All Chapters of Marked By The Alpha's Son: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
52 Chapters
Chapter 21
PAISLEY'S POV I was still freaking out in shock at what happened a few minutes ago. Just today within a few minutes I saw a gun being used and a human being falling dead to the floor. I have never seen such a horrific thing before in my life but today I finally did. I was in trauma from that shock, I was terrified of Killian and the fact that he had a gun with him… Two at that, how did he get a gun? I still couldn't help but run into the arms of the person that just killed a human being for comfort. The look on Killian's face after shooting the man dead wasn't a look of a novice, it was a look of someone that did what they are used to doing. He didn't look guilty or anything about the dead man on the floor. All he did was tuck the guns at the back of his suit trouser and pulled me closer. "My Love, I'm so sorry that you had to see that." He whispered softly as he pecked my head and led me out of the hall which was in chaos. I stood by the car hiccuping heavily due to my e
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Chapter 22
PAISLEY'S POV "Killian, who are you?" I asked, gazing into his almost intimidating silver colored eyes that rather held guilt. There were a lot of things I needed to know cause I'm way more confused than I have ever been. How did Killian get a gun? How was he able to shoot it so skillfully like it wasn't a first time for him? If that isn't suspicious then I don't know what is. I watched his Adam's apple roll in and lump out in a nervous gulp. Yes, Nervous. Killian was looking hell nervous and guilty, I could tell that he was searching for words to use and he was finding that hard and intimidating. He sat down on the edge of the bed, staring down at the floor as he sighed. "Don't mistake my silence for nervousness, I'm not nervous. I have never been, I'm just being careful not say something that will scare you away from me" He said and raised his dazzling silver eyes at me. Why am I admiring his beauty in this very serious moment? What could he possibly have to say that w
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Chapter 23
PAISLEY'S POV "You dated Mason!?" I yelled astoundedly, I still couldn't believe it. "Mason never acted like he has ever had anything to do with a girl, he acted like he had never seen a vagina before" I said as she laughed. "Yeah, that's Mason for you and that was one of the reasons we broke up, Mason made me keep our relationship a secret. He denied having a girlfriend to my face, he treated me like he was ashamed of me or something" She uttered in a frail voice, I could see the glimmer of tears in her eyes and I felt really sorry for her. I wanted to pull her into a comforting embrace but I have known Daciana to be the type that hates being pitied but, I couldn't hide my feelings. If Mason I knew to be a very responsible good guy could treat Daciana like nothing then what would be my fate? I admired Daciana so much, she was strong and everything people said I wasn't… She was exactly the kind of person they would want for Killian, if not that she was a vampire. She was pr
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Chapter 24
KILLIAN'S POV I sat in my office in front of the wide TV screen, I could see Paisley lying on the bed sleeping. I was supposed to be working or connecting to my team in New York but hearing that Mason called my mate got me in rage. I had cameras fixed in every corner of the house ever since the attack at the birthday party. I knew that Paisley wasn't safe and I needed to put extra eyes on her. Of course, no one knew that I had camera's around. I didn't trust anyone enough to disclose that. She wouldn't listen to me, Mason is a shit hole and can't be called her friend but it seems like he had manipulated her into thinking he was a good friend. *FLASH BACK* I walked into one of my restaurants in New York with a straight face as all my workers greeted me with an unnecessary smile on their face, I could see Mason seated alone and biting off his fries which I'm sure he wouldn't pay for. "Hey" I said in a calm, serious tone and sat opposite him. "Why am I here, Killian?" He
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Chapter 25
PAISLEY'S POV Killian, Daciana and I were seated around the dinning table having lunch quietly, I was so engrossed in the chicken wings I was biting off from. Daciana has been the one cooking and to be honest? She is way better than me at cooking so I had to leave the job for her. The chicken wing tasted so good that I was more focused on it than the pasta. There was a pint of blood on the table right next to Dacianas plate which she usually took after having an abnormal meal, as she calls it. "Hmm, yeah. Daciana, I'm sure Killian must have told you about our short vacation to Miami. Would you like to join us?" I politely asked as she gulped down the food in her mouth and smiled while shaking her head. "That's a couples trip, I can't go there and be oppressed because of my single life" She laughed as I chuckled in understanding, I would totally feel the same way if I were her. "You both, I'm expecting a visitor soon. He is coming over to drop something off so… Incase" Ki
