All Chapters of The Lycan Pet: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
107 Chapters
Chapter 21: Emotional fool
*SEFF* “You shouldn’t have done that.” I said about to run after Lycia, regretting agreeing to Remus’s plan already. “Sit down,” Reemus said, stopping me from following her. “She needs to understand how she really feels about you. I don’t think she hates you as much as she says. It seems like she hates the idea of a mate but she cares about you. I reckon you need a little more time with her.” “I know but I didn’t think that you would bother her this way,” I said looking at the spot that was empty now. She must have used teleportation magic. Given that she had already used it once to send the other witch away for my sake, using it a second time in such a short span of time must take a toll on her body. If she risked hurting herself like this then this must have affected her in a worse way than I thought initially. “Hey stop glaring at me like that, I did that for you.” He said tearing through another piece of the meat kept in front of us. “Besides I was the one who ruined things fo
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Chapter 22: I could kill him
*LYCIA* ‘Around 63 percent of deaths of lycans are because of the rejection of their mates. While over 89 per cent fall into severe depression waiting for a miraculous second chance mate but not many find them and instead choose to end their lives unable to live without their other half.’ “What kind of a bogus news article is this!” I screamed, chucking my phone against a tree making it crash and scatter around in pieces. The world swirled around me once and trying to maintain my balance I looked at the path that Reemus and I had just taken a few minutes ago while Seff hid here behind the bushes. “So he was speaking the truth. His life lies in my hand. My response will either break or make him but this isn’t fair,” I mumbled, the words tumbling out of my mouth as I crouched on the ground unable to stand on my feet any longer. My legs ached and when my hands touched the soft grass I just had to lay down my head to lighten the burden on my neck. My body felt heavy, every muscle and
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Chapter 23: Bounce
*SEFF* “Put me down.” Lycia said struggling in my hold as she tried to get free. Her little squirms and the tinge of embarrassment that powdered her cheeks were all so adorable that I had to stop myself from smiling like a creep as I carried her back to where Reemus was waiting for us. “This is so embarrassing. How can I go in front of a guest like this?” she asked turning her face to hide in my chest while tightening her hold around my neck. She might make these excuses but I knew the real reason why she was embarrassed was because of the kiss that she had given me a few minutes ago. She might not have realized what she had offered in the flow of the conversation but as soon as she had snapped back she had tried getting away which was difficult with her exhausted body. Her energy had waned, and her steps were sluggish. I couldn’t bear to see her try and walk on her own so even as she complained I wouldn’t let her get away from me. “Well I think a princess style carry is suitable
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Chapter 24: Alora
*LYCIA*I understand. Fatigue and tiredness can be normal experiences, and there are many potential causes but the greatest one for me right now is sleeping peacefully beside me.I looked down at a sleeping Seff beside me, lying peacefully in my bed, a soft smile spread across his lips. The dim light from the moon peeking through the window cast a gentle glow on his sleeping form. I couldn’t help but admire the way his chest rose and fell with each steady breath, the way his tousled hair framed his handsome face.Watching him overwhelmed me for some reason.He had easily sneaked us inside my home like last time and I had passed down almost immediately but I remember helping me open my heels and putting a blanket over me. I could appreciate all that but then why did he lay next to me when he knows I am trying to avoid getting close to him.I don’t believe that I will fall for him, since I can never fall for anyone but this way he is only going to get himself hurt.Memories of our share
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Chapter 25: Ride
*LYCIA*My mind was a whirling vortex of contradictory emotions. The weight of the secret I carried suddenly felt almost unbearable, and the stress was too much for me.What was that look she gave me?Why did she smile like that?My palms felt clammy and my heart was racing at the thought of what could be going on in Alora’s head.“I know you don’t like it when I snoop too much in your business but who do I have to kill for you to smile again?” Seff asked, making me snap my gaze towards him. I had forgotten for a moment that he was there when he was the reason why I was so worried.“Yourself,” I scowled, huffing and getting up from my bed to go and splash some water on my face.Seff frowned at my words when he heard me say that. It was almost as if he had been a real dog with the way I could visibly see him droop at my anger. His eyes widened to the puppy dog look and in a soft voice he asked, “I wouldn’t mind doing that for you but let me try and rectify my mistakes first.”It was th
