Semua Bab Last Chance: Bab 111 - Bab 120
121 Bab
Chapter 111. Embers
“Aini, can you explain to me everything that you didn't tell me?” When she arrived at the intended dining area, Lia felt that this was the right time for her to dig deeper into what Aini wanted to say. Moreover, when someone is trying to stalk him. “That…,” started Aini hesitantly. He glanced in another direction, trying not to meet Lia's eyes because he was afraid. His gaze was now full of fire, like he was about to get angry and explode at any moment. Of course, that made Aini hesitate to tell Lia. "Why? You don't need to be afraid, I'm not going to do anything, I just want to know what the problem is. If he's really gone too far, I'm sure we can negotiate with him, and I'll also help you find a solution, okay?”Aini finally nodded her head, she also bit her lower lip, trying to calm herself down. “At first, Leo accidentally saw me with Dave while at the office. He helped me to carry things, but that didn't seem to make Leo happy at all.”Now the wrinkles on Lia's forehead looked
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Chapter 112. The Sudden Attack.
During lunch, Aini received a call from Lia who said that that day she would not be able to come to pick her up, her work suddenly piled up. Because of that, he apologized to Aini continuously, saying that Aini should not go out with other people. Initially, Lia also offered to order Arjuna to take Aini home, remembering that Arjuna had the right as a supervising lecturer. However, not wanting to bother other people, Aini ended up rejecting the offer. Because of her refusal, now Aini can only look out when the clock is almost showing time to go home. He was debating with himself whether he should go to Lia or not. Actually, Aini herself realized something that her best friend was not at all calm when she left the house. There must be something he is trying to hide from Aini to the point of lying about many things. Knowing that thinking about it would not help her, Aini chose to start tidying up her things. “Are you going home already?” Dave's distinctive voice startled Aini, he jump
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Chapter 113. The Foreign Savior.
“Do not come close!” cried Aini who threw her groceries at the person behind her, almost hitting the person's face. When it came to it, of course Aini would be fine now, but her suspicions were off the mark. Because he failed to hit the first person, he quickly caught Aini immediately, holding Aini's hand, so he couldn't do anything. “Who said we'd go easy on you just because you're a girl?” Aini bit her lower lip so hard that it bled, but that person still didn't care. “Even if you bite your tongue to try to kill yourself, we are fine because there are no orders to capture alive. So just do what you want.”Understanding the situation, Aini clenched her fists and ended up pressing herself against the wall, that way no one would be able to attack her from behind. They are both, but who knows if there will be another person added? The person holding Aini's arm also didn't force her to stand close to him at all, as if he already knew that Aini couldn't escape. For that reason, the two m
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Chapter 114. Relationship Honesty.
Arjuna, who doesn't usually drink, is seen in a crowded bar. While the people there seemed to be having fun, Arjuna actually looked like someone who was lost. From the drink he drank, the way he dressed, to the expression on his face. It doesn't describe the happiness there at all. It was clear that he was waiting for someone, otherwise how could Arjuna be in a place like this. After taking a look at his surroundings, a sigh escaped Arjuna before he took a sip of the juice specially made by the bartender in front of him. A look of confusion and displeasure appeared on the bartender's face. “Waiting for someone?” The softer sounding voice of the bartender startled Arjuna. She looked at the man before nodding. “Woman?” Arjuna quickly shook his head. “No, friend, a man. Colleagues too,” said Arjuna briefly, he didn't feel the need or the need to explain his relationship with Sean at all. Again, it wasn't like he was going to see the bartender again, so why was he going into such detail
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Chapter 115. Thorough Planning.
Amused giggles sounded in the café that morning. A woman patted the shoulder of the man beside her, while the victim who was hit had a sour face. He was not at all happy with the attitude of the woman who did that. Marsha, who couldn't stop laughing, rubbed her eyes that were dripping with tears from laughing too much. He also didn't even feel sorry for the other diners who seemed bothered by his shrill voice, so unpleasant to the ear in the morning. “You're just making it up anyway... laughing? You're so funny.” Leo rolled his eyes lazily, he had absolutely no interest in discussing this matter. Why did he have to tell it in detail? “This is none of your business, is it? Then why are you meddling in my affairs? Don't you want to take care of that, Lia?” Marsha, who heard that, immediately, pursed her lips spoiled. He wasn't the least bit pleased with Leo's attitude, which was always like this. With a small snort, Marsha immediately folded her arms in front of her chest and fixed he
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Chapter 116. The Former.