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Chapter 26
KILLIAN'S POV I smirked at her reaction to my revelation, of course it was expected she reacted like that. I know the in and out of my mates life and even if I didn't get to find the humans she slept with, I knew about Draco's betrayal. I thought Draco was my friend and would never think of being disloyal, he has done a lot of tasks for me and had come back with good results so I had thought he would be a great fit to stalk Paisley's movements. I also had my men do the Job but I needed more eyes. Draco and my men would always send me good or complicated updates about Paisley's movements until one day, I got an unexpected call from one of my men about Draco going into a hotel with Paisley. I was hurt and deranged, showing his face to Paisley was never part of the deal so I knew that he intentionally wanted to be with my mate… Probably thinking that he was my only spy. Ever since then I have been planning on a smart way to get rid of Draco's life. I had him come down to Mex
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Chapter 27
PAISLEY'S POV After the story my mate told, I suddenly felt the need to cling on him always to show him that I am safe and he didn't need to always protect me. I still doubted that Mason would ever dare to hurt me, I mean. Mason and I had been very close friends a year and almost six months before Killian found me so… It's really going to be unreasonable to bring your friend into a beef she doesn't know about, because you have issues with her mate. And Mason does not seem like such a low life dum dum to me. I also had in mind to talk to Killian about the Charity ball I found out about on TV which luckily was holding in Mexico, it wouldn't take a too long drive. I'm sure, but I'm anxious to know if he would accept. This is the first thing I have gotten so interested in since I came to Mexico and I was really eager to go for the ball. Back in New York City I had the habit of sending little gifts like my food and old clothes to the homeless and I was quite popular amongst them
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Chapter 28
PAISLEY'S POV EIGHT MONTHS AGO Weeks ran by turning into months, I and Killian had grown to know each other better, he was so loving and gentle with me. He was a very good listener, he didn't have much issues if not that he has anger issues and is very controlling. He made me stop going to work because of his crazy insecurities of men flocking around me and I found that very unreasonable. I decided to ask for permission to stay out of work for two months with some crazy excuse which luckily they bought. Killian made me live with him and my parents approved of it due to who he was and because he is my mate, I didn't have a problem living with him anyways. He was a very loving man and he took care of me and my family. Soon I finally gave into his advances to have sex with me, he had been very patient with me which I knew was rare amongst men. I always knew that he deserved to pop my cherry and that was it! I willingly gave it to him. I was happy that my first sex was with
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Chapter 29
KILLIAN'S POV I totally lost control, I lost control more than I thought I would. Watching her scared eyes gaze at me while she took off her clothes without me even making the first move was frustrating. I wanted to stop myself from doing this but I couldn't. I wasn't myself at all. Her clothes fell to the ground leaving her with just her panties on, the sight of her dazzling body was igniting my lust and desire. I watched as she slowly walked towards me, I was fighting the urge to tear her panties off and take her roughly on the glass partition but she was making it so damn hard for me. "Killian" she whispered as her gaze softened at me. "Do whatever you feel like doing with me," She said as she placed her hand on my chest, the spark I felt was a spark of bond but the darkness in me couldn't let me express it. I wanted to go wild on her. "touch me. Stop fighting it" It's either Paisley or none other! She was made out of my own ribs. I was breathing so high as I fought wit
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Chapter 30
PAISLEY'S POV "Bend down, Paisley!" Killian's voice called out loudly, before I could register what he said, I heard a gunshot making me scream as I fell to the ground and the bullet hit the glass partition which surprisingly turned out to be bullet proof. The gunners kept spreading the bullet obviously trying to get me but I was lying flat on the balcony floor, crying, screaming and trying to crawl into the room. Before I knew it, Killian drew out a gun from his back pocket as he matched into the balcony not even a bit scared that a bullet might hit him. There was a long gun battle between Killian and the gun men and I was so scared for him but suddenly the guards downstairs started shooting too and distracting the gun men from us. "Killian, you risked yourself!" I cried as I jumped into his body, I noticed the blood stain on the left side of his chest as tears rolled down my eyes. What if it affected his heart? "Babe? Your chest" I panicked as he pecked my lips. "It
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