All Chapters of Secret Life Of Bianca Star: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
112 Chapters
This Is So Good
Bianca's POV"This is so good!" I said as I drank another spoonful of Liam's hangover soup. The broth was so fucking delicious, it was nice, warm and rehydrating. It was a little bit spicy, just the way I liked my meals. I took another spoon and moaned in delight. "Hmm, this is really nice.""Really? Well, I'm glad you like it," Liam replied with a proud smile.He was standing a few meters away from my bed where I sat, resting on the headboard. I could see how sincerely happy he was as I heartily drank the soup he had prepared for me. For me... Oh, I felt special just thinking about it. Liam had gone out of his way to make me soup to relieve me of my hangover.How did we go from bickering over his constant rejections to being like this? I didn't know what 'this' was actually but I liked it. No one had been this genuinely kind to me. This act was little but it warmed my heart immensely. Liam literally had nothing to gain by doing this. He didn't need to but still he did. To say I was h
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Whose Panties Are These?
Liam's POV"You wanted to show me something, babe?" I scooted over to the passenger seat where Harriet sat. It was almost sunset and we were both in my car. I had one of my arms resting over her shoulders on her seat.It was almost sunset. Harriet had called to meet up with me here so we wouldn't be seen together. My car was parked at Bianca's garage and we were as quiet as we possibly could be. It sucked but it was the shit we had to put up with and frankly, it was getting exasperating and exhausting. I was sick and tired of all of this already.Harriet and I were cool now and I really hoped we were going to remain that way. However, something inside of me kept saying assuredly that this was only momentarily and that we were going to get into another big ugly fight. To be honest, these fights and bickering were getting too frequent and they were toxic for our relationship. They were so unhealthy.Harriet snapped open her nude handbag, carefully searching for something. I stared at he
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What's Going On Here?
Liam's POV"Whose panties are these, Liam?"Harriet had a black G-string hanging in between her index finger and her thumb.Fuck! That was Bianca's panty. Why the fuck was it still in my car? Oh boy, I was screwed. I screwed up big time. There was no convincing her that nothing was going on between Bianca and I now. The panty she saw underneath my car seat was all the proof she needed to validate her suspicions. I was done for.Harriet's face had gone sour in a matter of seconds. She scowled, her eyes now evidently filled with rage. Her lips were pursed in anger and she glowered at me in distaste."I asked you a question, Liam! Or have you suddenly gone deaf?"She spat, her voice in a high pitch. "Whose panties are these that I found in your car?"I'd been caught red-handed. There was a woman's panties in my car. It definitely wasn't hers, Harriet didn't wear G-strings. And I knew she had a clue of who owned it but still went on to ask me. Fuck, she knew damn well it was Bianca's. She p
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Bianca's POV"Okay, let me check my schedule. I'll get back to you shortly,"I said and immediately hang up the phone.It was an agent from an advertising company that had called me. They wanted me to feature in some beauty commercials next week. Harriet had spoken to them first before I did. And now, I needed her to check my schedule and tell me when I would be free next week. From the look of things, I was going to be super busy from next week onwards.I had so many projects to handle, endorsement deals here and there, upcoming fashion shows to grace, photoshoots to do, interviews to appear in and lots more. I was even appointed as a judge for a beauty pageant that was taking place this month. It was about to be one hell of a busy month or rather busy months.I still had to meet up with Mr Hawkins, the director in charge of the movie that Camden had starred in and the very movie of which, the premiere, I had attended. It had been a while since I last spoke with him but he was still l
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Are You A Thing?
"Your bodyguard is so fine, damn Bianca!" Mimi squealed as she stared at Liam dreamily who was standing a few metres away from where we sat.She had been gushing over him since we got here and couldn't keep her eyes off him. It was annoying. I wanted to give her a knock on the head so she would come to her senses. I knew Liam was hot and all but she was doing too much, way too much. At this point, she had forgotten the reason we were here.And of course, I hated it when I saw women gawking at him. It made my blood boil and made me want to smash a bottle on their heads. Each time they were all over him and wouldn't take their eyes off him, the only thing that felt appealing at that moment to me was to teach them to behave, in a way that they would never forget.I became very aware of this feeling since the night Liam had given me an oral in the backseat of his car. I was ridden with this jealousy, I couldn't stand the thought of him being with some other woman or stand women being all
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He Is Mine!
