All Chapters of THE BETA'S HUMAN MATE : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
42 Chapters
I love Him
CHAPTER THIRTY ONEI Love HimKenzyRaymond is waiting impatiently in the line. He's almost at the front. He looks around to be sure there aren't any other officers nearby before lowering his voice to speak to me."Well?"I told him everything is fine."Raymond's eyes narrow in suspicion. "How do I know you're telling me the truth?"I gesture around at the calm airport. "If I didn't brush them off, don't you think you'd have officers running to arrest you by now?"Raymond can obviously see my point. He nods but doesn't speak again, as we finally reach the front of the line. He gets us the first tickets back home, which leave in an hour.What are we going to do when Dylan finds us?"We'll be long gone before he finds us."I know, but unless you want to live the rest of your life on the run, he's going to find us eventually. Have you thought of that?"I have. When it happens, you're to tell Dylan that you're in love with me, and you want to be with me. He will respect your wishes.""If
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Wolves Don't Give Up
CHAPTER THIRTY TWOWolves Don't Give UpDylanThe whole pack is waiting for me when I return. I keep my eyes on the ground, not wanting to see their surprise ordisappointment.They all expected me to return with Kenzy. We were sure Raymond had kidnapped her.He clearly has, but not by the means we'd thought. He doesn't seem to be using physical force to contain Kenzy's or she would have leaped into my arms. She knowsI'm strong enough to protect her.The only thing I can think of is blackmail.He must have something on her. That's the only way she'd be with him.Unless I'm wrong.Unless Kenzy's clue' was nothing but the truth.Am I imagining she's trying to send me a message just because I so desperately want her to? What if she really does love Raymond?I brush off queries coming from all sides.I know I'm being ungrateful. The whole pack helped me find Kenzy I wouldn't have ever tracked her to Raymond's house without them.Not only is it the last place I thought to look, but I don'
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THIRTY THREEMYTHKenzy pov It feels like some weird kind of déjà vu. I remember the last months of my and Raymond's relationship. We hardly talked to each other, unless we were arguing.It's similar now, except that this time, I can't walk away if it all gets too much.I never did before until he cheated, but the knowledge that I could be enough to get me through it.Now, I don't even have that.On top of that, I know that I'm likely to be a rape victim before I get away from him. I've managed to talk him out of touching me for now, but he won't be put off forever.I'm not allowed to see anyone except Hannah, and even then, only in Raymond's presence.The last few weeks have shown me that she could have made a career as an actress if she had wanted to.She's managed to convince Raymond not only that she believes the sham he's putting up, but that she supports our 'relationship'.It's even more impressive when I remember how she threatened to cut his balls off and feed them to a pack
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Deceiving Raymond
CHAPTER THIRTY FOUR"Are you ready for this?" Dylan asked with a tensed face. For some reason, I knew he didn't want to play along with my silly plan. I knew the pack had their eyes on Raymond and soon enough, he would be arrested. Still, I wasn't at ease and preferred to buy them more time as the digging continued."It's fine! I don't need to remind you it was all my idea after all."Okay." He frowned.Dylan slammed me hard on the door, causing a loud thud noise.I smile at him and give him a thumbs up."How dare you Kenzy?""Dylan…please…" I pleaded for help but he wasn't listening."You know, I used to love you a lot but not after you've betrayed my trust in you." "Mark my words Kenzy, I WILL MAKE YOU PAY!" "Dylan, understand me, it wasn't my intention. I'm sorry, please don't hit me again." I cried from the far end of the room.If things work as planned, Raymond would be breaking down this door any moment from now. And is quite patient enough to give him the satisfaction of eav
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Thirty Five
CHAPTER THIRTY FIVEI woke up early in the morning, touching the other end of the bed to reach Dylan but I can't feel anything.The second I realized he wasn't there I opened my eyes widely, lurching up the bed instantly."Dylan." I call softly.I stood up from the bed but realized I was naked! I roll my eyes and in a swift I'm putting his clothes down my body.I picked up my mobile to aid me see and walk my way to the light switch.I turned it on but there was no sign of Dylan around. Maybe you were in the sitting room, I tried to convince myself, as my breathing level continued to increase."Dylan." I called out again, this time I was a bit thick and shaking.He is not in the sitting room either, I panicked as a sweet scent of Maple syrup filled my nose.He was probably in the kitchen, without thinking again I was standing in front of the kitchen. Pulled the door open but he is still not here! I mumbled, drawing closer to the kitchen table. There is a cover plate on it with a can
