striking encounter of my entire life. It never occurred to me that being in the company of a celebrity would put me at risk in addition to being on the cover of magazines. I should be really naive.I noticed the blood on the dark clothes of the men, so I found the security guards fallen on the beds of the nearest trees. Apparently, they were just unconscious, but blood flowed to the pavement on which we stepped. Those men should have a knife, because we would have heard the sounds of gunshots. Some of them could be preparing to hurt me enough not to resist hurting Jessy. I had to keep them busy for her to run away, this was very clear in my head, from the first moment."What do you want? " asked Je
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45 - Hazz
The man moaned, grumbled, but remained lying down. Although the eyes were already getting swollen by my punches, he could see how much I was still ready to beat him if he tried to get up or cause some harm to Jessy. She managed to get the bag lying on the floor, took off her shoes, and ran in the opposite direction of the park, probably going to the rescue of her security guards. The man kept quiet for a while, as I held him and held a knee against his chest. I made a point of keeping my eyes on his hands, to make sure he didn't get his knife out of some secret place."It's no use fighting," murmured the man, in a voice nasalized by the punch he received in his nose. The blood flow was very high, and it was likely that I had broken his nose. Well, at least now I had a slight doubt that he wouldn't threaten anyone else's life. " None of them will have any peace.”"What are you talking about? "I asked, pressing the leg a little more against the man's chest. He gasped in agony, and lower
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46 - Jessy
The police did an impeccable job in first helping my injured security guards and moving to some safe place, knowing that because I was a public figure I could not wait for any service or transport. So I went in the ambulance with my security guards, leaving Hazz behind. We did not say goodbye with a warm kiss or a promise of some unforgettable night, we were both in shock. Hazz a little more, after explaining to the police how he had managed to neutralize five armed men and still hold the sixth after he ran after me. The police arrested all the men, none of them could escape. But Hazz was right.It wouldn't be the first and last time of some attack. Everyone tried to hurt me in some way. I had too many enemies. My family had too many enmities. The world knew Jessy Jones, just like any super celebrity of the moment. This attracted envy and obsession. For many years I had to deal with hallucinated fans who thought they could someday have the chance I offered Hazz; have my body and my pow
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47 - Jessy
The next night, even traumatized by the idea of being strongly escorted around the city and wearing a colorful wig all the way by car, I attended the meeting at Hazz's house. The apartment in which Hazz lived was not as decadent as I thought. The facade of the building was made of bricks burned by the sun, rising on six floors, whose wide windows were all facing the sun, whether it was its sunrise, or its por.There was no doorman. No one to communicate the arrival of a visit, maybe that's why he was already waiting for me in front of the entrance gate, holding an umbrella when he saw my car park. His hair was loose, and I could see all the fulfillment of the strands. It was indeed big, but loose gave him a much better look than the prisoner in that weird way. He almost looked like someone else there, although the flashy sweater and colored pants didn't help at all.A slight rain from the beginning of December was starting to fall in the city, and Hazz had the common sense of approach
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48 - Hazz
We ate quietly, with Jessy explaining to me how her life as a world-renowned celebrity really worked, and how grateful she was still for my attitude the night before. I had taken a scare from hell when I saw her in that purple wig, and I really wanted to say that, for someone who understood so much about fashion, she didn't know how to be discreet at all.But I also noticed that security had changed, that a car followed her closely, and that the men would not leave the sidewalk in front of the building until Jessy left. I wondered if everyone around her was already aware of that agreement, if everyone realized that that night could very well last a long time, because of the possible sex she intended to have with me.But I was forced to swallow all these thoughts and stay as neutral as possible. Jessy seemed to hide something. She was pulling all kinds of subjects, as if to persuade me to go straight to where she wanted us to go.I was not dumb to the point of thinking that, after last
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49 - Hazz
She was wonderful. She was a woman in all aspects of the word. The full breasts came against my face when she passed both arms around my neck, and a cruel and purely malicious smile rose on her face."For someone who even moments ago was astonished by my reference to sucking your cock, until you are very out," she said, arching an eyebrow.I didn't stop moving my hands through your ass. I didn't stop feeling the lace details of her panties that curled gently at the tips of my fingers. Her smell was converting me in that worst version too, it was so dose and sensual, so strong and with notes of wild flowers. I didn't know how to describe that woman and everything that made her unique, but she was perfect, I just wanted to praise her before things came to an end that I didn't expect."You seem to awaken my most lascivious side," I confessed with a little smile.Jessy leaned slightly back, letting me see her entire trunk and the way we were so close intimately. By the way she moved, I co
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50 - Jessy
Hazz's kiss gave me the impression that angels touched harps and that heavy and soft clouds surrounded us, because it was the same as going to paradise and coming back.The touch of his hands on my skin gave the feeling that nothing in the world was more sacred than that gesture. I felt hungry, with a hole in my chest that could only close with more and more of it. Everything he gave me in his kiss, I took it.Every gesture of hunger, I corresponded. It was a delivery, a song, and a poem for the few who knew how to appreciate it. I loved the way he touched me and made me feel like the most special creature in the world. I loved feeling like more than just a girl he would have sex with.All right, I had taken all that, but I didn't expect him to involve me in that growing need to do more than just distribute some kisses, skip the foreplay and start with the most fun part of the meeting.I didn't expect him to kiss me as if it also depended on that, as if his body didn't accept the idea
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