All Chapters of Mandy's Desire: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
62 Chapters
Chapter 21
Bosey panicked. "What were those guys doing in the hospital and how did they find him?". He looked at his father suspecting him, but on second thought, he shook his head, surely his father wouldn't want his own son in trouble with those who attacked him, or would he? Keeping Mandy safe was Bosey's priority, even though he wasn't too fit to do anything right now. If they want to do any harm to her, they will have to go through him first. Mandy was listening to Bosey senior talk, but her mind was elsewhere. So many thoughts of Bosey's behaviour towards his father shocked her. She was surprised because Bosey was more like an advocate for her mother, always trying to get her to give her mother a chance. But here he was, being different about his own father, and showing her another beside of him. Mandy in her mind said, Bosey needed to give her a full explanation for his behaviour towards his father, later.Bosey stood up, looked at his father, and gave him a signal telling him he wants
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chapter 22
Frank walked in like he owned the hospital. Bosey almost stood up from his hospital bed on sighting Frank, but Mandy was fast enough to sit him back down. "Remember the doctor's advice, you need to rest. Let me talk to Frank myself" Mandy said to him, with a slight touch on his shoulder.Bosey nodded and sat back. "Let's talk outside Frank, you don't want to do this here" Mandy said. "Fine, if you say so" Frank replied. Before Frank left, he looked at Bosey, smirked at him before joining Mandy outside the room. "What are you doing here, Frank? Mandy asked."Can't | be here Mandy? Frank asked, answering Mandy's question with one of his own.Mandy ignored his question. "| asked you a question, and you answer with a question? Are we really going to play word games here? "Word games you say, Mandy? "Yes Frank, word games""Oh little Mandy, | have every right to be here my dear. Bosey is our employee and as vice president of the farm, | can come visit my employee whenever | w
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Chapter 23
Mandy promised herself she wasn't going to scream, or let anyone make her so mad again, but this was too much to take-in silently. "What! Mandy yelled looking at Bosey with questions written all over her face. "Please ignore her, Mandy. | can explain" Bosey said."Explain what? Have you been cheating on me Bosey? How long has this been going on? Oh, maybe you are getting tired of me, because of the farm's responsibilities on my shoulder" Mandy kept speaking without giving Bosey a chance to say a word. Bosey kept shaking his head as Mandy continued to speak."You know that's not true, Mandy" Bosey said with pleading eyes. "| don't know what is the truth anymore, Bosey. First you lie to me about Crisy, then almost didn't want to introduce me to your father and now this? Do you even love me like you say you do? “D' , please calm down, Jenny and | are not in a relationship" Bosey said.Mandy scoffed. "Then why will she say that? "Jenny and | used be best friends, until she fell
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Chapter 24
“Oh my God! Bosey what do we do! Mandy screamed "Be calm Mandy" Bossy said, as Mandy parked her car by the side of the road.Bosey made sure Mandy was calm, before rushing out of the car. He ran to the back of the car,, brought out the fire extinguisher from the car's boot, and put out the fire. Mandy was already standing outside the car watching in disbelief how her car was almost getting burnt. Bosey had put out the fire, now waiting for the bonnet to cool so he could open it and find out what the problem was. The car bonnet cover was now cool, enough for Bosey to touch. He opened it, and touched places to try to find any fault, but he couldn't find what the problem was. As he was about closing the bonnet, something attracted his eyes, a wire was cut into two! The wire cut into two could have started the fire but how possible was it that the wire cut on it's own. Bosey saw something else underneath the car engine. A small scissors! This was strange to Bosey, as he wondered wh
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Chapter 25
Mandy couldn't believe her ears. She wanted this to not be true. She looked at Jenny, and to Frank. The she yelled.Father!? You mean Frank is your father! Mandy yelled looking at Jenny. Jenny was confused as to why Mandy was surprised by Frank being her father. "Yes, Frank is my father" Jenny replied while looking confused. Bosey was more confused because he knew Jenny's parents."Jenny, but i know your parents" Bosey said "Oh, | guess you haven't heard the news" Jenny replied "What news? Bosey asked looking more confused than ever. “Apparently, | was adopted! Jenny said sounding excited."What! Adopted? Bosey asked, still in shock. "Yes, Bosey. This man here you call Frank, knocked my mother up, and then took to his heels. | guess he forgot to use a condom and then he also forgot to take responsibilities" Jenny said while looking at Frank. Bosey didn't know how to react to that. He was about giving Mandy a sign for them to leave, but Frank spoke up. "Jenny! You didn't h