Bianca's POVWhat the hell was wrong with Liam? Why did he have to smile at me like that? And why was he staring at me the way that he did now? Didn't he know how detrimental it was for me? That smile did things to me, things that I would never fully understand. If he only knew..."Look at her. She can't even take her eyes off him. Oh my God, Bianca! You look like a lovesick puppy!" Mimi said in between giggles, tilting her head from side to side that her dirty blonde hair fell to her face.I quickly unpinned my gaze from the drop-dead gorgeous, hot son of a bitch and turned to stare sheepishly at the annoying sisters. I downed my glass of chilled juice and pushed my hair behind my ear."Who are you calling a lovesick puppy? You're delusional, both of you."Maybe I wasn't really myself right now and it was all thanks to Liam but a lovesick puppy? That was too much! I sure as hell wasn't in love with anyone and would never ever stoop to that level! Fall in love? Just thinking
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Was I In Love With Him?
Bianca's POV"Oh my God, Bianca! So it's true, you do have feelings for you bodyguard!" Mimi gasped dramatically and put a hand over her mouth. She turned to Janessa and turned back to me. She blinked at me several times and stared at me like I had grown a horn on my head or something.Mimi had always been the dramatic one. I wasn't surprised by her reaction, it was as expected. She always did too much and they said I was the dramatic queen. Yeah, right! They obviously never met Miranda.However, what I was surprised about was my very own reaction. I had gotten so irked and all riled up when Mimi had said she was interested in dating Liam. It felt like I had been splashed with a bucket of hot water. The anger or whatever it was I was feeling towards Mimi when she was busy gawking at my Liam completely multiplied as soon as the words spewed out of her mouth.Did I just say my Liam?I really had totally lost it. Why the hell did I say that? What on earth was wrong with me? What had come
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We Can Change That
Bianca's POV"Where have you brought me, Liam?" I peered through the window of my car to see where we had stopped at.As soon as we had left the restaurant, I asked Liam to drive me somewhere. I wasn't in the mood to go home just yet and I didn't wish to stay with Mimi and Janessa any longer. I couldn't put up with them which was very odd because in the past, there had been no issue like this.They were always this way but I never found them annoying or irritating. As a matter of fact, there was a time we used to spend most of our days together. We'd go to clubs, party all night long, go on a shopping spree and splurge on clothes, bags and shoes that we probably only used once. I was certain that there were some of them that I had never tried on.The three of us also used to make a lot of tiktok videos together, pose for photos together and flood the whole of social media with our pictures. Since we were all in the same field and had worked with each other couple of times, we'd spend
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I Am Your Boyfriend
Bianca's POV"We can change that, you and me." Liam's words faded into a resounding melody in my ears. The only thing in my brain now were echoes of the words.I gaped at him for what I presumed was about two or three minutes or maybe it was really just in my head. But I knew I stared at him for a pretty long time though. My eyes lingered on his beautiful face, they were pretty much glued to him at this moment.I kept thinking about what he said. Although, it appeared like nothing but just an ordinary statement, to me, it was a lot more than that by a wide margin. His words were soothing, assuring and they had an underlying meaning, at least that's how they came off to me.It was like him telling me that although I had shitty memories tied to karaokes, he was very willing and ever ready to ensure that whenever I thought of it henceforth, there would be only smiles and laughter. It was him assuring me that he was going to take away the sadness and fill me up with great, happy moments t
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I See You know Her
Bianca's POVWe were inside the karaoke bar. It looked a whole lot better inside than it did on the outside. The decor, the lights and everything was amazing. The place was still filled with people even though it was only noon. Didn't these people have work to be at or something?Liam pulled me as he walked further in. Wherever he went, I went. I was practically chained to him and I kind of liked it. I never wanted to let go or have him let go of my hand. It fit perfectly in his like it was meant to be there. And it gave me a sense of warmth, assured and security.Liam led me to the bar and pulled out two stools, one for me and one for him. I felt unhappy that he tore his fingers from mine. I was getting used to the feeling."Here you go, Miss Davies." He pushed one stool over to where I stood and motioned for me to sit down. "Please have a seat."I mouthed a 'thank you' and let my bum greet the stool he had given to me. Liam sat down only when he saw that I was seated. What a gentlem
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