All Chapters of Queen and the Four Kingdoms : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
37 Chapters
21⁰ Humiliation part 1
Spring Kingdom BellaWas I feeling guilty for kissing a man other than my husband? Of course not! Antony is an asshole, he didn't deserve that I felt bad for having done what I did, I would do it again if I had to, the only thing I was afraid of was being found out, hanging myself was not the end I wanted for my life.Today to have a moment of peace, and relax my body and mind I decided to go out for a walk with Esmeralda, it has been a long time since we have been out together. - Come on, Bella! I feel like bathing in that wonderful lake - Esmeralda was practically ready. - Wait, we're almost done! - I said, her excitement made me hurry even more, and I looked inside the room to make sure I didn't forget anything.We left the room walking through the corridors to the entrance of the castle, where a carriage was waiting for us, the coachman helped us up, and returned to his seat making the carriage ride, during the way Esmeralda kept talking about how excited she was. The long rid
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22⁰ Humiliation part 2
Spring Kingdom BellaAfter he left, I would have to face my husband the very next moment. I was going to be the queen I had always been prepared to be! - I promised myself. I dressed like the queen that I am. Nobody was going to put me down, I was going to show that I was more than just a wife: queen of more than one empire. I left the room all dressed up for the meeting that was being held with all the advisors to settle the affairs of the kingdoms. Surely my father and father-in-law would be there. Antony was certainly the first to arrive since he is the king. And as queen, I should be too, and that's what I'm going to do. Let them wait for me. I took a deep breath in front of the meeting room door. I could hear them talking inside. I pushed open the door to find everyone there. I felt like I was seeing ghosts. - I hope you don't mind my presence. But I have decided that today I will attend this meeting. I want to be informed about what is happening in my kingdoms. - I sounded
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23⁰ Discussion
Spring Kingdom BellaThat night was certainly a harrowing torment for both of us, for sure. But we will get through it together as we always do, even if along the way we fall, but we will have each other to help us get up whenever we need to. But now I understand that I won't be able to face it alone because I am aware of what he is capable of from now on. I will have to be careful in everything I do, so that I don't get hurt, and don't hurt those who are important to me. The feeling of guilt eats away at my soul, if I had not faced it, Esmeralda would not be going through this moment now. My conscience claims that I went through it too, I still went to save her, something no one has done for me, I can't even remember what my mother told me. She is a monster! An unscrupulous man who would and will do anything to get what he wants. Today I decided not to go to the meetings anymore because I don't want anyone I love to suffer anymore because of me. Now it is more than certain that An
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24⁰ Tavern part 1
《Winter Kingdom 》CassianTwo weeks without seeing her should be good, that way I don't get distracted from my errands, so why am I missing someone I've known for such a short time? I went several times after that day, but she wasn't there.- What the fuck!I blurted out from the absurd pain in my stomach.-What do you think so much, my dear friend? You are so distracted in combat.Alex was in front of me, holding my sword that I dropped when he hit me with it. We were training in the east wing of the palace.-You are so disconnected, what is going through your head? -he asked, holding out his sword to me again.-About the kingdoms. -I said, leaving the sand field.-Hey, you're not going to fight anymore?-he asked, following behind me.-That's enough for today, another day we'll continue.I washed my face in a round aluminum tray, left there, to clean myself.- See you later," tapping me on the shoulder, he said goodbye.I walk towards my room, I needed a shower. However, I stopped wh
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25⁰ Tavern part 2
《Winter Kingdom 》CassianKnow that she wanted something, I saw it in her gaze, I saw the struggle and the uncertainty when she looked at me.-What makes you think I want something from you.-If you don't want something from me, why does it keep coming up everywhere we see each other.-We met this morning, the day hasn't even ended. I really came to see if you needed help, besides I was assigned to clean your room. Such service was only allowed with your presence.I stared at her, she was right about what she said, but something was wrong, I was trained to be suspicious of everyone around me, especially those I see more than once a day.- Come back, you don't need to perform your services here.-With your permission.She had closed the door, but I would feel safer locked in with the key. And so I did.One, two, and three hours passed, and I was still in the room. It was strange to have all this paperwork to go through. I realized that there were matters from the time when Arthur was ki
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26⁰ Tavern part 3
《Winter Kingdom 》CassianI rolled my eyes and went into the bedroom, quickly showered first, and finally decided to put on some more discreet clothes. I was already fixing my hair - I wasn't going to wear a crown - when the door opened. It was simply a head that had been placed inside the room.-Whew! It's ready now.- Hello," I said, leaving the room and closing the door.-Let's go this way, it will be more discreet, no one will see us.I followed him along the path he had chosen, leaving through the back of the castle.- It even looks like we're about to commit a very serious crime. -Not on my part, but on yours.-Why on my part? -I asked, walking toward the stable.-Because you are a married man, going to the tavern with the most women, where all the men go to seek pleasure that their wives are not capable of providing.-I will not seek pleasure from any woman other than my own.-I know you don't love her. -- he said, looking at me.We got on our horses and headed for the tavern.