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Chapter 26: Vile thoughts
*LYCIA*It was difficult for me to handle Seff every time that he changed from an innocent clingy puppy to a horny wolf. The main reason behind it was simple; I couldn’t resist this side of his. That intensity in those gorgeous blue eyes and the huskiness in his voice.I was a fucking simp when it came to these things.Not to forget the mate bond didn’t help the case to begin with.With just his single statement the barrier that I had been holding up, crumbled. It was said that sometimes magic fluctuated and worked differently when the consciousness and subconscious will of a person was at war inside. Did it mean that subconsciously I wanted him to fuck me here?How big of a pervert did I become to be unable to control my magic?It was clear by the way Seff stared at me that he hadn’t expected this as well. He looked taken aback and with a nervous expression he said, “Should I take it as an invitation? Are you finally accepting me?”No!My mind screamed but with the sun strikingly br
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Chapter 27: Guilt
*SEFF*“The only reason I agreed to it is because you wouldn’t quit whining,” Lycia said huffing as she jogged along the road, her face sweating from the heat of the afternoon sun. I was captivated by her beauty. Her cheeks were tinged in redness, and her hair held to the slopes of her neck with wet tendrils.“Why are you staring at me? Do I stink?” she asked suddenly aware of the condition she was in. It was natural after a run for people to work up a sweat. Almost a week had passed since we last went on that walk and had coincidentally met her aunt. Since then Lycia had made it a point for the two of us to be locked in her room all day and although I didn’t hate the time we spent together the wolf part inside me was starting to miss the outdoors, feeling claustrophobic in that room.“No, you don’t stink at all,” I chuckled when I saw her stare at me in disbelief while wiping away some sweat from her forehead, “In fact I quite like your smell right now.”Her natural brightness and he
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Chapter 28: Secret
*LYCIA*Fuck!Why was it Alora that had to find us?“Are you going to take us inside to tell Mom about everything?” I asked, finally finding my voice although even then my brain was working on overdrive.Of course she would tell Mom why would she leave this chance to bring me down?“Your mother isn’t home right now. So how about we have a talk alone first?” she asked and with no other option but to agree I walked in after her with Seff following close behind.“I am sorry,” I heard him whisper and even though I wanted to shout at him, to tell him that this was exactly what I had been fearing for the last week I couldn’t blame him.Knowing Alora, if she had put her mind to it then she would have found one way or the other to barge into my room and find the truth about Seff.Walking through my house I noted that it had been especially quiet letting me know that no one was home in reality. At least it meant I still had a few minutes of peace before any bloodshed took place and that I need
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Chapter 29: Why would she save me?
*LYCIA* My heart skipped a beat when I sensed my mother’s familiar and strong aura approaching the house. At once I panicked, snapping out of the strange conversation that I had with Alora. I still didn’t exactly know where exactly Mom had gone and why was Alora home but I couldn’t trust her yet to actually keep her mouth shut. For all I know she might be waiting for me to lower my guard so that she could rat me out to her. Rushing out of my room I motioned for Seff to hide inside and into my closet. My palms felt wet as I pushed him in and worked my magic to clear the air of any of his scent while replacing it with the smell of roses. I had to cover up any evidence of his presence. There was concern in Seff’s eyes as the huge Lycan crouched and sat in the cramped space. With everything that was happening I was relieved to know that he wasn’t questioning me and simply following what I silently guided him to do. “Please just stay like this and if you hear that my mother is angry an
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Chapter 30: To trust or not?
*LYCIA* I knew I shouldn’t have trusted her! I am a cent per cent sure this is Alora’s doing but why did she have to bring Seff into all of this? I knew she didn’t like me but to play with Seff’s life- "Aldith, I have something to tell you," she suddenly said, taking me by surprise, her voice low and serious. “Not now Alora!” My mother shouted at her, in her anger she could rarely control the viciousness in her tone and I could see Alora visibly shaking from her tone. "I did it," She blurted out just when my mother had turned to leave. With a twinkle of guilt in her eyes she rose from her seat with some difficulty. My mother’s magic hadn’t had her under her control but the radiating effect had still been strong enough to affect her as she struggled to walk and block her way from leaving the kitchen. "It was a prank I played on Lycia." “What kind of prank!” My mother boomed this time taking her in her hold as she let go of me and I finally fell forward sitting on my knees trying
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