“Quickly too,” said Marsha, who was sitting in a café with a woman, different from the two days before. Marsha's words caught Marissa's attention, she tried to peek at Marsha's cellphone only to see the screen had turned black. A squeak escaped the woman's lips before she finally sat back in her chair sweetly. “You haven't seen Dave for a long time, have you?”"Why do you know about him? I'm not in the mood to hear his name at all. Just imagine, I was kicked out of his office!” Marissa cried excitedly, or furiously. Even though he had often told this problem to Marsha, it seemed like he was still not satisfied to channel all his feelings. Marsha even smiled awkwardly at Marissa's words and actions, but chose to remain silent. “You… miss him, right? Want to meet him?” Marissa now gaped, she blinked several times to make sure what she heard was true. Marissa tilted her head, causing Marsha to take a deep breath. It turns out that having a friend like Marissa is also quite difficult. “I
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Chapter 117. Little Invitation.
Aini shook her head as she was still calling Lia. Because Dave was not at the office, Aini was freer. In fact, he had just received a message saying that Aini could be free to come home at what time because it might take him a long time to return. Of course, this brought a smile to Aini's face, she immediately called Lia to tell her this. His best friend, since he knew that Aini was almost attacked, ordered him never to go alone. What Sean said the other day was true. But now, he could only take a deep breath, listening to Lia's scolding. Her best friend was like turning into an angry mother. There wasn't a moment he spent not scolding himself or Salsa. Luckily, Salsa herself was used to seeing Lia like that, so she could ignore it like there was no problem. He can also laugh like this issue is everyday food, sometimes he also supports what Lia says. "I know, I know. I'm not going home alone. Again… tonight I have an event.”“Eh? Dinner with whom? Why am I just hearing about it now?
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Chapter 118. Cornered
“Salsa why suddenly calling me again?” Lia, who was still in her office, turned off the phone with Aini not because there was a problem with her work. Instead, he gets a message from Salsa saying not to tell Aini anything and calls her back immediately. “Hello? Lia? Do you have spare time?” Salsa's voice echoed in Lia's ear. Hearing that Lia rubbed her forehead, it was obvious that Salsa's voice this time didn't sound calm at all. Did something happen to him? “Where are you now? Let me get to you.”“I'm scared, Lia.” The words were followed by vibrations, making Lia sit up straight. “Lia… you… you don't come, okay?”"What are you talking about? How can I not come if you are like that? Anyway, send your location now!”Lia's muffled groans could now be heard. He frowned and glanced around, making sure it wasn't from where he was. After confirming that the voice was from the connected phone, Lia could feel her heart beating faster and faster. He was questioning what happened to Salsa a
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Chapter 119. War
The wrinkles on Arjuna's forehead seem to be his trademark. The troubles he experienced seem to have no end, to the point that he thought that he had been born with a fate full of bad luck. In his chaotic thinking, Arjuna finally took a deep breath. He could see Lia who had read his message, but he still couldn't see her reply even though it had been several minutes. How could Arjuna not be worried when it was like this? Still thinking about the possible, Arjuna tapped his forehead, trying to think quickly and also make a rational decision. At a time like this, how could he make a rash decision? He could fall into the abyss if the wrong choice. Because he didn't know what to do anymore, Arjun finally choose to contact Sean, hope that his best friend could help him. He also didn't forget to send messages to Dave that the person didn't read at all. “I have to meet Lia.” The tone given by Arjuna this time showed his dominan, as if he wanted to say that, he would create a path in his lif
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Chapter 120. Mine Alone!
A sweet smile was etched on Leo's face when he watched Aini who was eating voraciously. "How? Do you like the food? Does everything feel good and suit you?”Aini who heard that just nodded her head lazilyin fact, she really didn't want to eat in a place far away. However, when the first meal was served, Aini actually felt that everything tasted excellent. That feeling made him take more and more, like a person who was so hungry and had not eaten in the past few days. Indeed, it tasted that good, it's no wonder Leo also liked the food here to the point where he looked more relaxed than usual. When the only food left was dessert, Aini's face had changed quite a lot. At first, she looked a little annoyed and there was no smile on her face, but now Aini's face was radiant and filled with smile. For Leo himself, it was like happiness for him, to be able to make Aini smile broadly. When the woman raised her head and looked at Leo, she also smiled so sweetly that Leo felt like capturing it.
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