All Chapters of Alpha Alvize: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
90 Chapters
Chapter 61
Elena:Alvize gently laid me on his bed back at the Estate as Viktor opened the door for us.The beta’s eyes were confused as he took sight of me, but I didn’t have the energy to think of a proper response to give anyone if they asked, and needless to say, I had to admit that it was the least of my concerns to begin with.I curled up on the center of the bed, knowing that Alvize didn’t mind me being with my shoes on the bed right now. If anything, I didn’t even have the energy to take them off after everything that happened today. “What happened?” Viktor asked, his voice above a whisper as he spoke. Alvize sighed in response, silently letting his beta know not to ask before he dismissed him. He walked toward the bed and slowly sat on the edge of the bed to take my shoes off. I didn’t bother moving, Alvize knew that I would do the same if he was in my position, but I couldn’t help but feel helpless. My heart ached, and my chest burned with each breath that I took as the picture of t
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Chapter 62
Alvize:I woke up to Elena running her finger over my chest.Her chest rose and fell with each breath that she took, but she didn’t bother saying a word as she lay in my arms.I tightened my grip around her, silently letting her know that I was there for her and that I could read through her pain.It broke me inside to know that I couldn’t do anything to help mend her scars, but I knew that the pain that she was in was more than she could handle.The fact that the woman that she considered her friend turned her back on her the way that she did hurt me more than I could admit, mostly because I genuinely did think that she was her friend. However, to see her choosing to accuse her the way that she did, watching as she broke the way she did, it killed me inside.“Do you want to freshen up, malyshka?” I whispered, catching her attention. Elena froze for a second before nodding. I knew that she would want to take a shower, but I didn’t know how she would be feeling about getting out of bed
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Chapter 63
Elena:I ran my fingers through my hair as I undid my knots before applying a little makeup to my swollen face, wanting to somewhat hide the pain that I was feeling. But I wasn’t stupid, I knew that it would take a lot more than that to do so; however, that was the last thing that I wanted to think of right now.I don’t even remember the last time that I cried as much as I did yesterday, but I had to admit, having Alvize by my side through it made it somewhat easier for me. The man was an angel sent to me, and that was something that I would forever owe him for doing. The sacrifice that he made as he shut his feelings for my sake was one that I was never going to forget, nor was I going to be able to repay him for.The way he wrapped his arms and the way he held me to his chest, assuring me that things would be alright, the way he spoke, the way he would kiss me. Everything just made my aching heart swell as a spec of hope sparked in it.I knew that he was listening to my every move f
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Chapter 64
Alvize:I couldn’t help the frown that formed on my lips as I processed Elena’s words.That meant that the fucking bastard could have been hearing us at our house, and that was something that I couldn’t help but grow angry about.“Alvize?” Elena asked, catching up to my anger as I walked out of the office. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed before turning around to face her. Her eyes held more fear in them than I would have liked to see, but I understood her reasons. The fucking bastard was already aware of our movements, and hence why he was either always prepared or we were always one step behind. “What do you suggest that we do?” She asked, letting me know that she was trusting me on this. The fact that I knew that our friendship, or relationship, if I could call it that by now, was based on her trusting me was something that I loved. But I knew that things were going to be a lot more complicated now, and I just hoped that I was worth that trust. “We are going to be figh
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Chapter 65
Elena: I hissed in pain as Alvize put his hand on the bullet wound, his pain obvious in his eyes as he looked at me, knowing that I was hurting. “I am fine, Alvize. We just have to clean this up,” I said, and he shook his head. He kissed my shoulder gently, letting his lips linger there for a few seconds before pulling away to look me in the eye. “You are obviously injured and in pain…” “I am not, Alvize.” I said, and he shook his head at me. His eyes met mine and I connected my lips with his. “How the fuck did you get this bullet wound again?” Donatello asked, raising an amused eyebrow. I shrugged my shoulders and he shook his head. The fact that I trusted Alvize with this was something that I wouldn’t have expected if anyone paid me to. But the fact that he asked me to do so, now that was something that I loved and admired. “I shot her,” Alvize said, taking his father by surprise. “You did not shoot me, you shot the fucking demon.” I said, glaring at him and he rolled his eyes
