All Chapters of Alpha Dragon: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
137 Chapters
Chapter 61
SarnFor two more days I feel like shit, but I guess after three-hundred and sixty-five plus days of being inebriated it's to be expected. On the fifth day, I eat the soup Sierra brings and for the first time, the food decides to stay down. The alcohol cravings continue and the body trembles are still there, which makes me feel weaker than I probably am. So much sweat has drenched the sheets on the bed that the entire cabin is beginning to smell like raw sewage. I'm glad when my mind seems much clearer after the meal and my headache subsides.Sierra has been as quiet as the bears when she brings my meals. Of course, she wears those outrageous outfits that make me think of wild sex. Her sweet smile tells another story, though, and her innocence keeps me from making suggestive comments. The question that keeps fluttering through my mind is why do I crave those short visits by her as much as I crave alcohol?I take a last drink of the water and lift myself from the bed. My eyes land on t
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Chapter 62
SarnI almost step in, but Sierra clocks him in the muzzle with her fist and shouts, "Yes, it is my business if it makes you so unhappy. Our parents wouldn't want that and they won't love you any less." After a short hesitation, she releases him and places her hands on her hips. "You are a chicken shit. I don't see a mate for either of us hanging around. You will never have a chance if you don't admit the truth and decide to live your life as the person you truly are. Now get out of here and only come back when you want to apologize for being such an ass to Sarn."Roland turns in my direction and bares his teeth. I have no trouble deciphering that he isn't giving me an apology just yet. He suddenly turns his large body in the direction of the door where several bear shifters are peeking inside. He sweeps past them without another glance at me or Sierra."Close the damn door and all of you mind your own business," Sierra shouts at the gathering crowd. She doesn't give them time to do m
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Chapter 63
Sarn"Do you like it?"Sierra looks so hopeful but I downplay how wonderful it is. I finish chewing and take a long drink of water before answering. "It's good." Her lips purse slightly and I try again, "It's really good."Now her smile lights up her face. "I'm glad. My other mother, Amy, taught me this recipe and I've always loved it.""Other mother?" I ask before I can stop myself. I shouldn't be encouraging conversation. I need to maintain a mental distance from what she is obviously offering. I'm not an idiot and her wanting to be friends is a ruse. She desires me as much as I desire her."My birth mother was killed a few weeks after she gave birth to my brother and me. Marcus, the liege of the Southwest Clan, and his mate, Amy, raised me and my brother for a few years. When my father mated again, we moved to Florida to be with his new clan. I grew up traveling between the clans and spent many hours in the kitchen with Amy."She smiles wistfully at the memories she conjured and it
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Chapter 64
SierraSarn's pain fills the room like a heavy shroud. He's angry and desolate. I know some of the story that brought him to this point. He grieves for his dead bride and he did something to upset the other dragons. I have no clue what it is. I head back into the kitchen and fill two more plates with the leftover food from the stove.I sit Sarn's fresh plate of pork and rice in front of him. "Sorry," I mutter before meeting his eyes. "I have a temper and the easiest way to bring it out is to say something bad about my brother." Heat creeps into my cheeks. "Or make me think you're insinuating something bad. We're very close and his heartache is mine even though he tries to keep me from feeling it." My eyes drop and I sit in my chair again. I tip my head so I can see him from the corner of my eye and wave my hand at his plate. "Please eat. You need the calories."Sarn picks up the new fork resting on his plate and eats every last bite. I like watching him enjoy the meal after seeing him
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Chapter 65
SierraThe following morning, in my wolf form, I charge through the forest at breakneck speed. An angry dragon is one thing-a dragon without hope quite another. I escaped the cabin yesterday as soon as I could. I didn't want to love Sarn, though it may be impossible not to. I'm now running to try to take the spunk out of my wolf who wants the dragon in our bed. I want him there too, but it's easier to deny if my wolf is tired. So I run.In front of me there's a thick copse of trees and I make a sudden turn and leap over a broken tree branch. I'm not expecting to run into the dragon out here, but that's exactly what happens. My claws dig into the pine needles and earth, but I can't stop in time and literally knock Sarn off his feet. I roll away and shift to human at the same time. "I'm sorry," I say as I try to help him stand. He brushes away my hands and gains his feet on his own. His stunned look turns into a smirk as his eyes run over my naked form. Crap, this is the last thing I ne