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Chapter 26
“Mandy, can you explain better so | know what you are talking about" Frank repeated. With Frank's response, Mandy suspected Jenny may not have told him yet about giving her a job in the farm. She immediately changed the subject. “Uhhmm, nevermind, | didn't intend to call you" Mandy said. Jenny was in Frank's office when Mandy called him, she could hear Frank's conversation with her, and guessed she called because of what she said to her earlier."That was Mandy, right? Jenny asked. "Yes, Jenny. What business do you have with Mandy and Bosey? Frank asked, curiously."It's not your business, and | don't have to tell you everything about my life" Jenny said to Frank with a harsh voice. "Jenny, | will give you a job in this farm if you tell me what business you have with those two good for nothing" Frank said, trying to lure Jenny.Jenny sat up, as she looked interested in Frank's offer."You will give me a job here? Jenny said with excitement written all over her face."Most defin
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Chapter 27
Mandy tiptoed closer to where her mother stood. Her back was facing Mandy, but as she got closer, she could see who her mother was speaking to. Mandy gasped, covering her mouth with her palm. She could not believe her eyes, she saw her mother speaking to her husband! Mandy ran out of her hiding place. "Mother!" She yelled. Her mother jumped like someone who got caught stealing. She could see the rage on Mandy's face, and started pleading to pacify her.“Mother, what is this man doing here?" Mandy asked. "Mandy, please calm down. He is just here to see me" her mother replied."Here to see you? If he had killed you the other day he came here, would he still come here to see you ? Absolutely not! You would have been six feet under the ground!" "| apologize on his behalf, Mandy" "You don't get to apologize on his behalf, mother. By the way, why did you let him into the farm? "He just wants to see me, please let him" her mother continued to plead. Mandy scoffed. "Mother, if you
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Chapter 28
"Mark? Talk to me" Mandy said. Mandy kept urging Mark to talk to her but he kept mute and was still crying. She didn't know how to pacify him to make him open up to her. Mandy led him to sit on the couch, waiting for him to gather himself. Maybe he needed time and Mandy was ready to give him the time he needs, to put himself together. Mark stopped crying, wiped his face and was now looking at Mandy.“Are you ready to talk now? “Yes Mandy, | am ready to tell you everything" Mark replied."So why were you crying, Mark? you can tell me anything" Mark almost hesitated but Mandy nodded in his direction to urge him on. "Promise me you will keep it to yourself" Mark Said, with an expression that got Mandy worried. Mandy didn't know if she could make such a promise, as she won't hesitate to tell their mother or raise and alarm, if Mark's life or anyone's life was in danger. "You can tell me Mark, and be rest assured | will keep it to myself if it's something that won't get you in tr
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Chapter 29
"What! Mandy yelled, and tried to cover her mouth immediately. Bosey kept writing on the paper he held. "YES, SOMEONE BUGGED THE MANSION" Mandy's eyes widened with shock. Mandy and Bosey quietly walked into the room to avoid being heard by the listening device. When they got to the room, Bosey checked for more listening devices but couldn't find any, which made Mandy relieved. At least they had somewhere that'll be safe for them to talk, she thought."No bugs here, right? We are free to talk here? Mandy asked.."Yes, Mandy we are free to talk here" Mandy paced back and forth. She turned to Bosey. "How could someone have bugged my house? When, and how did this even happen?!!" Mandy queried."| fear those intruders may have done this" Bossy replied, still trying to keep his voice low."The intruders? But they were caught by you, before they escaped and ran away" "Yes , | know | caught them, but | have no idea how long they were in here for, before | caught them" "This is so craz
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Chapter 30
"Norman? Are you sure about that, mother? Bosey asked, unsure of what his mother was saying. "Yes | am very sure of it, son. Although | could not see them properly, but as they were leaving | saw his back, then he turned to face your father and that was when | saw his face completely" she insisted.Bosey could not wrap his head around this. He looked at Norman, then he turned to his mother."Are you sure you are not mistaken, mother?" "lam not, Bosey. | am absolutely sure! It's him! "Bosey was surprised his mother pointed at Norman, because he and Norman were friends in college until he started working for Frank, which made them drift apart from each other. Bosey could remember how disciplined Norman was. But one thing Bosey wasn't sure of at the moment was if Norman was still the Norman he used to know. Bosey made it a point of duty to dig into Norman when he had the chance. But first, he could see Mandy walking towards them, he would tell her about Norman later, he concluded with
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