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Chapter 66
Alvize:I watched as my mate slept in peace before they took her to the operation room.Her words played in my head as I processed the fact that she admitted that she was in love with me. Though at this point, I wasn’t even sure whether it was because she was worried about the operation or if it was her trying to assure me, I knew that I couldn’t find myself saying it back.My chest ached, but I knew that I had to control myself for her sake. She would need me to be strong, and I had a fucking demon that I needed to fucking get answers from. I kept my eyes on her, watching as her chest rose and fell with each breath that she took until they closed the door, separating the two of us. There wasn’t even a glass wall for me to be able to see what was going on. I just had to trust that the doctors here knew what to do.Ezra put his hand on my shoulder, breaking the train of my thoughts. I put my hand on his, squeezing it gently and he smiled. “She will be okay, Alvize.” “I know,” I said,
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Chapter 67
Killian: I watched from a distance as they performed the surgery on Elena. The window that was in the operating room gave me a full view of her, and I had to admit, I couldn’t help but admire the Russian beauty. It was only a shame that she didn’t even know what she was capable of doing, and that she was also a D’Caprio woman. Lia, the woman that I grew up loving, watched her from the window. I read the guilt in her eyes, and though I wasn’t sure whether it was toward the injured woman or toward herself. The woman should have known better than to choose a man who would not put her above everyone and everything else, but then again, I should have known that she wasn’t as wise as I thought that she was since I saw her. I looked at the watch that was in my hand as I waited for the sun to go down. They were far too stupid if they believed that I was going to let them be with the demon. To say the least, I needed to be the one to kill him. The last thing that I wanted was to be one
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Chapter 68
Alvize:“If it isn’t our favorite demon.” I said, smiling sarcastically as I entered the basement where the fucked up bastard was tied.His eyes met mine and he growled, trying to free himself from the retrains that held him in place. The steel was supposed to keep him tied until we aimed to kill him. But considering the fact that the blade was in Italy, it was going to take us a bit more time before that happened. Needless to say, he was more worthy to me alive than dead; therefore, keeping him alive for a while longer was something that I didn’t mind. Provided, of course, that he didn’t annoy me enough to kill him.“I take it that your little wolf is the one who sent you here, isn’t she?” He asked and I chuckled, shaking my head at him before I took a step forward. I knew that the man was trying to test my patience to kill him. The metal burned him, forcing him to feel the fire as it coursed through his veins, and that was a torment that he wanted to stop. To him, being dead right
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Chapter 69
Elena:My chest rose and fell with each breath that I took as I fought the pain that I felt.My head hurt despite my sleep, and though I was supposed to be unconscious, I couldn’t help but feel everything that there was around me.The beeping sounds.The voices of the doctors.Everything just played in my mind behind the closed shields that were called eyelids.“I am curious to know why you are fighting this,” I heard his voice, the Lycan’s, in my head. I opened my eyes, though I was aware that they were not open, and looked at the man who smirked. The doctors were working on my wound while I lay still and I frowned as I realized that my soul wasn’t in my body. “He is my mate, and I think that this is enough reason,” I said, taking a step toward him. The doctors scrambled around in the room and I shook my head, knowing that the Lycan was having this effect on me to ensure that we spoke. “The main question is, what are YOU gaining out of this? Surely you don’t expect me to believe tha
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Chapter 70
Alvize:“Why didn’t anyone call me?” I asked, frowning as I heard what happened to my mate. I ran toward her and took her hand in mine, feeling her pulse despite being able to hear it as I tried processing what happened. I had walked out of the basement with an amused smile despite the anger that I felt. The demon played with more fire than I thought he would, and though it was hard to keep myself controlled in front of him. However, now, the anger that I felt at my family for keeping something like this from me was one that I couldn’t describe if I tried. To say the least, I wouldn’t have expected them to leave me to tend to a demon when my mate needed me by her side. It would have given her the strength that she needed to fight if something was hurting her. But no, they decided to keep something like this from me, and that wasn’t something that I was going to be able to ignore or let go of.“The last thing that we wanted to do was distract you while you were speaking to a demon. I
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