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Thirty Six
CHAPTER THIRTY SIX"You are back!" I huffed extremely happily and I jerked off the couch.He didn't say a word, rather he pulled me into his arms and I really wished I could concrete and live in the moment but I just couldn't.The look on his face wasn't promising, he was sad. I was no werewolf neither did I have detecting skills but I still know when things aren't already with Dylan."Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, staring into his eyes.They are dull and pale, my ears are itching to hear something but he doesn't grant me my wish. Rather, he kissed me on the forehead and requested to eat."I'm hungry." His husky voice filled my ear. I stared into his eyes, and decided not to trouble him further.In a swift, I'm in the kitchen preparing what I know he loves best.He turned off the television and headed towards the room. I can't say for sure but I know something was wrong somewhere and one thing was certain, I would find out about it.Aside from the intimate relationship we now share, Dy
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Chapter Thirty Seven
CHAPTER THIRTY SEVEN Deep down inside the forest, I am panting as drops of sweat race down my face.There is total darkness and I can barely make out anything.I tried to be as calm as possible, I had never been this careful, walking and praying I wouldn't end up making a single noise.I stopped on my track, looking backwards to see if anyone was behind me, but no, there was no rogue after me.Turning front, I discovered I didn't know which part to take. I was lost in this deep part of the forest. I began to panic, there was no escape for me, everyone had been taken down and I was the only person that made it out. 'Dylan!' his name rings bell in my mind and I am lost wandering where on Earth he must have gone to! Earlier at the restaurant, I became angry the moment I noticed it was another man holding me instead of Dylan. I opted to leave but he held me back. I discovered that I was not the only person who was attacked.The entire restaurant had been attacked, I flicked, pushing ba
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Chapter Thirty Eight
CHAPTER THIRY EIGHT"Do you think you'd be able to escape?" Daniel's hot breath feel on my neck.One thing was certain, I didn't care what the consequences of my actions are and I'm none apologetic about it.I inhaled sharply the breez, turning over to him with an indifferent look."Say what you want but don't you dare lay your filthy fingers on me." I warned with a stern look.The expression on his face showed he was amazed about the kind of woman I was. Fearless, bold and even sassy. Deep down, my head is a market place and I shiver as I don't know he was going to do next. I can only hope he doesn't hurt me and I desperately know I need to work on my tongue!"What makes you think I'd want to touch your body?" He asked with a deadpan face."I don't know but like I said, don't you fucking touch me." My eyes meets his and he grinned, devouring him with his hungry eyes as though I was some of meal.I roll my eyes really hard and sneared at him, he sighs and dragged me along like I was
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Thirty Nine
CHAPTER THIRTY NineI wiped off the tears that had been falling freely down my face. I hate the fact that I'm torn in between two things I love the most. I kept running until I got to the end of the road. Now, I'm standing in front of the two paths. "Either way you will have to lose one." Daniel's words echoed in my head and I gulped, trying to figure out what to do next. Taking the right path would lead me to my Dylan, the man whom I treasured more than the entire universe and had more memories with. My existence was based on him and I couldn't imagine another day without him let alone lose him forever. Taking the right path, I will get to the pack house in no time, I will be able to warn the entire pack members and Derek will be able to help stop everything ahead of time. Speaking about time, I'm out of time! I barely have up to forty minutes to round up whatever I chose to do. I shut my eyes remembering what Raymond had taught me, back then when we used to be together, he said w
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CHAPTER FORTYI froze at first before shrugging it off. There was no way a man like Daniel could be brother to someone as powerful and committed to his pack like Derek. Although I had to admit they both had an undeniable striking resemblance which makes me reconsider my thoughts. 'Are they actually brothers?' I snapped out of it soon as I saw a drop of blood dropping down from Daniel's face. I was furious and filled with anger and I dive towards Daniel."Let go of him! Daniel." I tried to sound as calm as possible.His weird smirk tells me something is wrong but I tired not to bother much about that. I don't know what's happening but in the next few minutes, rogues surrounded our pack. "It was a trap all along, Daniel had tricked me and with the way he was smirking, I sense everything isn't going to be fine! Derek's unusual silence caught my attention and I'm forced to look in his direction. I opened my lips to talk but figured out there wouldn't be any use for that. I could talk
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