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Chapter 66
SarnShe truly sees me. Not just my pretty human face, but my dragon in all its glory. Her eyes shine and she doesn't back away or even tremble. Her gaze eats me up like I'm the finest dessert. Her tongue runs over her lips and I watch all of this from three stories above her. I want her so bad it hurts. I could love her as I've loved my brides. It would be so incredibly easy.With a powerful flap of my wings, I rise into the sky. Dmitri assured me this morning that I could fly freely within his territory. Right now, I must get away from Sierra and contain my thoughts of having her as a bride. I am such a pathetic excuse for a dragon. My answer for everything is to run. Usually straight to a bottle. Right now I want a drink like nothing else. No, that's not true. I want Sierra as my bride more.She shifts and follows me for an hour. I lose her in a mountain range where I land and hide behind a high group of rocks until I sense she's gone. What the hell is wrong with me? Maybe it's bec
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Chapter 67
SierraI've always loved the sense of freedom I get when I'm in wolf form. No human could ever understand. Now, I'm on the back of a dragon as we shoot through the sky and I'm envious of what Sarn can do. My freedom is nothing compared to this. The wind swipes my hair back and causes my eyes to water. Everything about flying is magnificent. My beastkind blood keeps me warm, and I could fly on Sarn for hours without tiring.He performs a quick roll and I manage to hold on with my stronger-than-human legs and arms. I yell with the gloriousness of what he is capable of doing. My wolf needs to feel the full effect of what is happening. "May I shift, dragon?"He gives me one of his grunts again before answering. "Can you shift and remain on my back?" he asks.I can't believe he's going to allow it. "No more somersaults, but yes I think I can." I gain my knees, resting against his neck where it joins the larger section of his body. I pull in the magic and instantly I'm on four legs instead
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Chapter 68
SarnShe vexes me so and I need a drink. She has no idea the danger she faces when around me. Until I told her what happened, I'd forgotten for a short time. Forgotten the look and smell of Roxanne's burned flesh-her whimpers and the devastation on Laryn's face when he saw what I'd done to his bride."Damn she-wolf," I mutter again. I finally locate my sweats and storm back to the cabin after pulling them on. I'm not at all happy when I see her brother waiting. Are all these beastkind animals without self-preservation? I need my dragon realm where everyone but other dragons fear and bow to me. They wouldn't dare be waiting in front of our homes with an attitude.Roland blocks my path when I attempt to charge past him. If he wants to play, I'll be happy to oblige. He's not quite as tall or as broad as I am, but he's still a large guy. Before he suspects what I'm planning, I grab his arm and twist him around. A firm shove sends him to the ground face first. He gazes up from the ground w
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Chapter 69
SarnI finally make it to the tall grass that surrounds the lake. It's a peaceful area with a stunning view of trees and mountains. I shuck my sweatpants and wade in. The water is cool and refreshing. Exactly what I need. I swim out to the deeper section and float while thinking on my sins. There are so many that I'm not even sure where to begin. Burning Laryn's bride is always at the top of the list. Trying to take Ashrac away from his parents a close second. But my mind wanders to all my past brides. Each beautiful in their own way-forced to be with me and make the best of their fate. I know they loved me, but what choice did they actually have? They couldn't escape me and I'm sure loneliness guided their hearts as it did mine. Because they are born in claiming years, they are raised differently than other girls in their village. A group of potential brides must wait until the actual claiming to see who the special chosen virgin is. The others go on about their life while a single w
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Chapter 70
SierraOur joining was too amazing to even put into words. I feel different somehow-older, wiser, settled. Maybe now I am truly a woman and no longer the child I run from. The only other man I've been with was pleasant enough after the first time we had sex, but it was nothing like this. What I just experienced was a joining of more than two bodies. Sarn completed me in some indescribable way. My blood pulsed to the beat of his heart and I felt a current traveling from me to him and back again. I could rest within his arms for centuries and be satisfied.The only thing strange is that my wolf is surprisingly quiet. Maybe for once, she's as content as I am. I finally pull my head from Sarn's shoulder and look into his eyes. He immediately avoids my gaze.What the hell?He will not turn away from me after what we just shared. "Sarn, are you all right?"He laughs, but it's not a pleasant sound. I reach up and jerk his hair so he's forced to turn back to me. "You will tell me what's wrong
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