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27⁰ Distrust part 1
《Spring Kingdom》Bella After that day I decided to turn around and forget everything I experienced with King Cassian, even with the few times we saw each other, it was as if we already knew each other...strange!. But that's how I felt about him. Giving ashore, which gave me joy and security in the midst of the storm that was my life, causes a pain that stops me from breathing. It was strange that feeling of loss. As much as I want to I don't go to the border for fear of him being there, another thing I don't go into a Council meeting anymore, the last time served as a warning, the further away from Antony the better it would be for my mind, which is still recovering, and trying hard not to go into despair. Seeing him was like awakening in my mind the memory of the past that persists in reliving every second over and over again without stopping. It's torturous, agonizing, and you live like this for fear of something happening. - Madam, are you sure about this? - The other maid asked
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28⁰ Distrust part 2
《Spring Kingdom》Bella I was the first to enter and then the three of us entered. Hours passed with us having fun, laughing and playing as if we were children again, with no problems to haunt our sleep at night. We ate practically everything we brought and I realized that I was hungry when I saw those delicacies. -Shall we? - Amber asked. -Hmmm. - whispered Esmeralda, who had just fallen asleep lying on the blanket we brought her.We're all sitting up, except Esmeralda, who got tired and decided to lie down.-It's getting late, we'd better go," I said, getting up and getting the clothes to put on. Soon we were all dressed and ready to go. -Look what beautiful girls we have here," said two men who appeared making us scream for fear.-We're just here to take a bath," said the man with curly blond hair mixed with a weak blue and tanned skin. -Who said we're scared, we're just scared of being caught by surprise. -said Amber with her chin held high in superiority.-She's brave, I lik
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29⁰ The Attack part 1
Spring Kingdom Cassian I entered the room, throwing everything I could find in front of me, I looked at myself in the mirror and saw the monster that I am. With one punch I broke the mirror, my hand was bleeding from the cuts, but the pain was nowhere near what I felt in my heart. I went to take a bath to try to refresh myself. My body felt like it was boiling, because everything in me was burning.Besides the anger I felt, the substance put in my drink was doing this to my body. As time passed the heat was better and I could sleep now. Or at least try to.Lying in bed I rolled from side to side, I couldn't sleep through the night, everything that had happened replayed in my mind, his panicked face was what completely broke me down, how could a day so peaceful like all the others without movement, end this way. Alex had visited me about ten times in the night, but I didn't want to look at anyone, I was afraid to see in his eyes my reflection. I was a monster!But he kept knocking on
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30⁰ The Attack part 2
Spring Kingdom Cassian Finally I had arrived, a noise in the hallway caught my attention and before the reason for the noise disappeared I saw whose face it was. It was her!I ran towards her, turning down the corridor but there was no one there, I looked in every room of that corridor but nothing, she was simply gone.- What was it Cassian? - Alex asked, as soon as he got close to me.- I thought I saw someone looking in our direction.- Shall I tell the guards to look? - he asked.Before I could answer another soldier appeared.- Has something happened, Your Majesty?- Did any servants come to this side of the castle today?- Yes, two women actually.- Do you know their names?- No! But it was the palace's newest servant.- Have the guards stay in the dungeon.- Yes, sir.We went back to the entrance, where there were several guards waiting for us.- Come in, Your Majesty. - said the other one who had just opened the door.I looked forward and the soldier was holding the door that
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